Judging and perceiving other Flashcards
Person perception
The different mental processes used to understand and form impressions of other people
Person perception: Indirect
Hearing about the person we are judging from another source
Person perception: Direct
Information provided from the person you are judging
evaluation made about the causes of behaviour and process of making the evaluation
Attributions: Internal
when we judge someones behaviour as being caused by something personal with in an individual
Attributions: External
When we determine the causes of behaviour as resulting from situational factors, occurring outside individual
Attitudes: Affective
Our emotions and intuitive feelings
Attitudes: Behavioural
Our outward and observable actions that reflect our perspective of smt
Attitudes: Cognitive
Involves our thoughts and beliefs towards smt
Widely held beliefs and generalisations that all members of a group will share the same characteristics despite individuality
Cognitive dissonance
Psychological tension that occurs when our thoughts, feelings and behaviours don’t allign
- Act in a way that contradicts out beliefs
Cognitive biases
Unconscious systematic tendencies to interpret information that is neither rational nor based in objective reality
Cognitive biases: Confirmation bias
Tendancy to search for and accept information that supports prior beliefs and ignore condradictory information
Cognitive biases:
Halo effect
Tendency for impression of one quality of individual to influence overall beliefs
Cognitive biases:
False consensus bias
Tendency to over estimate how much other people share the same values as we do
Cognitive biases:
Self-serving bias
Tendency success to internal and failure to external factors
Cognitive biases:
Actor observer bias
Tendency to attribute our actions to external factors and others to internal factors
Strategies or ‘mental shortcuts’ that enable individuals to form judgements, decisions and solutions quickly
-Quick decisions/solutions
-Sometimes accurate
-Adaptive and protective
-Prone to error and bias
-Base rate fallacy
Base rate fallacy
Bias that is a result of heuristics
=Relies on prior experience when making decisions and solving problems
Pre-judgement that you make about others before interacting with them
-stereotypes become beliefs
Unique treatment of people due to their social group
Discrimination: Indirect
Occurs when a practise consequently disadvantages a group or person
Discrimination; Direct
Openly treated differently due to assosication with a particular group or characteristics
Feelings of shame or digrace experienced by an individual because of stereotyping and the resulting prejudice and discrimination
Stigma: Social
Negative label caused by widespread beliefs
Stigma: Self
Result of internalisation of negative stereotypes = poor self efficiency and esteem
Reducing stigma
Education=providing knowledge and information to correct assumptions
Inter-group contact= Open disscussions to learn about others experiences
Social media= Used to call out prejudice or discrimination
Laws= Help to protect indivudals that experience discrimination