Phonics Flashcards
Smallest function unit of writing
(Letter sound corresponding)
example: Spoon —– S-p-oo-n
2 letter that make 1 sound
examples: Chair /ch/
graph /ph/
mouth /th/
spoon /oo/
alphabetic understanding
words are made up of letters that represent sounds
example: (Drawing of an apple) - A
Student recognizes letters
naming letters
forming letters
phonological recoding
using letter sound corresponding to pronounce or spell words
phonics (part 2 of foundations of reading)
connection between graphemes and phonemes
Phonics instruction is a way of teaching reading that stresses the acquisition of letter-sound correspondences and their use in reading and spelling.
phonics instruction
is to help beg readers understand how letters are linked to sound to form letter sound correspondence and spelling patters
cvc words
consonant, vowel, consonant example: cat sip map hat bug
cvcc words
consonant, vowel, consonant, consonant example: cast tent lift fist
CCVC words
consonant, consonant, vowel, consonant
example: trip chat ship twig
vowel pairs
ai - rain ay - stay ea - bead ee - tree ie - cries oe - toes oa - boat ue - blue
Vowel diagraphs
oo - food ea - bread ei - weight aw - awful au - august
(2 letters - 1 sound) oy - boy oi - boil ow - owl ew - stew ou - scout
explicit, systematic, phonic instruction
(start w/ cvc words) then blends + diagraphs
systematic explicit - sound spelling correspondences are directly taught in isolation
Incedental, implicit, phonics -
sound/spelling correspondence are inferred from reading whole words and dissecting their phonics elements
letter sound correspondence
knowing a letter corresponds to a specific sound taught through modeling introduced 2-3 letters at a time order of intro to letter: 1. s a t i p n 2. c k e h r 3. m d g o 4. l f b q u 5. j z w 6. v y x
what does phonics instruction teach children?
it teaches children the relationship between graphemes (letters) of spoken language and phonemes
phonic instruction is important because
it helps understand the alphabetical principle. Systematic + predictable relationships between written letters and spoken words
phones instruction is most important when
when they are systematic - plan of instruction includes carefully selected set of letter-sound relationships, organized in logical order, explicit - precise direction for teaching these relationships
what does phonics improve
it improves word recognition , spelling, reading comprehension
What grades should phonics be taught in
Its most effective if done in k-1st grade