Physical Security Flashcards
The two primary purposes of physical security are protection and?
A guard checking IDs at the gate of an installation is a good example of what type of security?
Point Security
The layering of PS countermeasures such as fencing, guards, cameras, lighting and locks?>
Security in depth
Before you can conduct a risk analysis based on the impact and likelihood of an unwanted event happening, what steps in the risk management process must you take first?
identify vulnerabilities
Which policy guidance would you consult to find the minimum standards for the physical protection of DoD assets?
DoD 5200.08-R, Physical Security Program
Which policy should you consult to find the physical security requirements of protecting classified information?
DoDM 5200.01, volume 1-4 DoD Information Security Program
Which policy authorizes commanders to issue regulations for the protection or security of property and places under their command?
DoDI 5200.08, Security of DoD Installation and Resources and the DoD Physical Security Review Board
Who is charged with management, implementation, and direction of all physical security programs?
Physical Security Officer
Who is responsible for providing valuable information on the capabilities, intentions and threats of adversaries?
CI Support
Who is responsible for developing countermeasures against potential threats to national security and other DoD assets?
OPSEC officer
Which of the following individuals should be included in a Threat Working Group
ATO, CI, LE, OPSEC, Information, CBRNE
Which of these can be made of solid steel to make them more attack resistant
Which of these house ventilation systems that should be secured with steel bars?
Which of these should be covered with a protective film to make them less dangerous in an attack?
Which of the follow locks are approved to secure classified information or material
Kaba Mas X-10, S&G 8077/AD
True/False: Standby lighting is used when regular lighting is not available
True/False: Site lighting is used to enable guard force personnel to observe activities inside or outside the installation
True/False: Movable lighting is used when supplemental lighting is needed such as at construction sites
At a minimum what should include special and general guard orders, access and material control, protective barriers, lighting systems, locks, and IDS
Physical Security Plans
What establishes duties, roles, and responsibilities at individual assignments, checkpoints, gates, and guard posts?
Post Orders
What provides supplemental guidance for physical security programs and establish procedures for emergency events as well as operational and administrative procedures?
True/False: Commanders may only implement measures according to the FPCON level in force at the time
True/False: Commanders must comply with and integrate DoD physical security and installation access control policies into their FPCON plans?
True/False: Commanders educate their personnel on the insider threat to DoD elements and personnel
Why is exterior security lighting necessary on DoD installations and facilities?
to illuminate sensitive areas or structures to discourage or deter intruders, to facilitate the detection of unauthorized persons entering or attempting malicious acts within the area
Which component in a light fixture changes the direction and controls the distribution of light rays?
Which component in a light fixture is used with an electric discharge light source to obtain the necessary circuit conditions of voltage, current, and waveform for starting and operating?
What is the technical term for a light fixture?
Which type of lighting should you use to keep security forces in relative darkness?
continuous lighting: glare projections
Which type of lighting should you use at a construction site on a DoD installation or facility?
portable lighting
Which type of lighting is triggered manually or automatically when suspicious activity is detected or suspected by the security force or alarm systems?
Standby lighting
Which policy document should you consult for specific lighting requirements for areas containing DoD sensitive conventional AA&E
DoDM 5100.76
Your installation is adjacent to a housing complex. Which of the following would you most likely take into consideration when planning security lighting on the perimeter of your installation to avoid negatively impacting the adjacent housing complex?
Light trespass, occurs when light from one area spills over into an adjoining area
Which of these factors allows security personnel to identify colors accurately?
Color Rendition
Which of these considerations do you think would be most important in ensuring security forces can clearly see the identification of visitors at checkpoints in the evening hours?
Vertical illuminance
What factors should you consider when designing exterior lighting systems?
design for simplicity and economy in system maintenance, provide protection for lighting fixtures, local weather conditions, wiring and grounding requirements, alternate power supply
Which type of light fixture should be used to light an airplane apron?
floodlight or projector, full cut-off
Which type of light fixture should be used to light large areas such as railroad yards and large parking lots?
high-mast lighting
Which type of lamps can be used in exterior locations and are more energy efficient than HID lamps?
solid state lighting or LED
What kind of lamps are metal halide and mercury vapor lamps?
high-intensity discharge
Which lamp has an average rated life of over 100K hours which is by far the highest?
Why types of lighting are used in building entrances and exits?
building-mounted, LED lamps, Fluorescent lamps, cutoff light fixtures
What type of pole-mounted lighting is appropriate for a housing area?
LED lamps, fluorescent lamps, metal halide lamps
Use glare project lighting to keep patrol units unlit
Use controlled lighting to keep patrol routes in relative darkness?
Use controlled lighting. The width of the light strip depends on the clear zones inside and outside the fence
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used for pedestrian walkways
pole-mounted light fixtures with LED, induction, or fluorescent lamps
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used for roads, streets, and driveways
pole-mounted light fixtures with LED, induction, or metal halide lamps
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used for open storage spaces?
pole-mounted light fixtures with LED, induction, or metal halide lamps
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used on docks, piers and marinas?
pole-mounted, high mast, fully shielded light fixtures with LED or metal halide lamps
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used for restricted areas?
building-mounted with LED, induction, metal halide, or compact fluorescent lamps
Which combination best reflects lighting that should be used for AA&E storage areas?
canopy-mounted, fully shielded or area fixtures with LED, induction or metal halide lamps
What types of lighting are required for aircraft aprons?
pole-mounted, adjustable apron light fixtures with internal and external louvers
What are different types of access control points requiring unique lighting requirements?
vehicle and pedestrian approach zones, vehicle access zones, gatehouses, under vehicle inspections, semi-active and inactive entrances
True/False: the risk management process must be used to plan which physical security measures should be utilized to protect DoD assets
True/False: oversight tools are important in ensuring that physical security is being implemented appropriately
True/False: cost vs. benefit must always be considered when planning the protection of DoD assets
True/False: physical security countermeasures must always be planned for when designing a facility
True/False: AA&E can be described as a DoD Assets?
What could be described as a threat>?
True/False: an open unattended installation gate is considered a vulnerability
True/False: a fence is considered a countermeasure
True/False: the loss of life is considered a risk
Who is responsible for the installations AT program?
Who is responsible for providing valuable information on the capabilities, intentions, and threats of adversaries
CI support
Who analyzes the threats to assets and their vulnerabilities?
Who must be included in the intelligence gathering process so that they can be a part of coordinating emergency responses and criminal incidents on a federal installation?
Who is charged with the management, implementation, and direction of all physical security programs
Who is responsible for the safety of people and property under their command
installation commander/facility directors
Who is responsible for mitigating risks against Defense Critical Infrastructure assets that support the mission of an installation or facility
DCIP officers
True/False: flashlights are a reliable form of continuous lighting
True/False: emergency lighting depends on the power supply of the utility company
What is often used as a temporary barrier when rolled out on the ground
Concertina wire
What can be used as permanent standalone fencing but is more often used as an outrigger on the top of the chain link fence
Barbed wire
What is more difficult for intruders to scale
metal ornamental high-security fencing
What is a common type of perimeter fencing for DoD facilities
Chain-link fencing
True/False: securing man-passable openings is one of the most overlooked physical security protective measures
True/False: IDS prevent unauthorized entry
True/False: Cost and risk must always be considered when planning which phyiscal security measures to use in a facility or installation
True/False: access control systems help to prevent unauthorized entry
True/False: CCTV can deter loss, theft, or misuse of government property and resources
Operational/administrative procedures for normal and emergency situations
Comprehensive protective measures for an installation, facility, or activity
Roles and responsibilities for individual work areas such as checkpoints and guard gates
Post orders
Provisions for back-up facilities, utilities, communication and computer systems, and transportation in the event of a major emergency
Provisions for one entity, such as DoD activity or local law enforcement, fire, and medical services, to provide security assistance to another entity
True/False: Combatant Commanders issue both DoD Terrorist threat levels and FPCONS
True/False: Both the DIA and COCOMs issue FPCON
True/False: Installation commanders and facility directors issue DoD Terrorist threat levels
True/False: Terrorist threat levels are based on information about terrorist groups such as their operational capability and their intentions
True/False: FPCONS are based on various factors, such as terrorist threat analyses and DoD Terrorist Threat levels
System that standardizes the identification and recommended preventive actions and responses to terrorist threats against U.S. Assets
The prevention and detection of terrorist attacks against DoD assets as well as the preparation to defend against and planning for the response to the consequences of terrorist incidents
DoD AT Programs
Intelligence threat assessments of he level of terrorist threat faced by U.S. personnel and interests
Terrorist threat levels
Actions taken to prevent or mitigate hostile actions against DoD assets such as DoD personnel, family members, resources, facilities, and critical information
Force Protection
Internal reviews conducted by members of the organization to aid internal control and ensure cost-effective security programs
Formal reviews conducted by senior officials in the chain of command
Compliance inspections
Validate baseline security posture when personnel assume security responsibilities or as a prelude to a formal inspection
staff assistance visits
Can be self-initiated or directed by higher authorities to determine the physical security posture of an installation or facility
Most common and informal oversight tool; immediate action taken to correct deficiencies
day to day observations
True/False: An ESS is a component of an overall physical protection system
True/False: An ESS must be comprised of atleast two or more subsystems. Therefore, a stand-alone automated access control system, for example, would not constitute an ESS
True/False: An effective ESS must ensure that the time between detection of an intrusion and response by security forces is less than the time it takes for damage or compromise of assets to occur
You are tasked with planning an ESS for a DoD facility What regulatory guidance documents should be your primary reference?
UFC, 4-021-02 ESS
True/False: assets, threats and vulnerabilities are all part of the risk calculation
True/False: threats against an asset are determined when you conduct a site survey
False: they are determined through a threat assessment
True/False: You must consider operational and maintenance costs of an ESS when comparing the value of an asset to be protected versus the cost of the ESS to protect an asset
What can an AACS do to protect assets in a facility
allow authorized personnel to enter a controlled area after verifying credentials, assist in preventing unauthorized personnel from entering a controlled area, communicate with CCTV for assessment purposes, Communicate with an IDS to sound an alarm to alert security personnel of unauthorized entry attempts.
A high-security facility requires an AACS that makes it extremely difficult to duplicate the user’s form of verification for access. Which type of AACS is most appropriate for that facility?
You have been directed to purchase the least expensive type of AACS for a given facility. Which type of AACS should you choose?
Which type of AACS would allow you to use your CAC as the verification method for authorized entry into a controlled area
Which AACS feature would you implement to mitigate the risk of someone giving his or her credentials to another person to access a controlled area
Which AACS feature would implement to prevent individual cardholders from entering a selected empty controlled area unaccompanied
two person rule
Which AACS feature would you implement to prevent a person from following another person closely in order to gain ingress through the same porta when the authorized person’s credential grants access?
Which AACS features would you implement to facilitate egress from a controlled area
REX device
What are true of master key systems?
the great grand master key opens all the locks, they are convenient for managers, their use is discouraged
switching device; authorizes the operating mechanism to open the lock
operating mechanism; interacts with the switching device to allow or deny entry
Locking device; physically secures area or container
You need to decide what type of locking system to use for a storage closet. The closet does not hold classified or sensitive information, but you want to deter entry. Which type of key-operated lock should you use?
built in lock
You are making a decision about the locking system to be used in an area that stores bulk Confidential or Secret material. Which type of key-operated lock should you use?
The area you are securing contains conventional AA&E . Which type of key-operated lock should you use?
medium security padlock
What specification should you reference when reviewing the requirements that electromechanical locks meet?
Federal Specification FF-L-2740
You need to secure classified information, what locks do you use?
X-09, S&G 2937, S&G 8077
You are selecting combination locks for your facility and must consider the requirements and features of various combination locks. Which locks are current being produced and used?
S&G 2740B and Kaba Mass X-10
True/False: Storage containers and facilities protect valuable and/or sensitive assets by delaying unauthorized entry
True/False: Storage containers are categorized by how well they delay different types of unauthorized entry
True/False: Storage containers are important to our national security and to the safety of the general public
True/False: they are required only for the storage of classified information
What are things you need to consider when selecting storage containers?
whether the TS material being stored is a set of documents or a weapons systems, if the material is being stored in a war zone or not, whether a document is confidential or top secret, and whether the items being stored are conventional AA&E or nuclear weapons
True/False: In the DoD classified information may be stored in a non GSA approved dcontainer
True/False: COMSEC material is stored in GSA approved containers
True/False: Class V and VI are the only models of FSA approved storage containers that are being manufactured for the storage of classified information
True/False: Class V and VI models of GSA approved storage containers both provide protection against surreptitious, covert, and forced entry
What label must be displayed clearly on the face of the container in order for it to be used to store classified information
GSA approved label
What label is displayed on the face of the container and contains the serial number of the container
Number label
For containers manufactured beginning April 2007, which label is attached to the top inside of the control drawer and states that any modification of the containers that is not in accordance with FS 809 will invalidate the GSA approval of the container
Warning label
True/False: TS information can only be stored in GSA approved security container, secure room, or vault
True/False: vaults are more secure than secure rooms
True/False: Vault doors are made of hardened steel and must retain their original gray color
True/False: vaults are more secure than modular vaults
True/False: secure rooms and vaults may both be authorized for the open storage of classified information
True/False: safeguard keys, locks, and combinations at the same level of the classified information being stored
True/False: change combination when anyone with knowledge of the combination no longer requires access and when the container or lock has been subject to possible comprimise
True/False: store classified information with sensitive items or weapons
Ture/False: keep records of security containers, vaults, and secure rooms used for the storage of classified material as well as the openings and closing of these containers
Who provides construction and security requirements for SCIF
Director of National intelligence
Who provides accreditation for SCIFs
Defense Intelligence Agency
True/False: SCIF are used by the intelligence community to store classified information
True/False: SCIF are used by the DoD to store AA&E
True/False: SCIF are used to store sensitive compartmented information
True/False: SCIF are used to store nuclear weapons
True/False: warning signs must be posted at each boundary of a restricted area and must be conspicuous to those approaching on foot or by vehicle
True/False: The use of master key systems is acceptable in the storage of AA&E
True/False: The use of deadly force is authorized against anyone who enters a nuclear storage facility without proper authorization
True/False: securing drainage structures must be considered if they cross the fence line of an AA&E storage area
True/False: the continual barrier concept is commonly employed in nuclear storage facilities