Physical Developments Of Infants And Children Flashcards
The period of infancy from ____ to _____ years and is a fast rate of growth (dramatic gains in weight and height
Birth to 2 years
Grows ____ inches in height during the first year
10 in
Grows __ to __ inches in height during the second year
4-6 in
____ - Period of life that goes from 2 years old to adolescence (growth rate slows but is still fast)
_____ - Involuntary actions or responses that infants are able to do (helps infants navigate the world, some are permanent while others disappear when no longer needed, automatic, Ex: grasping when hand is touched)
____ reflex - Can cause a baby to turn to stimuli that touches their cheeks/corners of their mouth (allows a baby to eat)
Rooting reflex
____ reflex - Babies withdrawing from painful stimuli and might pull up their legs and arch their backs in response to sudden sounds
Moro reflex
_______ - Involves the infants ability to move their body
Motor development
____ motor - Fingers and toes/smaller muscles (picking up things/holding things)
Fine motor
____ motor - Includes all the muscles in the arms or feet, larger muscles (turning over, crawling, walking)
Gross motor
______ is important for infants to develop when learning to draw or walk
Depth Perception