Photographic Flashcards
Greek work light
Greek word drawing
John hersel
Discover the properties of thiosulfate
John hersel
Pave the way of permanent pictorial production
Discovery of fixing properties of thiosulfate
first exhibit with photographs was done
released his formula to manufacture a familiar
Louise daguerre
made the first photographic portrait
Dorothy Catherine draper
improved and perfected the “WET-COLLDION
Archer (1851)
discovered the SUPERIOR GELLATIN process, which had been preferred by the public
Maddox (1851)
discovered that dye molecules absorbed on
the silver haldes crystals greatly increased the
light sensitivity of these crystals
Vogel (1873)
introduced TRANSPARENT ROLL FILM and popularized the SNAP SHOT
George eastman (1889)
Introduce transparent roll
George eastman
Popularized snap shot
George eastman
sucessfully reproduced images as negatives
on papers impregnated with silver salts
Thomas wedgewood
Hoescht Dye Works in Germany used color sentisized emulsions
Velox developing paper was discovered by
Leo Beakland (1906)
Wratten panchromatic plates were introduced.
Portrait Film was introduced and at the same
time, Projection Printing came into general use
natural color film amateur color prints were
introduced respectively
1928 & 1941
Amateur used photography:
Home movie
Small transparency
process of producing image by the action of
light or other radiant energy
Photography includes ________ and ________ LIGHT are included
as initiators
are widely used for medical use, x-rays, graphical arts, and engineering drawings but are slower compared with SILVER HALLIDE films.
Silverless films
a new development that threatens to take over some of silver film market
Electron camera
uses VIDEOTAPE instead of FILM to produce image
Electron camera
emplloyed as the sensitive substance in most widely used
photographic products
Silver halide
has natural sensitivity to ultraviolet and blue radiation
Silver halide
composed of suspension of minute silver
halide crystals in gelatin
fogging of the emulsion by light reflected into
it from the back surface of the film
Capable of reducing exposed crystal of silver halide in emulsion to silverwithout reducing the the unexposed crystal at the same time
Developing agent
Active developing agent and pH control
Gaurd against oxidation, prevent staine of emulsion
Prevent chemical fog