Phonology-ENG 211 Flashcards
The study of categories that organize the sound system of a language.
Used with the help of a speech analysis program its a graphic representation of the frequency distribution of the complex jumble of sound waves that give the hearing impression of speech sounds.
A physical realisation of a speech sound like the voiceless or the voiced alveolar approximant.
Allophones of the Phoneme
Phones which function as alternant realisations of the same phoneme.
Refers to the different positions in which a speech sound can occur or cannot occur in the words of a language.
Complementary Distribution.
Two sounds which are distributed in such a way that one can only occur where the other cannot occur.
Minimal Pair
A pair of words which differ in only one sound, but differ in meaning
Final Devoicing
The fact that a voiced phoneme has a voiceless allophone in word-final position.
Aspirated Stop
The variant of /p/ that occurs in pin.
The process of aspirating stops.
t/d Flapping
Here both /t/ and /d/ can be realized as [ɾ].
Rhotic Varieties of English
Those in which r-sounds can occur in word-final position
The elements that make up a syllable.
Syllabic Consonants
Consonants which occupy the central part of the syllable.
Nucleus of the syllable
Our ‘slot for a vowel’.