Module 1 Flashcards
What is Religion
Passionate arguments for a particular faith against that Faith’s detracters.
Methodology atheism
Practice if scholarly work with the assumption that religion they are studying is not true
Biblical theology
Attempt to study and interpret the Bible as it applies to ones religious tradition.
Theologian Anslem of Canterbury
Created famous phrase describing theology as
“Faith seeking understanding “
Systematic theology
Attempts to put together all the various teachings of a particular religion into one coherent system
Analogy of games
Wittgenstein, a way of establishing meaning in religious language.
Understood in the terms of the rules of a game
What can and cannot be done…
Transcendental beliefs
A hidden order or hidden realms of spiritual existence
An individual is the spiritual center of the universe
Knowledge begins with self knowledge
Parody religions
Church of flying spaghetti monkey not real
2 major forms of religion
Organized,…post-literste form of religion set in formally defined beliefs. EX…formal document, formal beliefs
FOLK…pre-literate,cultural religion where superstitions community practices have established themselves over time
2 statements about the world he made
- Logical statements true mathematically or by definition
2. Empirical or scientific statement..true based on experience in the universe
Language games
People use language to communicate about ideas they share.
The fact people talk about religion ethics and beauty make them legitimate
Family games
Family resemblance, certain characteristics to a religion but not by every religion
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Brilliant philosopher of 20th century
Two totally different philosophical systems in a lifetime
Statements that can be scientifically verified
grass is green
Coined the term sociology
Three stages of society
Theological…every eventvis an act of God
Metaphysical….divine powers still exists but less involved in daily events
Scientific…positivism world events are explained by science
3 theories of truth
Correspondent theory..statement or idea is true
Coherence theory…only true if it upholds their belief
Pragmatic…useful. An idea statement is true that helps us live a better life.
Scientifically rational truth…logical explanation
Stories or narratives used to explain the mysteries of the world.
Where did the world come from