Phrases 1 Flashcards
I told them about my kids
حَكيتلهم عن وْلادي
What else?
rhetorical, used as filler
شو كَمان؟
My oldest son
إبني الِكْبير
before that (adv. const.)
قبل هيك
she grew up in many places
هي كِبرت بأماكن كْتير
We met Rami
احْنا قابلنا رامي
As you (f.s.) know…
زي ما بتعرفي
After we finish…
بعد ما نْخلص
After I finish…
بعد ما أَخَلّص
I usually wake up around…
عادةً بَصْحَى
May god give you (f) mercy
after she sneezes
رحمِك الله
May god give you (m) mercy
after he sneezes
رحمَك الله
I wake up around ____ o’clock
بَصْحَى حوالي ساعة ___
Her dad was in the army
ابوها كان بالجيش
Her dad worked in the army
ابوها اشتغل بالجيش
Oh well, life goes on.
Colloquial saying, no direct translation
مشي حالك
I go to the school of languages.
بروح على مدرسة اللغات
Is there anyone…?
في حدا…؟
One day…
Hopeful expression or can be used sarcastically
يوم من الايام