Adaptations (McLean) Flashcards
Dichotomous keys
A method of classifying organisms based off their traits
Order of food chain
Producer –> primary consumer –> secondary consumer –> tertiary consumer
Selective breeding
When human cross-breed and extract sex cells and create new species in a lab
Process of selective breeding
1.Decide which characteristics are important
2.Choose parents that show these characteristics
3.Select the best offspring form parents to breed the next generation
4.Repeat the process continually
Pros of selective breeding
Offspring can be superior, stabilizes food chain, costs of products are reduced
Cons of selective breeding
Offspring can have disabilities, incest/inbreeding, surplus of animals, gene pool gets smaller, lack of variation in species, a single disease of change could wipe out the whole species
Jean - Baptiste Lamarck’s evolutionary theory
Inheritance of acquired characteristics - an organisms behavior affects their physical features hence excessive use of body part would cause an adaptation that could be passed on to the offspring
Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory
Natural selection - organisms have evolved from small and simpler organisms, and that only the offspring with the best features would survive and pass on their genes to their offspring
Process of evolution
1.Need of adaptation
2.the population must over-produce
3.There will be competition for resources
4.This will cause only the strongest to survive
5.Those that survive will then reproduce
6.The alleles will then be passed to the next generation
Types of adaptations
Structural, behavioral, physiological
Structural adaptations
Physical differences in biological structures
Behavioral adaptations
Difference in patterns of activity
Physiological adaptations
Variation in detection and response by vital organs
What are adaptations used for
to avoid being eaten, to make or find more food, to better survive changes in their abiotic environment
Order of inheritance substances
Segment of DNA –> Gene –> DNA –> Chromosomes –> Nucleus –> Cell