Phobias Flashcards
Phobias (AO1)
A group of mental disorders characterised by high levels of anixety in respone to a particular stimulus or group of stimulus.
Emotional characteristics of phobias (AO1)
Feelings for anixeity in public
Emotions cued by presence
Behavioural characteritics of Phobias (AO1)
Avoidance eg a person with a phobia of spiders
Freeze or flight, response
Cognitive characteristic Phobias (AO1)
- Intrusive thoughts
- impluses that are precieved as inappropriapte or forbidden.
Two process model (AO1)
States that phobias are learned by classical conditioning and maintained through operant conditioning (Mowrer 1960).
According to the behaviour approach, abnormal behaviour can be caused by:
1) Classical conditoing
2) operant conditoning
3) Social learning theory
Mowrer (1947) (AO1)
put forward a two-process model, to explaim how phobias are learned through classical conditioning and mainted through operant conditioing.
Pavlov (1903) (AO1)
Discovered the idea of classical conditioning in his work with dogs and in his original research, dogs learned to salivate at the sound of the bell,
Watson & Rayner (1920) (AO1)
conducted a laboratory experiment to examine whether a fear response could be learned through classical conditioning, in humans.
Strengths of the behaviourists explanation of phobias (AO3)
Watson & Rayner (1920) demonstrated the process of classical conditionig, in the formation of phobias in little albert, who was conditioned to fear white rats.
Strengths of the behaviourist explanation (AO3) - Application to theraphy.
Have been used for treatments for phobias eg systematic desensitation and flooding.
Systematic desensitation (AO1)
Help people unlearn their fear, using principles of classical conditioning
Flooding (AO1)
A type of behaviour theraphy that prevents people from avoiding their phobias. A client is exposed to an image under relaxed conditons
Critisms of the behaviourists explaination for phobias (AO3) - Ignores cognitive factors.
Ignores the role of cognition in the formation of phobias and cognitive psychologists suggest that phobias may develop as a result of irrational thinking. eg claustrophobia
What’s the first stage of the two-process model (AO1)
Classical conditioning.
Weakness Some phobias don’t follow a traumatic experience
A person may have a fear of snakes without ever having encountered a snake. This suggests some phobias have not been acquired through learning, weakening this explanation
Weakness of behaviour explanation of phobias
may be pre-disposed to some phobias
We may be pre-disposed to some phobias, such as snakes or spiders, which would have given human ancestors a survival advantage.
This means the capacity for certain phobias is ‘hard-wired’, and therefore not learnt.
Phobias of guns and cars, which are far more dangerous to most human today, are very rare, perhaps because these things were not present in humans’ evolutionary past. This weakens the behavioural explanation.
What’s the second stage of the two-process model? (AO1)
Operant conditioning
Classifed as a mood disorder. DSM-V disgusihes between major depressive disorder and presistent depresive disorder which is longer term
Emotional characteristics
Negative emotions - Sadness, loss of interest and sometimess anger
Depression Behavioural characteristics
Reduced or increased activity related to energy level, sleep, eating