Phrases Flashcards
Many new things are starting in april.
好きな 人 会うと ドキドキする。
I get excited when I see (meet) the person I like.
It’s exciting when fun stuff is coming up the next day.
The sakura flowers are blooming.
I get so nervous in front of people.
He is poor now, but he will be rich in the future.
How to say what something is called
“something called [what it’s called]” would be something like “[what it’s called] to iu mono” ([what it’s called]と言うもの)
Example: Have you never heard of something called sarcasm? - it would be “hiniku to iu mono wo kiita koto naino?” (皮肉と言うものを聞いたことないの?
So if you want to say “a [something] called [what it’s called]” it would be
“[what it’s called] to iu [something]”
Example: “This is a flower called pansy” would be
“kore wa panji- to iu hana da” (これはパンジーと言う花だ)
I hope this helps :)
How to say, I don’t know how to say that in Japanese
- 日本語で [それを] どう言うのか分からない。 Nihongo de [sore wo] dou iu no ka wakaranai.,
OR - 日本語での言い方が分からない。 Nihongo de no iikata ga wakaranai.
We hardly say the それを bit out loud.
日本語 = Japanese で = locative/instrumental particle (in, using)... used before a verb or verbal phrase それ = it, that を = object-marking particle どう...のか = how to 言う = say 分からない = not know
での = locative/instrumental particle で (in, using) + nominal-qualifying particle の... used before a noun or nominal phrase 言い方 = "how to say" が = subject-marking particle, but used to indicate the object for the verb 分かる (understand, know)
I am looking forward to a reply from you.
I am looking forward to a reply from you.
あなた から の 返事 を 楽しみ に 待って います。
あなた から の へんじ を たのしみ に まっています。
How do you say in Japanese?
日本語 で 何と 言いますか
Asking about favourites
どんな食べ物が好き?=Donna tabemono ga suki?
What type of food do you like? What’s your favorite food?
好ましいことは何ですか。=Konomashii koto wa nandesuka?
What’s your favorite things?
一番大好きな物は何ですか。=Ichiban daisuki na mono nandesuka?
What’s your most favorite thing of all?
How to say your favourites
“Watashi no okiniiri no X”
Also, we have other options in Japanese like:
“Watashi ga ichiban suki nano wa X desu.”
=What I like best is X.
“Watashi wa X ga ichiban suki desu.”
=I like X the best.
“Watashi wa X ga daisuki desu.”
=I like X very much.
how to say take your time