Compression Flashcards
A mechanical force that increases external pressure on the body or body parts
Effects of compression
- improves venous and lymphatic circulation
- spreads the edema over a larger area
- limits shape and size of tissue
Presence of abnormal amounts of fluid in the extracellular tissue space of the body
- lymphedema
- traumatize edema
- chronic edema
- static ulcer
- arterial insufficiency (intermittent claudicaciones)
- wound healing following surgery (prevent DVT)
- dialysis patient that develop edema in extremities
- swelling from limb amputation
Treatments for edema
- Elevation: assist with lymph flow
- Compression: moves lymph along and spreads the intercellular edema over a larger area to enable more lymph capillaries to work to remove plasma proteins (massage, elastic/static, intermittent)
- Weight bearing exercises: stimulate the venous pump
- Cryotherapy: vasoconstriction
Venous system
Purpose is to bring de-oxygenated blood from the periphery towards the heart
- venous return is facilitated via muscle contraction and opening and closing of venous valves, which creates a pumping action and moves blood from periphery to central circulation
Plasma proteins
Plasma proteins flow out of the venous system due to hydrostatic pressure and flow into vessels due to osmotic pressure
Causes of venous insufficiency
- Treatable conditions
- lack of activity, sedentary lifestyles
- professions which require long periods of standing
- degeneration of venous valves
- inflammation of venous valves (phlebitis)
- venous obstruction (partial vs. complete) - Non-treatable conditions
- renal or liver failure
- radiation damage
Chronic venous insufficiency S&S
- Common complaints: tingling, itching, heaviness in legs, cramping
- Color changes: reddish brown
- Skin changes: swelling, flakey, dry skin; pitting edema
- Wounds: irregularly shaped, more superficial, medial aspect of lower leg
- Temperature: normal to touch
Venous insufficiency:
- Aggravating factors
- Alleviating factors
- Treatment options
- Standing, walking, and increased activity; dependen positioning to effects of gravity
- Rest and elevation
- IPC, compression garments, elevation, retrograde massage and activity as tolerated
Potential complications of chronic venous insufficiency
- loss of ROM, pain, and decreased fucntion
- skin contractures, severe deformity of limb
- venous ulceration
- infection (cellulitis)
- amputation (gangrene, necrosis)
Arterial insufficiency S&S
- Common omplaints: pain, cramping, P&N, increased with activity
- Color change: bluish, white discoloration
- Skin changes: thing and shiny with loss of hair; decrease or loss of pedal pulses
- Wounds: usually smooth edges, deep and located on lateral aspect of lower leg
- Temperature: cool to touch
Arterial insufficiency:
- Aggravating factors
- Alleviating factors
- Treatment options
- Pain with activity, walking, and pain with elevation (claudicación)
- Alleviating factors: usually alleviated with rest
- Treatment options: maintinaing circulaiton (pharmacological)
Lymphatic system
- the fluids and proteins that accumulate in the intersistial space is circulated by the lymphatic system and flushed out of the body by the kidneys
- homeostasis of the extracellular environment is maintained by the lymphatic system
- lymph vessels also rely on mm contraction and valve opening/closing (no pump)
- lymph nodes are concentrated in the axillary, groin (inguinal), throat and para-aortic arch (near spleen)