Physical agents Flashcards
Physical agent
A method of application of energy and materials used on a patient as part of a therapeutic intervention when appropriate
Therapeutic effects
Change in
- pain
- inflammation/swelling
- muscle tone
- ROM restrictions
- strength deficits
- healing
- ** soft tissue structures
Pain control
Modulation of pain at the spinal cord
- stimulate endorphin relase
Inflammation and swelling
Vasoconstriction to decrease chemical response
- increase venous return
Muscle tone and ROM
Increase mm relaxation and increase collagen extensibility
- alter deep tendon reflexes to increase normal movement patterns
- decrease pain and interrupt the pain-spasm cycle
Stimulate motor unit firing and recruitment of mm
- improve coordination and control of muscle firing
Improve overall healing
Control inflamamatory response
- increase oxygenation and nutrient activity to injured tissue
- protection of tissue
Questions to consider
- Where is the pt in the healing process?
- What is the main goal of treatment?
- does one goal more immedicalty need to be addressed?
- Can more than one of these goals be addressed at the same time witha particular modality?
- Is the chosen modality in the POC?
The presence of any symptom or circumstance that would prevent the application of a particular treatment under ALL circumstances that would otherwise be indicated
**absolute do not use
- things to consider
- often guidelines or restrictions
General contras
- pacemaker
- blood clot DVT
- pregnancy
- history of cancer
- impaired sensation and cognition