Phillip II 1556 - 1598 Flashcards
Describe Phillips upbringing?
Born in 1527, he was groomed to succeed the Spanish by Charles, whom he received many letters from.
Brought up an educated in Spain unlike Charles
Learnt Maths, Greek, Architecture and History but there were no other attempts at teaching him foreign languages - a grave fallback for the heir to a multilingual empire
Avid collector of religious books, nature and music.
In what ways was Phillip prepared to be king?
- Recieved letters from Charles while he was away
- Attended Royal councils from the age of 12
- Regent in 1543 until 1548 where Charles would often ask Phillip for political advice and started to visit other parts of his empire
- Charles abdicated in Brussels in 1555 and Phillip became king.
What advice did Charles give Phillip upon abdication?
Serve God
Support the inquisition and eradicate heresy
pay attention to finance
ensure justice
ensure advisers don’t become too powerful
to hold onto all territories he had inherited.
Where did phillip like to govern from?
Preferred to stay in place rather than travel round with secretaries, establishing a permanent capital in Madrid - hardly leaving Spain.
How did Phillip like to interact with his officials?
Liked to write to his officials while his father met them face to face - all important papers were meant to come to him for consideration and signature often commenting on them.
What were the issues with Phillip’s style of governing?
The amount of letters his style produced meant he had to read up to 400 documents a day meaning he offered from exhaustion and giving up on his work.
In theory Phillip was the only person in Spain who had complete knowledge on a decision that had to be made.
Lack of time and energy often meant he also risked bad decisions or to issue contradictory decisions
How long did it take for Phillip to commmunicate with different parts of his empire?
With no delays it could take ~2weeks to Brussels or Milan. ~2 months to mexico, and this was with no delays from Phillip’s leadership style.
What did poor communication across the Empire mean in terms of decision making?
TMT the circumstances in which the decisions was made may have changed. It was often impossible to reverse the decisions and many councilors were forced to make their own decisions. Many described it as ‘administrative chaos’
Why was Phillip very private in his work?
He thought he could only do the best for people by paying personal attention to each matter exacerbated by his reluctancy to fully trust anyone and his father’s advice cemented this.
What showed that Phillip didn’t want advisers to have too much power?
He showed on the death of one of his councilors he believed to have too much power.
How decisive was Phillip?
Often portrayed as indecisive with an inability to make decisions. He only acted decisively on rare occasions such as during the buildup to him becoming the King of Portugal.
why was Phillip indecisive and his governing technique slow?
He thought he could only do the best for his people by giving personal attention to each issue - exacerbated by his inability to trust anyone fully following his fathers advice.
Provide evidence of Phillip’s untrusting nature?
Phillip showed on the death of one of his councilors he believed had too much power.
How often was phillip indecisive?
He was indecisive in almost every matter, bar a few occasions such as the buildup to him becoming the king of Portugal
How did Phillip improve adminstration of the government?
Phillip tried to increase the quantity and quality of information he received to base his decisions on. In 1861, he moved all government offices to Madrid, centralizing his system. A special depository for government papers was created, so there could be more easily called upon when needed.
How did Phillip alter the council of state members (Conciliar system)?
Non - castillians were being replaced by castillians, building resentment within the empire. The new members consisted mostly of two rival families and their supporters - the prince of Eboli and the Duke of Alba. This allowed Phillip to usually hear two opposing views.
How were the regional councils reorganised to be more effective?
- they would now meet regularly at a fixed time on fixed days
- Five new councils created ( Council of Italy and a council of Portugal)
- Each had a secretary and dealt with legislative and judicial matters that would report to Phillip on a daily basis.
What was a drawback of the way Phillip reorganised the regional councils?
Because the reports and orders went directly through Phillip, the information he received was often manufactured or inaccurate - > this became a bigger problem following 1559 as he didn’t leave the Iberian peninsula from then, so he could not tell if he was being told the truth.
What caused the government structure to change after 1585?
As the king grew older he became less efficient - particularly as he fell ill in 1585, meaning a system of Juntas were set up/
What were Juntas?
Comprised of minsiters and officials thought to be well versed on the matters at hand, they were not permenant positions but they were expected to advise the king.
Who was King Phillip’s private secretary?
Mateo Vazquez
What did Mateo Vazquez do?
he was key in making the Junta system work and acted as a coordinator of all work of the Juntas.
What were the responsibilities of Phillip’s secretaries?
They were intermediaries between Phillip and the councils, taking reports to him and relaying his views to the councils.
Who was the principle secretary throughout his reign?
At the beginning of his reign it was Gonzalo Perez,until his death in 1566, when the post was given to his son Antonio Perez (Eboli family) who he had to share it with Gabriel De Zayas (Duke of Alba family)