Fluency Flashcards
the ability to read text with accuracy and quickly
Why is fluency important
its important because it frees students to understand what they read
how can fluency be developed
modeling fluent readers by having students engage in repeated oral activities
Monitoring students for fluence
- evaluation instruction
setting instructional goals can be motivating
Fluency 4
p- pay attention to puncuation
a- accuracy counts - read each word correctly
r- read at the right rate - not too slow - not too fast
e - vary your voice and read with expression
fluent readers can…
focus their attention on making connections among ideas and their background knowledge able to focus on comprehension
Less fluent readers must…
focus their attention primarily on decoding individual words - little attention left for comprehending the text
someone who lacks fluency may….
read monotone
pause at inappropriate times
ex: brown/ bear brown/ bear what/ do/ you see/
a fluent ready would say
brown bear, brown bear
what do you see?
what should a student do to improve fluency
repeated + monitoring oral reading improves fluency
Levels of fluent readers
independent level text 95% success
instructional level text 90% success
frustration anything less than 90
independent level reader
95% or more
easy text for reader with no more than 1 in 20 words difficult for reader
instructional level reader
90% success
challenging but manageable - no more than 1 in 10 words
difficult for reader
Frustration level reader
anything less than 90%
difficult text for reader, with more than 1 in 10 words difficult for the reader
activities to promote fluency
Student - adult reading
choral reading
partner reading
student adult reading
an activity to promote fluency
1:1 reading with an adult
1st adult models the fluent readying
2nd the student reads repeatedly until fluent
choral reading
student reads along as a group with a fluent reader
chose a book at independent level
read aloud - then have students read with you
Partner reading
pair students - students will take turns reading aloud.
pair fluent reader with less fluent readers
strong reader goes first
when should fluency instruction begin?
- student reads orally from a text that they haven’t practiced - if they make more than 10% word recognition errors
- cant read orally with expression
- comprehension is poor for the text that they read orally