Physical Exam Findings Flashcards
Pulsus alternans
Alternating strong & weak
Left Ventricular systolic dysfunction
Pulsus bigeminus
2 close beats followed by a pause
Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy
Pulsus bisferiens
radial pulse > carotid
Aortic regurgitation
Pulsus tardus et parvus
Aortic Stenosis
Pulsus paradoxus
Cardiac tamponade & Tension pneumothorax
Irregular irregular
Atrial fibrillation
What is the common presentation of Rubella (German Measles)?
Prodrome begins with fever and occipital/posterior lymphadenopathy followed by a rash that is characterized to begin at the face, then generalizes over body but spares palms and soles. Rash progresses rapidly over 24 hour period.
How does the presentation of Rubeola differ from Rubella?
Measles presents similar with initial fever lymphadenopathy, rash that begins on the face, generalizes towards the body sparing palms and soles. Fever is usually greater than 104 F, and rash spread progresses slower over days.
What can occur with rubella infections in females different than males?
After initial symptoms disappear, women and female adolescents may present with polyarthralgias and or arthritis that may persist for up to a month.
What are the classic findings of Appendicitis?
Fever, increased WBC, rebound, gaurding and RLQ pain. Diffuse abdominal pain that progresses to RLQ.
Describe Erythema nodosum?
Pre-tibial nodules. Painful subcutaneous nodules no anterior surface of lower legs.
What is Erythema nodosum a sign of?
Strong association with sarcoidosis and young AA F. TB Histoplasmosis, recent strep infection and anti inflammatory bowel disease.