Photosynthesis (McLean) Flashcards
Photosynthesis word equation
Carbon dioxide + water –> Glucose + Oxygen
Input energy for photosynthesis
light from the sun
Output energy for photosynthesis
Chemical energy in the bonds of glucose
Photosynthesis chemical equation (balanced)
6CO2 + 6H20 –> C6H1206 + 6O2
What is glucose
Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
Products of glucose
starch, cellulose, sucrose, amino acids
multiple glucose
sugar found in cells
sugar found in fruits
amino acids
Parts of a plant cell
Mitochondria, Vacuole, Nucleus, Cell Wall, Cytoplasm, Cell membrane, Chloroplasts
organelle responsible for respiration
A space in the plant cell that stores fluid
Most important part, is responsible for activity and growth, and has DNA
Cell Wall
outer layer of the cell that protects it
a gelatinous liquid that fills up the plant cell
Cell membrane
Is responsible for controlling what substances exit and enter the cell
an organelle that contains chlorophyll, which is where photosynthesis derives from
Parts of a leaf cell
Waxy cuticle, upper epidermis, vascular bundle, guard cells, stomata, air spaces, palisade mesophyll, spongy mesophyll
Waxy cuticle
A waterproof layer that protects the leaf
Vascular bundle
A combination of the phloem (brings sugar/glucose up the plant) and the xylem (brings water and minerals to the leaf
Guard cells
Cells that control the opening and closing of the stomata
Air spaces
Large gaps between cells that are filled with air
Spongy Mesophyll
Allows interchange of gases such as CO2 that are needed for photosynthesis
Palisade Mesophyll
Where most of the photosynthesis occurs, contains many chloroplasts that are close for light absorption
Upper epidermis
Conserves water by eliminating excess sunlight
Lower epidermis
Gas exchange
Organelles with the most chloroplasts
Palisade mesophyll, guard cells and spongy mesophyll (rest have no chloroplasts)
A plant that can live with very little water
A salt-tolerant plant that can live in waters with high-salinity
How water leaves the plant
via diffusion
What happens when water is removed from a plant
Vacuole shrink, cells plasmolyse, membrane pulls away from the cell wall
How does plasmolyzation happen?
When a cell is placed into a solution with not enough water
a substances that dissolves solutes, e.g. water
a substance that is dissolved in a solvent e.g. sugar, salt
Water moves from ares of high concentration to areas of low concentration to balance the salt and water ratio
equal ratio of solvent to solute, leads to flaccid cell
unbalanced ratio with more solute (salt), leads to plasmolysed cell
unbalanced ratio with more solvent (water), leads to turgid cell
What is nitrogen needed in the plant for
is needed to ensure energy is available when needed is also a key part in amino acids which provides proteins and enzymes for plants
What happens to a nitrogen deficient plant
Plant turns yellowish - green, growth slows, reduced tiller development
What is phosphorus need in the plant for
Harvests the sun’s energy and turns it into growth and reproduction, also used to make DNA, cell membranes, respiration and growth
What happens to a phosphorus deficient plant
Leaves turn dark, dull, blue-green and maybe pale is severe cases, problematic growth
What is potassium needed for in the plant
needed for movement of water, nutrients, and carbs, is involved with enzyme activation, produces ATP. Helps enzymes in photosynthesis and respiration
What happens to a potassium deficient plant
Plant wilts on dry, sunny days and normally wilts, also has brown scorching and curling leaf tips as well as chlorosis - yellowing between leaf veins, poor flower and fruit growth
What is magnesium needed for in the plant
Magnesium is the central core of chlorophyll molecule, it also helps activate some enzyme and gives vibrant green color to enable photosynthesis
What happens to a magnesium deficient plant
Yellow between leaf veins, with sometimes reddish brown tints, early leaf fall, photosynthesis won’t be able to happen