phone 11 Flashcards
to treat someone or something as if they are not important:
Now that English has taken over as the main language, the country’s native language has been marginalized.
feed off sth
to increase because of something, or to use something to succeed or get advantages:
Local suppliers feed off the region’s car manufacturing industry
involving two types of animal or plant in which each provides the conditions necessary for the other to continue to exist:
a symbiotic relationship
any small organism, such as a virus or a bacterium that can cause disease:
a dangerous pathogen
an edible oval nut with a hard shell, or the tree that it grows on:
ground/toasted almonds
an illness:
Treat minor ailments yourself
expecting to be obeyed immediately and without any questions:
He started issuing peremptory instructions.
She was highly critical of the insensitive and peremptory way in which the cases had been handled.
examining and considering your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings, instead of talking to other people about them:
She is famous for her introspective songs about failed relationships.
to remove fears, doubts, and false ideas, usually by proving them wrong or unnecessary:
I’d like to start the speech by dispelling a few rumours that have been spreading recently.
If a large number of people revolt, they refuse to be controlled or ruled, and take action against authority, often violent action:
The people revolted against foreign rule and established their own government.
to officially announce that something such as a law, agreement, or marriage no longer exists:
His second marriage was annulled because he never divorced his first wife.
clear and loud, or causing sounds to be clear and loud:
a deep, resonant voice
a resonant concert hall
in human form:
devil incarnate One survivor described his torturers as devils incarnate.
- a particular life, in religions that believe that we have many lives:
previous incarnation He believes that he was a Roman warrior in a previous incarnation.
3, [ C ]
a particular physical form or condition of something or someone that is changing or developing:
This film is the latest incarnation of a fairy tale that dates back to the Middle Ages.
the incarnation of something
- an extreme example, in human form, of a particular characteristic or type of behaviour:
He was the incarnation of evil (= was extremely evil).
of, on, or near the back of an animal:
a shark’s dorsal fin
avoiding excitement or great activity and usually calm and relaxed:
The fight against a chemical storage site has transformed a normally sedate village into a battleground.
The speed limit is a sedate 55 mph.
the outer layer, especially of the brain and other organs:
the cerebral cortex
a level of quality that can be used as a standard when comparing other things:
Her outstanding performances set a new benchmark for singers throughout the world.
to quickly put on a piece of clothing:
If you could wait two minutes, I’m just going to slip into a nicer dress.
You don’t need to go into the fitting room - just slip the jacket on over your sweater.
to gradually start to be in a bad state or condition:
The world economy slowed and the US and parts of Europe slipped into recession.
a liking or sympathy for someone or something, especially because of shared characteristics:
She seems to have a natural affinity for/with water.
[ C or U ]
a close similarity between two things:
There are several close affinities between the two paintings.
to make something seem less valuable or less deserving of admiration than it really is :
All that make-up she wears actually detracts from her beauty, I think.
something added to a machine or to clothing that has a useful or decorative purpose:
fashion accessory Sunglasses are much more than a fashion accessory.
She wore a green wool suit with matching accessories (= shoes, hat, bag, etc.).
Accessories for the top-of-the-range car include leather upholstery, electric windows, and a sunroof.
someone who helps another person to commit a crime but does not take part in it:
He was charged with being an accessory to murder.
worry and anxiety:
He arrived home in a state of agitation.
to defeat easily in a competition, fight, etc.:
We’ll lick the other teams.
to make a sudden, small movement because of pain or fear:
He didn’t even flinch when the nurse cleaned the wound.
to keep someone completely interested:
The baseball game completely enthralled the crowd.
The audience was enthralled for two hours by a sparkling, dramatic performance.
They listened enthralled to what he was saying.
to replace something, especially something older or more old-fashioned:
Most of the old road has been superseded by the great interstate highways.
a small mistake in an agreement or law that gives someone the chance to avoid having to do something:
tax loopholes
The company employed lawyers to find loopholes in environmental protection laws.
the particular type of character that a person naturally has:
She is of a nervous/cheerful/sunny disposition.
relating to knowledge or the study of knowledge
Yet so many other factors also influence epistemic convictions that purely national styles may be relatively rare.
anger about a situation that you think is wrong or not fair
to prevent something bad from happening:
to avert a crisis/conflict/strike/famine
to avert disaster/economic collapse
the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change:
Evidence of his youthful radicalism remained buried in his poems of the period.
Combatting radicalism and alienation has become a priority for the government.
a piece of curved or bent metal that can be pressed into a smaller space but then returns to its usual shape:
The children have jumped on the couch so much that they’ve ruined the springs.
something’s ability to return to its usual shape after it has been pressed:
Over the years the mattress has lost its spring.
a place where water naturally flows out from the ground:
bubbling/hot springs
to move quickly and suddenly towards a particular place:
I sprang out of bed to answer the door.
The organization is ready to spring into action (= start taking action) the moment it receives its funding.
He always springs to his feet when she walks in the room.
figurative I noticed the way you sprang to his defence when Caroline started joking about his clothes.
The lid of the box sprang shut.
C2 [ T ]
to cause something to happen, usually something bad:
Favouritism breeds resentment.
Something, especially a gas or other substance, that is noxious is poisonous or very harmful:
They died from inhaling noxious fumes.
harmful and unpleasant:
a noxious smell/influence
to make someone who is sad or disappointed feel better, usually by giving them comfort or sympathy:
Her friends tried to console her, telling her “Everything will be fine.”
He was consoled by the fact that he was young enough to try again the following year.
I consoled myself with the thought that no one else could have done any better.
having a spine (= back bone)
a mistake made because of a failure to notice something:
They claimed it was simply (an) oversight.
an extra vote to decide who wins an election or competition because there is no clear winner after the first vote, often one in which candidates or competitors with the fewest votes are no longer included:
In a run-off for the presidency of the assembly, Santos beat Gutiérrez.
There is no runoff, so the candidate with the most votes wins.
- water from rain or melting snow, or liquid from an industrial or farming process, that flows into a place such as a river:
Reduced runoff means less water for irrigation.
The plants are fed and watered via an irrigation system, using run-off from the roof.
Sometimes entire villages are affected by diseases traceable to industrial runoffs in the water supply.
The water is orange because of run-offs from ironstone rock inside the hill
to say officially that an agreement, permission, a law, etc. is no longer in effect:
The authorities have revoked their original decision to allow development of this rural area.
an occasion when a company’s shares are sold to the public for the first time:
stock market flotation The Glasgow-based company is to launch a stock market flotation this summer.
- a container filled with water in which people float in order to relax:
She’d just had a session in a flotation tank.
a very small hole in the skin of people or other animals, or a similar hole on the surface of plants or rocks:
Sweat passes through the pores and cools the body down.
Pimples form when pores become blocked with dirt.
to look at and study something, usually a book or document, carefully:
She spends her evenings poring over textbooks.
He pored over the letter searching for clues about the writer.
a person who helps someone else to commit a crime or to do something morally wrong
The thieves and two accomplices made away with over $25,000 in cash.
the largest prize in a competition or game:
The jackpot was over $1 million.
the quality of being extremely eager or interested:
He studied Indian history with avidity.
It seems I’m an ideal target for advertisers, and I am perplexed by the avidity with which they court me.
a strong feeling of disliking and having no respect for someone or something:
contempt for At school she had complete contempt for all her teachers.
treat someone/somethingwith contempt You should treat those remarks with the contempt that they deserve.
beneath contempt She’s beneath contempt (= I have no respect for her)!
extremely unhappy, poor, unsuccessful, etc.:
They live in abject poverty.
showing no pride or respect for yourself:
an abject apology
He is almost abject in his respect for his boss.
unwilling to speak about your thoughts or feelings:
He is very reticent about his past.
Most of the students were reticent about answering questions.
not making yourself noticeable, or not trying to get the attention of other people:
The captain was typically self-effacing when questioned about the team’s successes, giving credit to the other players.
lack of activity or interest, or unwillingness to make an effort to do anything:
The organization is stifled by bureaucratic inertia.
(a person or thing that causes) a feeling of strong dislike or of not wishing to do something:
I felt an instant aversion to his parents.
She has a deep aversion to getting up in the morning.
Greed is my pet aversion (= the thing I dislike most of all).