Physical Growth Flashcards
What are the changes in muscle-fat makeup for infants, childhood, adolescence?
Injuring birth and infancy fat peaks at nine months and girls have more. Muscle is added slowly.
During childhood, from around age 8, girls add more fat on arms legs and trunks than boys. Muscle is added slowly.
During adolescence fat is added for girls boys lose fat. Boys add more muscle.
When is the most rapid time of physical growth in human?
During infancy by the end of the first year typical infant height percent greater than 75% greater.
When is growth in height complete?
For girls by age 16 and for boys by age 17 1/2.
What age is girls taller than boys?
Around 10 to 11. At age 14 she is surpassed by the boy.
What is the best estimate of a child’s physical maturity?
Skeletal age, a measure of development of the bones in the body.
When does cartilage begin to harden into bone?
The embryonic skeleton starts to harden into bone on the sixth week of pregnancy and is a gradual process that continues throughout childhood and adolescence.
What is epiphyses?
It’s special growth centers that appear at the two extreme ends of each of the long bones of the body. Cartilage cells continue to be produced at these growth plates which increase in number throughout childhood and then start getting thinner and disappear as we age.
Explain the gross motor development for toddlers at two years old. What about from 3 to 6 years old. And adolescents?
Buy 2 years old preschoolers becomes smooth and rhythmic. They can start running and jumping by 3 and by 6 they hop Gallup and skip.
What are the social improvements for boys and girls when they are athletic?
More self esteem, social skills, sense of group belonging, communication with peers.
What are some sex differences in gross motor development between boys and girls in early and middle childhood?
Boys greater muscle mass helps them throw run and jump better however girls have and advantage in fine motor skills of writing and drawing and balance and agility such as hopping and skipping
What are the theories that boys are better and sports for girls. What can we do for an intervention for girls in sports?
Boys are more encouraged to be involved in sports by parents and school. Study show that there may be A very small physical gap. Special steps to raise confidence and girls and encouragement may help
What are the things that parents and coaches must emphasize and encourage with for child in a team sport?
Effort, improvement, participation, teamwork. Not promoting competition.
What is endocrine glands?
Endocrine glands manufacture hormones which control the vast physical changes of childhood and adolescence.
The most important hormone for human growth is released by what? And where is it located by?
The pituitary gland located at the base of the brain near the hypothalamus, the structure that initiates and regulates pituitary secretions.
What is hypothalamus role for growth?
The hypothalamus detects hormone levels in the bloodstream. Through a feedback loop it tells the pituitary gland to increase or decrease amounts of hormone. It helps to control and regulate growth.
What is growth hormone and how does it affect development of tissues?
Growth hormone is the only pituitary secretion produced continually throughout our whole life. It affects development of all tissues except the central nervous system and the genitals.
How much of the growth hormone produced during puberty? Where does GH stimulate?
GH is doubled in production during puberty. GH acts directly on the body and stimulates the liver and epiphyses of the skeleton to release another hormone called insulin like growth factor one which triggers cell duplication throughout body especially skeleton muscles nerves and so on.
What is Thyroxine?
It is necessary for brain development and helps growth hormones impact on body size and growth.
What happens to infants who were born without GH? What happens to infants that are born without Thiroxine?
Infants that are born without GH will not grow properly. Infants that are not born with T will grow to be mentally retarded.
What is the difference between estrogen and androgen?
Estrogen and androgen are both present in both sexes but in different amounts. Boys produce testosterone leading to , body hair, and male sex characteristics. Androgens especially testosterone contributes to body gain.
Estrogen released by girls ovaries cause breast uterus and vagina to mature. It regulates menstrual cycle.
Define secular trends and provide a short example.
Secular gains or changes in body size from one generation to the next. For example children now or taller and heavier than their parents and grandparents were as a child.
About how many neurons does the human brain have?
The human brain has about 100 to 200,000,000,000 neurons
What does out with the old in with the new mean, want to comes to synaptic pruning? What does stimulation have to do w this?
Once neurons are in place, they form synapses and release neurotransmitters. When the brain grows, synaptic pruning occurs to make room for new connections.
Stimulation determines which neurons will continue to establish new synapses and which will be pruned.
What is myelination and why is it important?
Myelination allows information from the sheath to travel about 100 times faster.
Why is our species so successful versus other species?
The ability to go through adolescence was a necessary adaptation of the brain. It was the greatest innovation.
Describe the role of the following brain structures:
Cerebral cortex, cerebellum, reticular formation, hippocampus, amygdala, corpus callosum.
The cerebral cortex makes up about 85% of our brain. It has the most synapses and neurons. It is the last to grow and is most sensitive to environments.
The cerebellum controls balance and body movements. Development supports both body and thinking.
Reticular formation, is located in the brain stem and helps alertness and consciousness.
Hippocampus controls our memory and spatial awareness.
The amygdala processes emotions.
Corpus callosum connects the two hemisphere and provides communication of perception attention language and movement.
What does the prefrontal cortex specialize in?
Specializes in body movement and thought in particular impulses memory reasoning planning problem-solving. Executive decisions.
Why would recovery after early brain injury because reader for language then for spatial skills?
Researchers believe that because spatial processing comes later, it is more lateralized at birth. Early brain injury has far less impact on language and spatial skills. Young brain is remarkably plastic.
Damage to the cerebellum what would produce what type of deficits?
Damage to the cerebellum displays both motor and cognitive deficits including issues with memory planning and language.