Physical Organic Chemistry and Conformational Analysis Flashcards
What 5 tools can be used to provide indirect evidence for a mechanism?
Regio and stereochemistry of products and intermediates.
Structures of by-products.
Isotope labelling (common isotopes are 13C, 2D and even 18O).
Observing intermediates by: NMR, IR, UV-Vis, GC/HPLC, MS and EPR.
What 2 ways can short-lived intermediates be observed?
Use another selective mechanism only possible with the intermediate such as the Diels-Alder reaction.
Spin traps such as nitroxides can stablise radicals.
Give a way an Sn1 and Sn2 reactions can be told apart only comparing the reactant and product.
The reaction centre will invert in an Sn2 reaction.
What do mechanisms provide and hence why are they important to study?
The provide detailed descriptions of all elementary steps in a given reaction.
How can the possible conformations of a molecule change its reactivity? For example a long alkyl chain.
Conformations depending on solvent and temperatures can form that ‘wrap up’ and be blocked from reacting.
Which ring system size is the least strained in theory? How can this be demostrated? What is the take home message from this?
5-membered are the least strained in theory based on angle of the shapes.
Plotting the ring size against the heat of combustion per CH2 group shows that 6 membered rings are the most stable.
Cyclohexane rings and larger are considered strain free.
What is the actual shape taken by 3, 4, 5 and 6 membered rings? Comment on their stability and draw each of them.
3 - has to be planar, eclipsed C-H bonds are very strained
4 - a V shaped stucture forms with two atoms at the base, the twisting reduces eclipsing
5 - ‘open envolope’ shape, C-H bonds are almost ax/eq so are called psuedo axial and equitorial
6 - most stable form is the chair conformation but the boat and twist boat can also occur, the chair makes all C-H bonds staggered

Draw the ring flip mechanism.

Sketch, with values, the energy graph for a ring flip.

Why is axial tBu so much less favoured than axial iPr?
iPr only has 2 methyl groups so the hydrogen can be oriented to face the other axial groups to minimise the steric clash. With tBu, no possible rotation is possible to avoid the steric clash.
When looking at flat cyclohexane ring, how can you tell if groups will be equitorial or axial?
Define one direction for one atom as eq, the atoms adjacent will have eq positions in the other direction to the originial. The equitorial position will alternate in and out of the page around the ring.
How does a tBu group affect cyclohexane rings?
It acts as a locking group, where the conformation of the tBu group is in the axial position is heavily disfavoured.
How does the position of a leaving group on a cyclohexane ring affect the rate of substitution with a nucleophile?
The rate of nucleophilic attack is approximately 31x faster when the leaving group is in the axial position for two reasons
- The 1,3-diaxial interactions from the axial groups block the incoming nucleophile from the LUMO
- The nucleophile must substitute into the axial position which is disfavourable
Where will a nucleophile substitute onto when reacting with an epoxide on a cyclohexane ring?
Both epoxide bonds must be in the same direction without axial or equtiorial symmetry. Either way the nucleophile will substitute onto the epoxide in the opposite direction that the epoxide pointed in.
When reforming an epoxide group on a cyclohexane with both carbons in the ring after the epoxide has be Nu attacked, what are the stereochemical requirements of the LG and the O-?
After the substitution the groups will point different directions meaning the favoured conformation will be both groups equitorial. However for the ring closing to occur, there must be good overlap of orbitals which is only the case in the both axial conformation.
If the LG and O- are cis (one axial, one equitorial), the elimination cannot occur as the LG LUMO is too far away from the O-.
What is the structure of a sp2 hybridised group on a cyclohexane ring? Where does the sp2 group move to when attacked by a nucleophile?
It points in the plane the sp2 carbon makes with the 2 carbons it is attached to. This is between the axial and equitorial position but the group points up if it is attached to an up carbon.
The nucleophile can attack from either the equtiorial or axial position, wherever the attack is, the O- will then go to the opposite position. Large nuceophiles will react at the equitorial position (no 1,3-diaxial blocking), small nucleophiles will react at the axial position.
When reducing a tBu locked cyclohexyl carbonyl, which position will the hydride take for LiAlH4 and Li(s-Bu)3BH?
LiAlH4 is a small so can react in either position, hence reacts preferentially at the axial postion. This places the OH into the equitorial position.
Li(s-Bu)3BH is a large source of hydride so preferentially reacts at the equitorial position. This places the OH into the axial position.
What is the conformation of cyclohexene? Give a sketch and name it. How will it react with Br2 and bromonating agents?
It forms a half-chair.
The bromonium ion forms with both bonds pointing in the same direction, leaving the nucleophile to attack from the other side, forming the trans product.

Sketch bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane and explain how it has been named.
- Overall 7 carbons - hept
- 2 rings - bicyclo
- Identiy bridgehead carbons
- List the number of carbons in each bridge from the bridgehead, largest to smallest, bicyclo rings must have 3 bridge labels, including a 0 if there isn’t a third

How do reactions with more complicated ring systems need to be considered in terms of conformations?
The direction of attack of nucleophiles need to be considered since the confromation may block the reactants.
What do rate equations and kinetic orders tell you about a reaction?
They tell you the molecularity (elementary stoichemometry) of the rate determining step.
Give the definition and meaning of the activation entropy and enthalpy. How can these be calculated from experiment?
Activation entropy is a measure of the degrees of freedom in the system and is +ve for dissociative reactions and -ve for associative reactions.
Activation enthalpy measures the bond formation and dissociation, if equal numbers of bonds are made and broken, the value is < 100 kJ mol-1. If more bonds broken than formed, the value is > 100 kJ mol-1 and often much larger.
These are found from the Eyring equation by plotting ln(k/T) against 1/T.
What are the limitations of activation parameters?
- Only work well in the gas phase, solvation often changes the enthalpy-entropy balance. It can still be used for solutions but it is harder to interpret the data.
- Provide information for the rate determining step only.
- Information provided relates to the transition state only, but this can be used as a high energy version of the intermediates/products.
What is the basis of ‘extrathermodynamic’ relationship?
Different, seperate reactions (such as a hydrolysis and a reduction) are related provided they meet the following criteria:
- Changes in the object (the changing part of the reaction) are relatively small
- Changes in the object influence the process through a single effect
- The overall function (multiple reactions) is additive of the the seperate components such as the changing part of the molecule and the process
Why are ‘extrathermodynamic’ relationships important?
- They allow predictions to be made of the results of experiments
- The influence of objects on a process can be characterised
- Derivations give information about the objects
How can the linear free energy relationship be used when comparing an amide substitution reaction and a hydrolysis reaction? What causes derivations from this?
The free energy of activation for each reaction is recorded for several substituents and a linear relationship between the points is seen. What is occuring is the line is a measure of the electronic effect that the substituent is having. This means with one data point, the free energy of activation for the other can be recorded.
Derivations are caused by changes other than the substituents electronic effects such as the mechnaism, or steric effects.
How is Gibbs free energy of activation used practically in Hammett experiments?
What is the Hammet equation?
For irreversible reactions, log(k) is used. The Hammett equation is:
log(kX/kH) = ρ • σ
For reversible reactions, log(K) is used. The Hammett equation is:
log(KX/KH) = ρ • σ
ρ defines the properties of the reaction (e.g. forms +ve charge)
σ defines the properties of the substituent (e.g. has +I effect)
What is the reference for ρ and σ?
They are both in reference to hydrogen as kH/kH = log(1) = 0. ρ is set to 1 for the ionisation of a substituted benzoic acid. Therefore σ must equal 0 for hydrogen.
What is the physical meaning of σ for benzoic acids? Give an equation and what can be interpreted by the value of σ.
Using log rules, and the definitions of ρ = 1 for benzoic acid, following can be derived:
pKH - pKX = σ
For benzoic acid, pKH = 4.2 thus:
σ = 4.2 - pKX
Electron withdrawing substituents will stabilise the formed negative charge meaning that pKX < pKH (more acidic = more negative pKa) and σ > 0.
Hence electron donating groups will destablise the negative charge, making pKX more positive and σ < 0
How do you measure ρ values?
Using the Hammett equation in the form log(kX/kH) = ρ • σ, an experiment is done to find the log(kX/kH) values for many substituents and the σ values for each is plotted. The gradient will give the ρ value and the intercep should be 0.
What is the physical meaning of ρ? Give a numeric significance and how this can be interpreted.
By manipulating the Hammett equation, the following can be found:
kX = kH x 10ρ • σ
For simplicity NMe3+ is the substituent as σ = 1
Using different magnitudes of ρ, the effect of ρ on kX can be seen.
ρ = 0.2 kX = 1.6kH
ρ = -2 kX = 0.1kH
Hence ρ is the sensitivity of a given reactions to the electronic effect of the substituent
ρ > 0 means the reaction is facilitated by electron withdrawing groups (-ve charge formed in the RDS)
ρ < 0 means the reaction is facilitated by electron donating groups (+ve charge formed in the RDS)
What can be interepreted from the magnitude of ρ for a reaction?
Small values of ρ (< |0.5|) should be considered to be close to zero and not interepreted in terms of charge development. The magnitude of ρ depends on the distance between the charge and the substituent. This value increases if the charge can delocalise onto the ring.
Rough guide:
Charge on the ring ρ > 2
Charge next to ring, ρ ≈ 2
Charge one atom away from the ring ρ ≈ 1
Charge two atom away from the ring ρ ≈ 0
How are σ values adapted for each position on the ring?
There is a seperate σ value for the para and meta positions, σp and σm respectively. There are no ortho σ parameters since the sterics become too dominant.
How do the mesomeric and inductive effects of substituents affect the Hammett equation and when does the Hammett equation not work well?
The inductive effect is an inherent effect and the mesomeric effect is transmitted through the ring inductively. This is because the resonance will almost never make it off the ring so the inductive effect is from the aromatic carbon closest to it.
The normal Hammett equation doesn’t work well however when the reaction centre can delocalise onto the substituent.
How can σ parameters be adapted for the direct conjugation of a charge from a reaction centre onto the ring?
σ+ and σ- parameters have been developed which deal with direct conjugation onto a ring of a postive and negative charge respectively.
How should σ parameters be practically used?
There are 3 scenarios:
- The charge is not conjugated onto the ring - use σm and σp for meta and para substituents respectively on the same graph on the axis of σ.
- A positive charge is conjugated on the ring - use σm for the meta substituents, σ+ for the +M para groups and σp for the other para substituents. The axis should be labelled σ+.
- A negative charge is conjugated on the ring - use σm for the meta substituents, σ- for the -M para groups and σp for the other para substituents. The axis should be labelled σ-.
Overall, how are the different σ parameters used? Describe the process.
The correlation against σ, σ+ and σ- parameters can be used as a diagnostic tool to probe the location of charge.
- Measure reaction rates/equlibrium constants with a range of substituents including +M and -M groups in the para position.
- If log(kX) shows the best correlation with σ, the charge is not conjugated with the substituent.
- If log(kX) shows the best correlation with σ+, a positive charge is conjugated with the substituent.
- If log(kX) shows the best correlation with σ-, a negative charge is conjugated with the substituent.
How can the Hammett equation be used for aliphatic compounds?
Why can the Hammett equation include both the inductive and mesomeric effects despite the fact they are different effects.
Only inductive effects will occur so a seperate set of σ parameters are required. Typically they are σ* and σ0.
They are additive effects so while they can be split into σI (for inductive) and σR (for resonance) it has no much effect.
How do you account for multiple substituents in the Hammett equation?
You just sum the effect of the substituents.
What would be the origin of a non-linear Hammett plot?
If there is competing mechanims which will be favoured differently by the substituents meaning that with certain substituents, different mechanisms will be favoured.
The general rule is that if the Hammett plot is concave downwards, the reaction mechanism changes as you change the substituents.
What has occurred if a consecutive reactions Hammett plot has an upwards, concave shape?
The rate determining step changes from one step to another, hence the effects of the substituents changes.
How can σ be used in conjuction with spectroscopic data?
It can show the effect the substituents have on measurements such as the chemical shift and bond strength of a group/nuclei.
How do the strength of C-H and C-D bonds compare and by how much? Why is this the case?
The energyH for the vibration of the bonds are inversely proportional to the square root of the reduced mass of the atoms. Therefore, as D is double the mass of H, the C-D bond is a factor of √2 stronger than the C-H bond.
What is the kinetic isotope effect and what is the maximum effect that is expected to be seen?
The normal way of reporting KIE is kH/kD and the maximum value this takes is approx. 8-9 when the bond is half-broken in the transition state.
What is the primary KIE? Give an example of its effect.
The primary effect is where the X-H bond is broken in the rate-determining effect. kH/kD is always > 2.
What does the magnitude of the KIE mean when deducing a mechanism?
It describes how much the C-H bond is broken during the reaction, different groups can affect this.
What is the secondary KIE? Descibe it’s different effects and its magnitudes.
The secondary KIE is the kH/kD when the X-H bond is not broken in the RDS, it is always < 2. The alpha and beta affect are for when the H is attached to the alpha and beta carbons. The alpha effect is usual 0.8-1.4.
The normal effect is > 1 which comes from the reduction in frequency of the vibrations in an sp2 carbon which is favourable.
The inverse effect is < 1 and is for an sp2 to sp3 change which is unfavourable.