Phrases Flashcards
Amazon paragraph 1
The lungs of our planet are being destroyed, just like cancer, yet we ignore this spreading disease, that, at the end, will lead to our own downfall
most. It is the future generations who will be denied a healthy, empyrean planet simply because of our selfish refusal to a
Amazon paragraph 1
The lungs of our planet are being destroyed, just like cancer, yet we ignore this spreading disease, that, at the end, will lead to our own downfall
most. It is the future generations who will be denied a healthy, empyrean planet simply because of our selfish refusal to a
Global porblems
storm clouds are gathering. Our planet is threatened by a plethora of heinous problems that could devastate human civilisations.
amid all of these urgent issues our young people are left isolated and marginalised. Silenced. Imprisoned
As important leaders you have better things to do than listen to some jumped up little squirt who wants to tell you about their opinions, right?
Closing statement
Open your minds and open your hearts to fresh new perspectives and we can build a fairer world together
The fact that 16 year olds can work and pay taxes yet not vote for the government who spends their hard earned cash is the epitome of hypocrisy.
Imagine you are caught in a heinous tornado of school homeowrk and exams. One day blurring into the next like some kind of abhorrant dream.
Physical and mental health is simply a time ticking bomb just waiting to explode, and cause horrendous damage for future generations.