PHILOSOPY Q1 Flashcards
one of the philosopher says this
Watch your thoughts;
They become words.
Watch your word;
They become actions.
Watch your actions;
They become habits.
Watch your habits;
They become character.
Watch your character;
It becomes your destiny.“ Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is tru power.
Lao Tzu
simple things to inform or make an argument
western or eastern philosophy?
Principle is about social
western philo
a proper or reasonable way of thinking.
western or eastern philosophy?
Success is conquering one’s self
eastern philosophy
a science that deals with the rules and processes used in sound thinking and reasoning
is the branch of philosophy which deals with the notion of beauty and the
philosophy of art. It deals with the nature of beauty, art, taste, and the creation and appreciation of
Four (4) major branches of Philosophy
western or eastern philosophy?
Laws that govern the Universe’s behavior exist
western philosophy
using a general premise to form a specific conclusion
Existentialism holds that, since the Renaissance, people have slowly been separated from concrete earthly existence
western or eastern?
Principle is about unity
eastern philo
It focuses on careful inspection and description of phenomena and defines it as any object
of conscious experience (things that we are aware of).
western or eastern philosophy?
Individualistic approach
western philo
refers to the study of morality or the rightness or wrongness of the human conduct.
Wrote “The Republic” which describes the necessary qualities a ruler must possess. Does not believe in democracy due to the uneducated people.
western or eastern philosophy?
Based in Asi; majority is Chinese philosophy
eastern philosophy
western or eastern philo?
Vocal leadership
western philo
Sooner or later, as a theme that includes all the others mentioned above, existentialist writings bear upon…
Existentialism gets its name from an insistence that life is only understandable in terms of an individual’s existence and his/her particular life experience.
existence before essence
western or eastern philo?
Respect is earned
western philo
western or eastern philosophy?
The Universe exists “as is” without laws
eastern philosophy
The Mean”
He believed in the middle of everything.
It is the importance of free individual choice regardless of the power of the people to
influence and coerce our desires, beliefs, and decisions.
using specific observation to form a general conclusion
The optimism of the 18th and 19th centuries gives way, after the First World War, to the Great Depression, World War II, and the Holocaust, to a feeling of pessimism, fear, and anxiety.
“fear and trembling” and anxiety
“The Socratic Method” or the method of asking the things occuring about the person.
Believed in the care of the virtue and soal.
western or eastern philo?
Collective approach
eastern philo
According to the existentialists, for individuals alienated from God, from nature, from
other people, and even from themselves, what is left at last but Nothingness? Simply
put, this is how existentialists see humanity: on the brink of a catastrophic precipice,
below which yawns the absolute void, black Nothingness, asking ourselves, “does
existence ultimately have any purpose?”
the encounter with nothingness
western or eastern philo?
Heavily depends on Logic, Science, and Rationalization
western philo
western or eastern philosophy?
Success is conquering one’s goals
western philosophy
western or eastern philo?
Silent leadership
eastern philo
western or eastern philo?
Respect for the
eastern philo
refers to study of knowledge, the investigation of what distinguishes.
western or eastern philosophy?
Based primarily in Greece; dictated Western civilization
western philosophy
refers to the study of nature of reality of what exists in the world.
useful to persuade, but demand evidence to back them up
- Love of wisdom
- Study of thoughts
- Rational investigation concering existence,knowledge, and ethics
western or eastern philo?
Heavily depends on Logic, Science, and Rationalization
eastern philo