Physical Development In Adolesecence (primary And Secondary) Flashcards
Meaning of puberty
A fine period of rapid growth which young people reach sexual maturity. They become biologically able to reproduce and secondary characteristics develop. Girls often between 11-13 whereas boys can be later to 13-15 years. Triggered hormones that control equal
development. Males and females may experience a growth spurt (growing at a faster rate than before)
What a primary sexual characteristics
Features of the body that are there since birth
Parts of the body that are directly used in reproduction
What are secondary sexual characteristics
They start to appear during puberty
Parts of the body that are not directly involved in reproduction
Primary sexual characteristics of males
The testes begin to produce sperm
Spontaneous erections
Primary sexual characteristics of females
Uterus enlarges and vagina lengthens
The ovaries begins to release eggs
The menstrunal cycle commences
Secondary sexual characteristics of males
Growing pubic hair and facial hair
Changes in larynx, voice deepens
Redistribution of muscle tissue and fat
Secondary sexual characteristics of females
Growing pubic and hair growth
Breasts development
Redistribution of muscle and fats