Phlegm Flashcards
Which of the following is NOT a symptom of Phlegm:
Cloudy head
Difficult urination
Pressure in the chest
Restlessness - normally a symptom of Blood Heat
A Blood Deficient tongue is:
Dry - lack of fluids
Phlegm is:
Both an EPF and an IPF
IPF - Blood comes only from internal factors
Diet, Stress, Lifestyle
Clear, watery, copious sputum that is easy to expectorate is characteristic of:
Cold Phlegm
Damp Phlegm
Hot Phlegm
Dry Phlegm
Cold Phlegm
All of the following are symptoms of Qi Deficiency EXCEPT:
Loose stools
Spontaneous sweating
Thin pulse
Symptoms worse after exertion
Thin Pulse
Thin pulse is Blood Deficiency
Weak Pulse is Qi Deficiency
What are the 5 types of Phlegm? List in order of severity/progression.
Cold Damp Hot Dry Wind Phlegm
What is substantial phlegm? List some examples.
Substantial phlegm is phlegm you can see and expectorate.
Stuffy nose Post-nasal drip Cough Gall-stones Kidney stones Clots in menses
What is insubstantial phlegm. List examples.
Phlegm that cannot be seen. Phlegm in the channels Lipo goiter Cysts Obstruction of orifices Phlegm misting the mind - confusion, disorientation, change in consciousness if severe.