Interaction of radiation with matter Flashcards
3 things that can happen to beam in patient
what does each contriobute to?
- transmitted - image
- Scattered - staff dose & background on image
- absorbed - patient dose
Define Intensity
How do you get to energy?
Energy = sum of (photon * energy)
Define attenuation
How is radiation attenuated in a material?
How photons are removed from beam
N=No e-ux
Define HVL
Half Value Layer - thickness of material that reduces the incident intensity to hald
N/No = 0.5, read off graph for the thickness at which this happens.
Why do real beams depart from exponential at low depths?
- Beams are a apsectrum of energies, low energies are preferentially attenuated
- scatter from irradiated volume
How are HVL and u related?
HVL = ln(2)/u
More penetrating beam =
- higher HVL
- lower u
What happends to u with:
increasing energy
increasing density
increasing energy - decrease in u, radiation is more penetrating
increasing density - u increases, more molecults/vol
Defiine Mass Attenuation Coefficent
Why do we bother?
N = No e-(u/P)(Px)
Density dependece of u is annoying, especially when substance has several density states
What are u and u/P proportional to?
the probability that an x-ray photon will undergo some kind of interaction with the material.
Difference between attenuation and apsorbtion
Why are they not the same?
Attenuation is removal of energy from the beam
Absorbtion is gain of energy in the material
Not the same because the photons removed from the beam are not always depositied at that point, they have secondary range, go on to interact further etc.
Absorbed Dose
Definition & EQn
D = delta E/ delta m
Energy absorbed per unit mass
Gy = 1J/Kg
Definition & EQn
Why is it not equal to dose in air?
Kinetic energy released from the beam per unit mass
Energy transferred from the beam to material’s electrons at the specified point
Kerma not equal to dose in air because energy removed from beam is not the same as the enrgy absorbed in that masss:
- secondary electron energy re-radiated as bremsstrahlung photons & escape
- finite electron range
When is air kerma approx equal to dose in air?
diagnostic energy range
- negligable bremsstrahlung
- electron range very short
What is exposure?
The amount of radiation which produces, in air, ions equal to 1C/Kg
X = delta Q / delta m
Only apples to ionisation in air
How do you go from dose-in-air to dose in any other substance?
Absorbed dose (energy absorbed per unit mass) depends on the mass energy absorption coefficent
Dm/Dair = (u/p)m/(u/p)air
<em>You have to multiply by the the ratio of the mass energy absoprption coefficents</em>