Philosophies Theories Of RELIGION Flashcards
Philosophy means
Two Greek words
Philos..meaning love
Sophia..meaning wisdom
Philosophies deal with do we know
Epistemology..what is goodness (ethics)
Aesthetic …what is beautiful
Logic..what is a valid argument
John Hick
British philosophy
Argued that faith does not mean the intellectual assent to certain dogmatic proposition as previously taught, particularly with the Catholic religious traditions.
Faith begins with experience
Religious pluralism
The belief that multiple religious approaches can all be true and people must respect different religious teachings from their own.
Soren Kiekegaard
Early philosopher of existentialism
We exist then decide our essence choosing who we wish to become.
Taught 3 different ways we can live our lives:
Aesthetic life, pleasure and satisfying desire
Ethical life, follow rules, be a good citizen and Christian
Leap Of Faith, we choose to believe even if its irrational, or absurd
His approach to religion is called Fideism
Religious matters cannot be proven through reason or science but only through faith
Martin Buber
Jewish philosophers Modern existentialism He built a theology of human encounter Called God the Eternal We do not talk or describe God, but encounter him Obtained through prayer
Paul Tillich
Most influential Protestants theologian of 20th century
Teaches people have the power to create who they are
Defines religion as “ultimate concern “ a Christian revelation that offers answers to those questions
Calling this:
Methods of Correlation
There is a correlation between the philosophical questions of our existence and the answers of theology
Thomas Aquinas
Leading theologian thinker if middle ages
The foundation for justice, good is to be done and evil should be avoided, how humans participate in gods order.
The measure whether a humans actions are good or bad.
George Hegel
German philosopher and idealist
Idea that mind or spirit is the ultimate reality
Hagel’s Dialectic
First step..thesis, ideas about how the world works
Second step..antithesis, against the thesis
Third step…synthesis, solves the problem,but eventually becomes the new thesis.
Three proofs for existence of God
Ontological proof, definition of God..since nothing greater than God can be conceived, God must exist by definition
Cosmological proof,on our experience of the world..everything that moves has a cause,which has a cause and so forth.
Teleological proof, from experience…the watch has a designer so the world must have as designer
Pascals wager
French photographer and mathematician
Believed one could either believe there was a God or not believe there was one and be damned,or receive the reward of heaven
James will to believe
Being a pragmatist
He taught there is no way to absolutely believe God exists but religion is true because it leads to a happier life.
Pragmatic truth is what truth works in a posi6way
Rational choice theory
Found by sociologist Stark
People choose religion based on a particular religious traditions
What are their intellectual commitments
Benefits of lifestyle, sense of well being etc.
Problem of evil is why people deny existence of God.
Scientists and philosophers atheism is a popular stance.
Claims God does not exist
Say they have no knowledge of God