Physchological development Flashcards
Typical behaviour
Activities that are consistent with how an individual usually behave
Atypical behaviour
Activities that are unusual or unatural according to how an individual usually behaves
* Any behaviour one person may perceive as unusual, may not be considered as atypical is its how the individual normally acts.
Atypical development
When behaviours, skills or abilikties fall outside the expected/normal range of development, compared to other peers
Typical development
When a child’s behaviours, skills or abilities fall within expected range of development
Psychological dev
standards against which a judgement can be made about someone’s abilities and behaviour
Cultural perspective
INfluence of society and community on ones thoughts
using cultural norms or standards to determine if behaviours are acceptable or typical for certain culture
Social norms
Societies/shared standards/social beliefs about what is acceptable
Formal=rules and laws
Statistical rarity
Behaviours that are considered abnormal/atypical, deviating significantly from statistical average/mean
Personal distress
An aversive and often self-oriented emotional behaviour involving unpleasant/upsetting emtions
Maladaptive behaviour
A behaviour thats unhelpful,dysfunctional and non-productive, interfering with someones ability to adjust to their environment appropraitely and effectively
Cultural perspective (S&W)
+ enable different cultural contexts to be taken into account
- Cultural only allows for collective eval, rather than individual eval
- multicultural society=hard to isolate behaviours
Social norms (S&W)
+ Act as baseline to compare behaviours
- Depend on situations and context
Personal distress (S&W)
+measure of when others aren’t appropriate
+ Visual indication
- People can conceal there emotions, making it hard to identify atypical behaviours
Maladaptive behaviours
+enables consideration of consequences of behaviours
- Is subjective
Patterns of behaviour that are typical and expected or that conform to standards of whats considered acceptable
normal behaviours
consistant w that individuals usual way of beahaving
behaviours that are unusual, bizarre, atypical
> behaviours that deviate from societal norms, w potential to cause distress to the individual or family
individuals who have typical or expected neurological and cognitive brain functioning, processing and behaviours
Variations in neurological development and functioning w/in and between groups of people
>idea every human has unique nervous system w different needs and abilities
having emotions, behaviours and cognitions that enable us to adjust to our environment appropriately and function effectively
EMOTIONS: effectively regulate and display emotions
BEHAVIOURS: enhance indivs ability to match changing demands on life
COGNITIONS: Awareness and knowledge to adjust to different environments
emotions, behaviours and cognitions that interfere w our ability to adjust to our environment appropriately and effectively
EMOTIONS: Unable to effectively regulate and display emotions
BEHAVIOURS: Hinder indivs ability to meet changing demands of life
COGNITIONS: lack awareness and knowledge to adjust to dif environments
Maladaptive emotions
Intense overwhelming emtions that occur frequently, persist for extended periods of time and inappropriate for situation
Maladaptive cognitions
process or mental action, that involve acquiring, processing and understanding information
explains that differences in thinking are accounted for by differences in culture, life experiences and everyone is unique
Individuals w variation in neurological development and brain functioning
neurodevelopmental condition characterised by impaired social interaction, verbal and nonverbal coms and repetitive bahaviours
ASD+ theory of mind
individuals w ASD= impaired theory of mind(ability to make judgements on others mental states)
Signs and symptoms of ASD
Poor communication and social skills
Lack ability to understand emtions and social cues
Poor non-verbal communications i.e eye contact
Struggle to form and maintain relationships
A neurological condition characterised by consistent inattention, hyperactivity, disruptive social, academic or occupational functioning and impulsivity
ADHD signs and symptoms
Inattention= difficulty staying on task
hyperactivity= person may move constantly, ie fidget, even in situtations where it isnt appropriate
Impulsivity= person acts w/o thinking or difficulty w self control
-Present before 12
-persist longer than 6 months
-contributues to impariments across multiple settings
ADHD and cognitive variations
Executive functions= indivs w deficits in executive functions
>organising, prioritising
Working memory= difficulty in dealing w visual and spatial information
Arousal and alertness= being under alert rather than being vigilant
Time estimation=variaitions in how they estimate time