Phone-TV-Radio-Web-Reading Flashcards
전하를 걸다
phone/call + to hang/lock/fasten/arrange/prepare/be rich/be heavy/be thick/take (time)/make (phone) call
(To make phone call)
전화번호를 누르다
phone number + to press/push/suppress/control/repress/golden yellow
(To push phone number (buttons))
전화를 받다
phone/call + to get/receive/collect/be affected by/resist/confront
(To get phone call)
핸드폰을 잃어버리다
cell phone + to loose
전화번호를 물어보다
phone number + to ask/inquire/interrogate
(to ask for phone number)
전화벨이 울리다
phone bell + to make cry/move to tears/ring/sound/reverberate/echo
(phone rings)
핸드폰을 빌리다
Cell phone + to borrow/rent/take/quote/get
전화기를 떨어뜨리다
phone/call + to drop/leave out/leave behind/decrease/undermine
(To drop a phone)
talking on the phone/calling/currency + to do
(To talk on the phone)
통화 중이다
talking on the phone/calling/currency + to be (in the middle of) doing
(To be on the phone)
목소리가 들리다
Voice + to be heard/be audible/be sick/be possessed/be held/be lifted/tell
(a voice is heard)
전화번호를 저장하다
Phone number + to store
(To save phone number)
컴퓨터와 연결하다
(To connect to computer)
Computer + with + to connect
재방송을 보다
(To watch rerun)
Rerun + to watch
티비를 켜다
(to turn on tv)
TV + to ignite/light/turn on
화질이 좋다
(to have clear picture)
Picture(video) + to be good
티비 편성표를 확인하다
(to check TV guide)
TV + TV GUIDE + to check/confirm/verify
드라마를 보다
(To watch drama)
Drama + to watch
화면이 나오다
(Tv screen works)
Picture/screen/monitor + to come out/get out/show up
티비에 출연하다
(To appear on tv)
TV + at + to appear/donate/contribute
티비를 끄다
(To turn off the tv)
TV + to put out/turn off/solve
채널을 돌리다
(To switch channels)
Channel + to turn/spin/run/operate/use
케이블 티비를 설치하다
(To install cable tv)
Cable + TV + install
티비를 보다
(To watch tv)
TV + To watch
라디오에 사연을 보내다
(To send message to radio (show))
Radio + at + story + to send/dispatch
소리를 키우다
(To turn up volume)
Sound + to grow/raise/increase/grow/teach/expand
신호가 잘 안 잡히다
(Signal is bad)
Code/sign/signal + good/well + not + to be created/formed/arrested/held/caught/butchered
음악을 틀다
(To play music)
Music + to twist/turn/turn on
신청곡을 보내다
(To send in song request)
Song request + to send/dispatch
라디오를 듣다
(To listen to radio)
Radio + to hear/ listen to
라디오를 켜다
(To turn on radio)
Radio + to light/ignite/set/turn on
사연이 당첨되다
(for message to be picked)
Story + to be chosen/picked
신청곡이 나오다
(To hear requested song)
Song request + to come out/get out/show up
라디오에서 음악이 흘러나오다
(Music is played on radio)
Radio + at/from + music + to come out/flow out/arise
라디오를 하루 종일 틀어 놓다
(To have radio on all day long)
Radio + one day/some day + all day + to twist/turn/turn on + to let go/let loose/relax/ease/stop
소리를 줄이다
(To turn down volume)
Sound + turn down/reduce/shorten
라디오를 끄다
(To turn off radio)
Radio + put out/turn off
브라우저를 열다
(To open web browser)
Browser + to open/unlock/start
To copy
To paste
회원 가입을 하다
(To sign up)
Member + joining/sign up + to do
로그아웃을 하다
(To log out)
Log out + to do
컴퓨터를 하다
(To turn on computer)
Computer + to do
로그인을 하다
(To log in)
Log in + to do
뉴스를 읽다
(To read news)
News + to read
뉴스레터를 신청하다
(To subscribe to newsletter)
Newsletter + to apply/register/ask (for permission)
블로그에 글을 쓰다
(To write in blog)
Blog + writing/text + to write/to use
사진을 올리다
(To post photo)
Photo + to increase/raise/achieve/advance/post
이전 페이지로 가다
(To go to previous page)
Previous/before + page + by/through + go
페이지를 새로 고침 하다
(To refresh page)
Page + newly/new/freshly/fresh + (고치다 = to repair/mend/heal/correct/reform) + to do
즐겨찾기에 등록하다
(To add bookmark)
Bookmark + at + to register/enroll/put on record
스크롤을 내리다
(To scroll down)
Scroll + to lower/let down/reduce/go down/fall/descend
책을 읽다
(To read book)
Book + to read
책을 덮다
(To close book)
Book + to cover/fill up/close/shut
책을 빌리다
(To borrow book)
Book + to borrow/rent
책을 빌려주다
(To lend book)
Book + to lend
책이 재미있다
(Book is interesting)
Book + to be enjoyable/interesting/fun
책이 지루하다
(Book is boring)
Book + to be boring/tedious
밑줄을 긋다
(To underline)
Underline + to draw/strike/cut/buy on credit
속으로 읽다
(To read silently/to oneself)
Inside/interior + to read
소리 내어 읽다
(To read aloud)
Sound + to make/cut/hurt/build/put/place/(OUT LOUD) + to read
책을 펴다
(To open book)
Book + to open/straighten/spread out/stretch
(write this in Korean)
phone/call + to hang/lock/fasten/arrange/prepare/be rich/be heavy/be thick/take (time)/make (phone) call
(To make phone call)
전하를 걸다
(write this in Korean)
phone number + to press/push/suppress/control/repress/golden yellow
(To push phone number (buttons))
전화번호를 누르다
(write this in Korean)
phone/call + to get/receive/collect/be affected by/resist/confront
(To get phone call)
전화를 받다
(write this in Korean)
cell phone + to loose
핸드폰을 잃어버리다
(write this in Korean)
phone number + to ask/inquire/interrogate
(to ask for phone number)
전화번호를 물어보다
(write this in Korean)
phone bell + to make cry/move to tears/ring/sound/reverberate/echo
(phone rings)
전화벨이 울리다
(write this in Korean)
Cell phone + to borrow/rent/take/quote/get
핸드폰을 빌리다
(write this in Korean)
phone/call + to drop/leave out/leave behind/decrease/undermine
(To drop a phone)
전화기를 떨어뜨리다
(write this in Korean)
talking on the phone/calling/currency + to do
(To talk on the phone)
(write this in Korean)
talking on the phone/calling/currency + to be (in the middle of) doing
(To be on the phone)
통화 중이다
(write this in Korean)
Voice + to be heard/be audible/be sick/be possessed/be held/be lifted/tell
(a voice is heard)
목소리가 들리다
(write this in Korean)
Phone number + to store
(To save phone number)
전화번호를 저장하다
(write this in Korean)
(To connect to computer)
Computer + with + to connect
컴퓨터와 연결하다
(write this in Korean)
(To watch rerun)
Rerun + to watch
재방송을 보다
(write this in Korean)
(to turn on tv)
TV + to ignite/light/turn on
티비를 켜다
(write this in Korean)
(to have clear picture)
Picture(video) + to be good
화질이 좋다
(write this in Korean)
(to check TV guide)
TV + TV GUIDE + to check/confirm/verify
티비 편성표를 확인하다
(write this in Korean)
(To watch drama)
Drama + to watch
드라마를 보다
(write this in Korean)
(Tv screen works)
Picture/screen/monitor + to come out/get out/show up
화면이 나오다
(write this in Korean)
(To appear on tv)
TV + at + to appear/donate/contribute
티비에 출연하다
(write this in Korean)
(To turn off the tv)
TV + to put out/turn off/solve
티비를 끄다
(write this in Korean)
(To switch channels)
Channel + to turn/spin/run/operate/use
채널을 돌리다
(write this in Korean)
(To install cable tv)
Cable + TV + install
케이블 티비를 설치하다
(write this in Korean)
(To watch tv)
TV + To watch
티비를 보다
(write this in Korean)
(To send message to radio (show))
Radio + at + story + to send/dispatch
라디오에 사연을 보내다
(write this in Korean)
(To turn up volume)
Sound + to grow/raise/increase/grow/teach/expand
소리를 키우다
(write this in Korean)
(Signal is bad)
Code/sign/signal + good/well + not + to be created/formed/arrested/held/caught/butchered
신호가 잘 안 잡히다
(write this in Korean)
(To play music)
Music + to twist/turn/turn on
음악을 틀다
(write this in Korean)
(To send in song request)
Song request + to send/dispatch
신청곡을 보내다
(write this in Korean)
(To listen to radio)
Radio + to hear/ listen to
라디오를 듣다
(write this in Korean)
(To turn on radio)
Radio + to light/ignite/set/turn on
라디오를 켜다
(write this in Korean)
(for message to be picked)
Story + to be chosen/picked
사연이 당첨되다
(write this in Korean)
(To hear requested song)
Song request + to come out/get out/show up
신청곡이 나오다
(write this in Korean)
(Music is played on radio)
Radio + at/from + music + to come out/flow out/arise
라디오에서 음악이 흘러나오다
(write this in Korean)
(To have radio on all day long)
Radio + one day/some day + all day + to twist/turn/turn on + to let go/let loose/relax/ease/stop
라디오를 하루 종일 틀어 놓다
(write this in Korean)
(To turn down volume)
Sound + turn down/reduce/shorten
소리를 줄이다
(write this in Korean)
(To turn off radio)
Radio + put out/turn off
라디오를 끄다
(write this in Korean)
(To open web browser)
Browser + to open/unlock/start
브라우저를 열다
(write this in Korean)
To copy
(write this in Korean)
To paste
(write this in Korean)
(To sign up)
Member + joining/sign up + to do
회원 가입을 하다
(write this in Korean)
(To log out)
Log out + to do
로그아웃을 하다
(write this in Korean)
(To turn on computer)
Computer + to do
컴퓨터를 하다
(write this in Korean)
(To log in)
Log in + to do
로그인을 하다
(write this in Korean)
(To read news)
News + to read
뉴스를 읽다
(write this in Korean)
(To subscribe to newsletter)
Newsletter + to apply/register/ask (for permission)
뉴스레터를 신청하다
(write this in Korean)
(To write in blog)
Blog + writing/text + to write/to use
블로그에 글을 쓰다
(write this in Korean)
(To post photo)
Photo + to increase/raise/achieve/advance/post
사진을 올리다
(write this in Korean)
(To go to previous page)
Previous/before + page + by/through + go
이전 페이지로 가다
(write this in Korean)
(To refresh page)
Page + newly/new/freshly/fresh + (고치다 = to repair/mend/heal/correct/reform) + to do
페이지를 새로 고침 하다
(write this in Korean)
(To add bookmark)
Bookmark + at + to register/enroll/put on record
즐겨찾기에 등록하다
(write this in Korean)
(To scroll down)
Scroll + to lower/let down/reduce/go down/fall/descend
스크롤을 내리다
(write this in Korean)
(To read book)
Book + to read
책을 읽다
(write this in Korean)
(To close book)
Book + to cover/fill up/close/shut
책을 덮다
(write this in Korean)
(To borrow book)
Book + to borrow/rent
책을 빌리다
(write this in Korean)
(To lend book)
Book + to lend
책을 빌려주다
(write this in Korean)
(Book is interesting)
Book + to be enjoyable/interesting/fun
책이 재미있다
(write this in Korean)
(Book is boring)
Book + to be boring/tedious
책이 지루하다
(write this in Korean)
(To underline)
Underline + to draw/strike/cut/buy on credit
밑줄을 긋다
(write this in Korean)
(To read silently/to oneself)
Inside/interior + to read
속으로 읽다
(write this in Korean)
(To read aloud)
Sound + to make/cut/hurt/build/put/place/(OUT LOUD) + to read
소리 내어 읽다
(write this in Korean)
(To open book)
Book + to open/straighten/spread out/stretch
책을 펴다