Charles I 1516 - 1556 Flashcards
Who ruled Castile Briefly after Ferdinand’s death in march 1516, waiting for the Arrival of Charles?
Archbishop Cisneros acted as regent in Castile While Charles was In the Netherlands
Who raised Charles?
After his father’s death in 1506, Charles was raised by his paternal aunt Margaret of Austria, regent of the Netherlands. His spiritual guide was the theologian Adrian of Utrecht
Who ruled Aragon Briefly after Ferdinand’s death in march 1516, waiting for the Arrival of Charles?
Ferdinand’s Illegitimate son
Why did the period in-between Ferdinand and Charles’ rules cause chaos?
- Many Spaniards journeyed from Spain to brussels to lobby for positions of power from Charles
- Many travelled to Charles Burgundian court to criticise the rule of Cisneros’s reign
- In castile local factions vied for power and control
- Cisneros tried to introduce a citizen Militia but later went back on this due to risings against this.
What was royal authority under Cisneros like?
Royal authority had all but collapsed, but Cisneros still managed to see the country safely through a time of disorder
Who was Adrian of Utrecht?
Charles’ chief tutor at a young age, who became later a regent and an important adviser through his early rule, he had a great deal of influence on Charles
When did Charles leave Netherlands for Spain?
In spetmeber 1517
Why could Charles not leave the Netherlands immediately?
He was fearful the French may invade if he was gone for too long, before he left, he therefore established better relations with France in the Treaty of Noyon in August 1516
Who did many Spaniards prefer to be king and why?
Charles’ brother Ferdinand was the preferred candidate for many, as he was born and raised in Castile - a contemporary historian wrote ‘among Spaniards no foreigner is of any importance’
What were reasons Charles was disliked by many initially?
- He could not speak Spanish
- Foreigners in Spain were not liked
- Many wanted a king who would focus on Spanish interests and not other lands
- he had never visited Spain (no knowledge of Spain or its interests)
- He had an outsized jaw and a large nose, which did not portray the image of a king
- of many in his household and advisers, very few were Spanish, the Burgundian lord of chievres William de croy was his chief adviser
- Favours and important Spanish offices were offered to Burgundian lords and supporters
What are some examples of Burgundian favouritism in Spain?
- William de Croy gained an important post in the government of Castile
- Adrian of Utrecht received the bishopric of Tortosa
- Most anger came from when the lord of Chievres nephew Jacques de croy (who was only 16) was given the main archbishopric in Castile, that of Toledo.
Why were some upset about Charles being elected as HRE?
Many feared it would draw even more attention away from Spain.
What did Charles have to do to become fully accepted as king?
He had to be acknowledged as king by all the Various Cortes.
Why did Charles’ attempts to be accepted by the Cortes of Castile begin badly (held in Valladolid in 1518)?
Charles had chosen a Burgundian councillor as to be president of the Cortes, Many towns expressed their resentment at the fact a foreigner was in their Cortes, and they requested Charles further respected the laws and privileges of Castile, administer justice, remove foreigners from his service, and learn to speak Castilian.
How did Charles gain the acceptance of the Cortes of Castile?
While the Cortes had little ability to force Charles to do anything, he agreed to respect the laws and traditions of Castile and in return he was granted a servicio of 600,000 Ducats without conditions.
What happened when Charles tried to gain acceptance from the Cortes of Aragon?
The Cortes had much more power in Aragon than Castile, and it took along time for the Cortes to reluctantly accept him in 1519
What happened when Charles tried to gain acceptance from the Cortes of Catalonia?
There were many objections to his Burgundian advisers, but they reluctantly accepted him, granting a servicio of 250,000
What happened when Charles tried to gain acceptance from the Cortes of Valencia?
Charles had been delayed so long in trying to gain the acceptance of Catalonia and Aragon that he had no time to visit Valencia, as Charles while in Barcelona received news he had been elected HRE.
What did Charles do right after he was elected HRE in order to help pay the expenses inferred in becoming HRE?
He called another Cortes in Santiago and later Corunna in 1520.
Why did Charles’s attempt to raise money at the Cortes of Santiago affirm Spanish fears about him as a ruler?
- The choice of meeting place was isolated and remote and only chosen because of its convivence of Charles’ route for leaving the country
- No Cortes had ever met in such a remote place before
- Santiago wasn’t even allowed to send a representative to the Cortes
- The previous serivicio had been granted less than three months before
- the representatives of many towns wanted to discuss issues before giving money, but Charles bribed officials so that there would be a majority approval to the grant
When did Charles break his promise of not appointing Foreigners?
Upon leaving Spain in May 1520, He appointed Adrian of Utrecht as regent in his absence.
What did the townspeople resent?
The appointment of non-native officials, such as Adrian of Untrecht
Over his reign how much time did Charles spend in Castile and Aragon?
6 years in Aragon, 11 in Castile
What were the main reasons for the revolt of the communeros?
The Junta of Tordesillas demanded that
- Charles lived in Castile
- Brings ‘No Flemings, Frenchmen nor natives of any other country’ to fill the positions in his household
- Follow the customs of his grandparents, Ferdinand and Isabella
- many were fearful that Spain would lose its identity as just another part of the empire
- Resentment towards Charles that he had asked for money twice in three years.