cooking...2 COPY Flashcards
식기 세척기에 그릇을 넣다
Dishwasher + at + dishes + to add/insert
그릇이 서로 부딪치다
Dishes + each other/one another + to bump/hit/encounter
수세미에 세제를 짜다
Sponge at + detergent to squeeze/build/make/be salty/be begrudging
그릇을 물에 담그다
Dishes + water at + to be soaked/dishes up/put into
(To put dishes in water)
그릇을 닦다
Dish + to wipe/scrub/clean/dry
그릇에 금이 가다
Dish + to crack/be damaged
그릇을 떨어뜨리다
Dish + to drop/leave out
그릇을 분류하다
Dish + to sort/to classify
그릇을 깨뜨리다
Dish + to break/smash/violate
앞치마를 벗다
Apron + to take off/put down
그릇에 기름기가 있다
Dish + oilyness + exists
그릇을 헹구다
Dish + to rinse
물건을 꺼내다
Thing/item + To take out/carry out/start talking
가구를 들다
Furniture + to hold/lift/carry/enter/stay
청소기를 돌리다
Vacuum + To turn/spin/operate/use
(To use vacuum)
유리창을 닦다
Window glass + to wipe/scrub/clean
먼지를 털다
Dust + to shake off/donate/give out/steal
(To dust)
바닥을 쓸다
Bottom/floor + to sweep/stroke
플러그를 꽂다
Plug + to put/stick in/keep an eye on (smth)
플러그를 뽑다
Plug + to pull/pick/choose/select/extract
(To unplug)
가구를 옮기다
Furniture + to move/take/shift/turn/divert
(To move furniture)
창문을 열다
Window + to open/unlock/start
To ventilate
바닥을 닦다
Bottom/floor + to wipe/scrub/clean
물건을 제자리에 놓다
Thing/item + original spot/same place + at + to let go/stop/relax/place/lay/set/put
(To place items (back) in their original place)
청소기 필터를 갈다
Vacuum filter + To grind/change/replace/grow
(To change vacuum filter)
세탁기를 돌리다
Washing machine + to spin/turn/use/operate
(To use washing machine)
빨래를 세탁기에서 빼다
Laundry + Washing machine + from + To take out/pull out/subtract/remove
(To take laundry out of washing machine)
세제를 넣다
Detergent + To put/insert/add