Physical Fitness Flashcards
150 minutes of physical activity is recommended for adults each week.
In 2012, less than 25% of American adults met exercise recommendations.
The Body in Motion
Physical movement involves the functioning of the muscular and skeletal system.
Skeletal muscles provide shape, support, and movement.
Skeletal muscle contains hundreds of muscle cells called muscle fibers.
When muscle fibers contract, they shorten, causing movement.
connect muscles to bones
where bones come together
hold bones together at the joints
Circulatory and Respiratory Systems
Heart and lung functions are interrelated.
The heart pumps blood to the lungs.
Oxygenated blood returns to the heart where it is pumped to rest of body.
Oxygen leaves blood and enters cells.
Waste products such as carbon dioxide leave cells and enter blood.
Blood carries waste products to kidneys and back to the heart.
Physical activity
movement that occurs when muscles contract
physical activity that is usually planned and performed to improve or maintain physical condition
How does physical activity and health help you? (1)
Reduces risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and osteoporosis
Improves immune system
Improves and maintains muscle strength and joint function
Improves balance
Reduces risk of premature death
How does physical activity and health help you? (2)
Reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression
Increases memory/mental acuity
Fosters improvement in mood and sense of well-being
Can improve quality of sleep
Stimulates release of endorphins
Assists with weight management
Increases likelihood of maintaining independence with aging
Barriers to exercise
Environment Time Motivation Encouragement Access Financial
The Health-Related Components of Physical Fitness
Cardio-respiratory fitness Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Body composition
Cardio-respiratory Fitness
The ability of cardiovascular and pulmonary systems to supply oxygen to working muscles
Intense physical activity requires more oxygen to support the work of skeletal muscles.
Cardiorespiratory fitness can be developed through aerobic activities, including running, swimming, rope skipping, or any movement that involve major muscle groups.
Assessing Cardio-respiratory Fitness
To enhance cardiorespiratory fitness, physical activity should raise heart rate to within the target zone, generally 55% to 90% of maximum heart rate.
Resting heart rate: best measured first thing in the morning
Maximum heart rate = 220 – age
Muscular Strength
ability of muscles to apply maximum force against an object that is resisting that force
Muscular endurance
ability to contract muscles repeatedly without becoming fatigued easily
Training effect
an increase in size and strength of the muscle
condition in which muscles become larger and stronger
when muscles lose size and strength, usually from inactivity
completion of a single exercise that overloads a particular muscle group
Exercise set
involves performing the same exercise movement a number of times
Isotonic exercise
muscular force against a movable but constant source of resistance
Isometric exercise
muscular force against a fixed, immovable object of resistance
Muscular endurance
the ability of a muscle to contract repeatedly without becoming fatigued easily.
Training for muscular endurance involves lifting lighter weights repeatedly.
The ability to position a movable joint anywhere within its normal range of motion
Static stretching
slowly and fully extending muscles and joints within natural range of motion (hold for 15 seconds)
Ballistic stretching
stretching with bouncing; not recommended for most people
Dynamic stretching
moving through a challenging but comfortable range of motion with controlled, deliberate motion
Body composition
The ratio of lean tissue and fat mass
Some fat is essential to good health (about 4% in men and 10% in women).
Spot exercising does not reduce fat in the exercised region.
Exercising can increase metabolic rate.
Engaging in moderate-to-vigorous intensity aerobic activity for about 60 minutes, nearly every day, while not exceeding daily calorie needs, “burns” body fat.
rate of movement
ability to concentrate force
ability to perform a series of movements in a continuous manner
ability to make quick precise movements
ability to maintain poised upright body position
Reaction time
time needed to adjust body position to a changing environment.
Diet and Performance
Drink adequate amounts of water and choose a well-balanced diet composed of a variety of foods.
Eating more protein than needed does not result in bigger muscles.
High-protein diets may cause dehydration and accelerate the loss of calcium from bones.
Carbohydrate loading can help certain athletes.
Ergogenic Aids
There are a variety of products that supposedly enhance physical development or performance, including dietary supplements, drugs, and mechanical devices.
Some are beneficial and/or harmless.
Others are dangerous or illegal, such as anabolic steroids.
Anabolic Steroids
Synthetic and natural substances chemically related to testosterone and have muscle-building properties
Often illegally obtained and abused by athletes who want to enhance muscle development and physical performance
Give individuals unfair competitive advantage over other athletes
Adverse Effects of Anabolic Steroids
Premature balding; Severe acne
Sleep disturbance; Increased aggression
Testicle shrinkage
Increased blood pressure and increased risk of developing heart and kidney disease, certain cancers, and liver tumors
number of times a person exercises per week
amount of physical exertion used during exercise increases its benefit
total time a person is physically active during each exercise session
the kind of exercise in which a person engages
Exercising for Health: The Exercise Session
Warm up: low intensity activity for 5 minutes
Stretch: 5 minutes
Aerobic activity: 30 minutes
Cool down: less intense activity for 5 minutes
Stretch: 5 minutes
Exercise Danger Signs
Irregular heartbeat
Pain or pressure in the chest, throat, or arms
Shortness of breath; Dizziness
Sudden loss of coordination
Cold sweating; Fainting
generally refers to damage that a muscle or tendon sustains when overextended rapidly
usually refers to a damaged ligament
What is more severe? Sprains or Strains?
Sprains tend to be more severe than strains.
effective for treating strains and sprains. Rest Ice Compression Elevation
Warm Weather Injuries
Dehydration (lack of body water). Hyperthermia (higher than normal body temperature) can lead to: Heat cramps Heat exhaustion Heatstroke
Preventing Warm Weather Injuries
Avoid physical exertion outdoors during hottest time of the day.
Drink enough fluids to replace that which is lost through sweat.
Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing when exercising in warm conditions.
Consider reducing the intensity and duration of activity when weather is hot and humid.
Avoid alcoholic beverages.
Ice crystals form in the deeper tissues of skin when exposed to extreme cold
Causes damage to tissues
Body core temperature drops below 95°F Shivering Tiredness Poor judgment Disorientation Loss of consciousness
Preventing Cold Weather Injuries
Layers of warm dry clothing A hat that can be pulled down over ears Scarf Gloves or mittens Thick socks
Developing a Personal Fitness Program
Determine your needs, interests, and limitations.
Set general fitness goals.
Choose activities that you enjoy.
Incorporates fitness session into your routine.
Active for a Lifetime
Individuals are more likely to engage in regular physical activity if they enjoy being active, recognize the health benefits of physical activity, and can find the time to exercise.
To maintain motivation, people should choose physical activities that they can perform throughout their lifetimes.
Across the Life Span
Physical activities adopted in childhood are more likely to be practiced for a lifetime.
Healthy, physically fit women can generally continue engaging in mild-to-moderate intensity exercise during pregnancy.
Pregnant women should discuss exercise plans with their physicians.
As you age, light regular physical activity can help:
Reduce risk of heart disease, colon cancer, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension
Maintain or improve joint flexibility and muscle strength and endurance
Improve mood
Increase ability to live independently
Nurses’ Role in Fitness Assessment
Assess all body systems
Anthropometric Assessment
Blood Chemistries
Functional Ability
Anthropometric Assessment
Height & Weight Waist Circumference BMI Body Composition Skinfold Thickness Head Circumference (child)
Nurses’ Role with Older Adults
Recommend resistance and agility training (↓ risk of falls)
Teach to consult with HCP before starting exercise program
Weight bearing exercises recommended (↓ bone loss from osteoporosis)
Teach to incorporate active exercise into Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
Group exercise programs foster emotional well-being, socialization