Photon Interaction processes Flashcards
Name 4 photon interaction processes
- Photoelectric effect
- Compton Scattering
- Rayleigh scattering
- Pair Production
Describe Photoelectric effect
- X-ray photon collides and transfers all energy to k-shell electron (Ephoton = binding energy of electron + KE of photoelectron)
- Energetic k-shell electron is emmited, leaving a vacancy behind in k-shell
- Outer shell electron fills in vacancy, emitting photon with characteristic energy (Ep = difference in energy levels)
How does photoelectric effect interact with soft tissue (low z) and metals (high z)
Low z - k-shell beinding energies are low (<1keV) meaning the characteristic x-ray sproduced are absored in the material and don’t make it out
High z - characteristic radiation can escape, this is why you use metal targets in x-ray tubes.
What is an Auger electron?
When are they produced?
What is fourescent yield?
Do high or low materials produce more Auger electrons?
- Auger electrons are produced when the k-shell vacancy is filled and an outer shell electron is emitted (instead of the usual photon).
- Flourescent yield wk, = number of k x-ray photons / number of k shell vacancies i.e. what fraction of the vacancies when filled produce photons.Think about it, it makes sense, it’s in the name.
- wk =1 = no auger electrons
- wk = 0 = all Auger eectrons
- low z materials are almost all auger electrons.
What is a photoelectric mass absorption coefficent>
How is it related to u/P?
u/P is proportional probability photon is removed from beam by any process
t/p is proportional to probability photon is removed from the beam by PE alone.
How does probability of PE depend on:
Z - atomic number
E - photon energy
T/P ∝ Z3/E3
Should you use higher or lower energy x-rays for Mammography?
Lower energy x-rays
Difference in z between normal and pathological calcifications is very small. Want to maximise the amount of absorption by PE to increase contrast, hence you need to lower the energy.
Less attenuating, more easily stopped in soft tissue in breast.
How do you choose ideal energy of x-ray beam
Comprimise between:
Higher energy = more penetrating
Lower energy = higher proabibility of interaction via PE, hence better contrast
Describe Compton Scattering
- Photon collides with FREE electron
- Photon’s path is altered (scattered) with reduced energy
- Electron supplied with energy recoils
Is Compton Elastic or inelastic?
Inelastic - momentum is preserved, but energy is not. Loss of energy for incoming photon.
For compton scattering:
What does the change in photon energy depend on?
- initial photon energy
- angle of scatter
Compton scattering:
Change in wavelength?
Delta lambda = h/mec * (1 - cos(theta))
- Best just to remember this, otherwise you have to do that nasty derivation.*
- remember the 1-costheta becase:*
- when theta = 0 ,costheta =1, delta lambda = 0*
Compton scattering:
Change in photon energy?
Small energy approximation?
Delta E = Eo * (a(1-costheta))/(1+a(1-costheta))
a = Eo/0.511 with Eo in MeV
Don’t know if i need to know this?
Small Energy:
Delta E = Eo2/mec2 * (1-costherta)
How much more energetic was the incident photon than the rest mass of the elctron that it collided with? How has that been modified by the angle it’s scattered through
How does Compton scattered photon energy depend on intial photon energy?
- Higher energy photon: Greater proportion of photons energy is transferred to electron
- Probabilty of compton interaction decreases with increasing energy
- At low energies, most of the energy is retained by the photon
3 reasons why scatter is bad
- Low energies - scattered photons also have low energy and don’t make it out of the patient. Still contributing to dose but not to image.
- Higher energies - scattering is less likely, but scattered photons have higher energies and may escape more easily & contribut to image (noise).
- Higher energies - scattered radiation with high enough energy to escape the patient can contribute to staff dose
What is Compton mass energy coefficent?
Probability that photon is removed form the beam by compton effect alone
How does probabiity of compton interaction (sigma/rho) depend on:
Sigma/P indpendent of z
Sigma/P ∝ 1/E
Increased energy, lower probability of scatter.
Why is compton independent of Z?
Compton actually depends on Electron density
- No atoms in A grams of material (A = atomic mass)
- Natoms/mass = No/A
- Nelectrons/atom = z
- Electron density = Nelectrons/mass = No (z/A)
- BUT Z/A is approximately costant hence it’s independent of Z
How do you measure bacscatter factor?
Typical value?
- Dose at skin with scatter/ Dose without scatter
- i.e. work out the dose without scatter, then put your dosemeter there and measure what you actually get.
- Typically 1,3
Is it better to have the tube above or below the couch?
Under is better (although less practical) because the backscatter from the patient is aimed at your feet or attenuated by the bed
If you have an overcouch situation, the backscatter is directed at your head
Only really makes a difference for flouro
Rayleigh Scattering:
- Alternate name
- Describe
Elastic scattering
- Whole atom absorbs photon
- Bound electrons resonate at the incoming frequency
- Electrons re-radiate energy out as photon (same energy)
- Scattering in forward direction
- (<10% of interactions) not very important
How does the probability of elastic scattering depend on Z & E
e/Rho ∝ z2/E3
<em>Very stronG energy dependence because you need to hit that resonant frequency of the electrons. </em>
Describe energy dependence of mass attenuation coefficent in
- Rapid fall at low energies due to PE (1/E3)
- Compton (1/E) effect dominates at higher enegies and flattens out
- Similar to above
- Additional k-edge discontinuties (increase in stopping power when energy of incoming photon matches energy of k-shell electrons (increased PE)
Explain why you get a k-edge?
E< K edge binding energy
- K-electrons can’t be emitted, less absoption of electrons
- Beam is more pennetrating
- Lower u/P
E> K edge binding energy
- K electrons can be emitted
- greater absorption and less penetration
- higher U/P
How do you take advantage of the k-edge for imaging?
- Match the k-edge approcximately to peak of x-ray spectrum
- Maxmimise absorption in the detector
- lower dose required for image, lower dose to patient
- NB// use Iodine or Barium k-edge as contrast agents
Describe Pair production & Anihilation
Do we care?
- High energy photon absorbed in the nucleus
- Produces positron and electron
- need twice the rest mass of electron 2*0.511 meV = 1.02 mEv
- Slow positron his free electron and is anihilated
- Preduces two 511keV photons in opposite directions
Not important at diagnostic energy levels (but is proportional to z)
How do you make u/P
Sum all the components?
Multiply all the component elements?
Sum them, remember that it’s an exponential multiplication so they add in the exponent.
Summarise Interaction mechanisms
All 4 interaction mechanisms:
What do they interact with?
Energy dependence
z dependence
Summarise absorption and attenuation of scattering mechanisms.
For all four scattering mechanisms: