Phrasal verbs Flashcards
Para negocios
Hacerle a muchas personas la misma pregunta
ask about / around
(ɑːsk əˈbaʊt / əˈraʊnd)
I’ll ask around and see if there’s a room vacant somewhere.
Para negocios
back * up
Make sure that you have some examples to back up your arguments.
Para negocios
Devolver una llamada telefónica despues
call * back
Can you ask her to call me back, please?.
Para negocios
call * off
It’s too late to call off the ceremony now.
Para negocios
Llegar y registrarse en un hotel o aeropuerto
check in
I arrived in London a few days ago and checked into the Bolsover Hotel.
Para negocios
Salir de un hotel / Revisar algo
check out
After breakfast I checked out of the hotel.
Hey, check this out!
Para negocios
Ayudar con / Contribuir en / Colaborar para
chip / pitch in
Some senior Army officials chipped in to say it was safe and there was no danger.
We all pitched in to unload the furniture and boxes.
Para negocios
Encontrar inesperadamente
(a alguien o algo)
come across
I came across an old friend from the gang.
This stretch of coastline is famous for the fossils that you just come across lying on the beach.
Para negocios
Confiar en
count on
Ask Mary. You can always count on her to know the latest information.
Para negocios
Recortar / Consumir menos
cut back on
Oreo cookies announced plans Tuesday to cut back on sugar and fat in some products.
Para negocios
cut in
Can I cut in and say something, please?
Para negocios
Hacer de nuevo
do * over
Now I’m going to have to do the whole thing over.
Para negocios
Descartar / Poner fin a…
do away with
They did away with bonuses last year because their profits were so low.
Para negocios
Llevar a alguien o algo a algún lugar y dejarlo allí /
Quedarse dormido
drop * off
Come on. I’ll drop you off at your flat.
Ashley finally dropped off to sleep after midnight.
Para negocios
Venir sin cita previa / Visitar brevemente
drop by / stop by
John dropped by my office to talk about last month’s sales figures.
Para negocios
Eventualmente alcanzar, hacer o decidir
end up
You’ll end up in prison if you go on like that.
Para negocios
Comprender / Encontrar la respuesta
figure * out
I just can’t **figure **her out.
Have you figured out what the problem is?
Para negocios
Escribir información en espacios en blanco
fill * out
Please fill out these forms and bring them on your first day of work.
Para negocios
Obtener conocimiento sobre algo / Descubrir
find out
What will she say when she finds out?
When you lose everything you find out who your real friends are.
Para negocios
Regresar / Recibir algo que tenías antes
get * back
I’ll tell her when she gets back.
You’ll get it back when you exit the building.
Para negocios
Vengarse / Vengarse de alguien
get back at
He might get back at you.
Para negocios
Entrar / Llegar / Meterse en algo
get in
Get into the car. We’re leaving
Para negocios
Para recuperar
get over
I was upset that I didn’t get the promotion, but I got over it after a while.
Para negocios
Juntar / Ensamblar
get together
This weekend I’m going to get together with some friends from college.
Para negocios
Levantarse de la cama / Ponerse de pie
get up
I get up late on the weekends because I have to get up really early during the week.
He got up and walked to the podium to give his speech.
Para negocios
Dejar de pelear o discutir a regañadientes
give in
He’s very stubborn. He won’t give in no matter how much you try to persuade him.
Para negocios
Dejar de intentar / Dejar un hábito o dejar de hacer cierta actividad
give * up
My doctor tried to persuade me to give smoking up.
Dejar de intentar
give up
If you want to lose weight you’ll have to give up eating sweets.
Para negocios
Seguir a alguien / Tratar de lograr algo
go after
Pam will give her talk first, and Scott will go after her.
I’m really going to go after the account.
Para negocios
Competir / Opuesto
go against
We’re going against three or four other contractors.
Para negocios
go over
I want to go over last month’s numbers with you.
Para negocios
Presentar / Entregar
(un informe, un artículo, etc.)
hand * in
I forgot to hand in my expense reports.
You can hand in your homework on Monday.
Para negocios
Distribuir lo mismo a un grupo de personas
hand * out
Mary, could you help me hand out the photocopies, please?
Para negocios
Esperar un rato
hang on / hold on
Could you hang on for a second? I’ll be right there.
Para negocios
Seguir haciendo algo
keep * up
You’re doing a fantastic job. Keep it up!
Para negocios
Decepcionar / No ayudar ni apoyar
let * down
Don’t let me down.
Para negocios
Permitir entrar
let * in
Her father let me in.
Para negocios
Verificar / Examinar
look * over
Could you look over this report to make sure there are no mistakes?
Para negocios
Estar emocionado por algo en el futuro
look forward to
I’m looking forward to the three-day weekend.
Para negocios
look into
We’re looking into ways to cut costs.
Para negocios
Ser cuidadoso, vigilante y tomar nota
look out for
You must always look out for new business opportunities.
Para negocios
Tener mucho respeto por alguien
look up to
I look up to Madeline.
Para negocios
Compensar algo / Inventar
(una historia, mentira, excusa, razón, etc.)
make * up
I’m going to have to work extra hard today to make up for it.
I don’t believe their story. I think they made it up.
Para negocios
Resolver una discusión o disputa
make up
I thought they had made up a while ago?
Para negocios
Confundir dos o más cosas
mix * up
I always mix their names up.
Para negocios
No importar
not care for
I don’t care for team building activities.
Para negocios
Dar lo mismo a muchas personas
pass * out
Carly is passing out a schedule of today’s events.
Para negocios
(generalmente algo bueno)
pass * up
Don’t pass up on this great opportunity.
Para negocios
put * off
I’ve been **putting **it off for a long time.
Para negocios
Armar / Construir / Juntar
put * together
We have put together some ideas for you to consider.
Para negocios
Ver a alguien inesperadamente
run into
You’ll never guess who I ran into the other day.
Para negocios
Regresar / Devolver
send * back
The product was defective. We’re sending it back.
Para negocios
Arreglar / Organizar
set * up
A commission has been set up to investigate the incident.
Para negocios
Comparar precios
shop around
They always shop around.
Para negocios
Organizar o resolver un problema
sort * out
We have to talk. We have to sort this out.
Para negocios
Devolver un artículo / retractarse de una declaración
take * back
I’m going to take it back to the store.
I didn’t mean it. I take it back.
Para negocios
think * over
I’ll have to think it over.
Para negocios
Probar o usar algo experimentalmente
try * out
We’re going to try it out for a few weeks and let you know what we think.
Para negocios
Rechazar una oferta / Disminuir el volumen o la fuerza de algo
(volumen, calor, etc.)
turn * down
They turned down our proposal.
Could you turn your music down so I can take this call?
Para negocios
Terminar el suministro
use * up
I can’t believe it’s only May and I’ve already used up all my sick days.
Para negocios
Cuando termina una escena o filmación
It’s / That’s a wrap (ɪts / ðæts ə ræp)
I can’t believe it’s only May and I’ve already used up all my sick days.