Philanthrocapitalism Flashcards
Who was an early proponent of Philanthrocapitalism (or philanthropy at the time)?
Andrew Carnegie 1889
What is a modern-day text in favour of philanthrocapitalism?
Bishop and Green 2008
Does philanthrocapitalism always involve obvious donors?
- No, it can involve “moral markets”, as used Adam Smith
- Also state-private collaborations and subsidies
What is an issue with philanthropy done by corporations?
They can claim charitable status and recieve tax breaks (as is the case with Walmart Foundation)
How do the moral and methodological aspects of philanthrocapitalism intersect?
Being methodologically flawed means that immoral things get worse!
Why is Bishop and Green’s praise of the “Golden Age of Philanthropy” in the Renaissance problematic?
During a time of colonial conquest where investments enabled ships and weapons to be purchased to harm groups as much as benefit them
Does tax lead to equality?
- In theory it could, but it is not socialism and few would argue that it is a good idea
- Bishop and Green (2015) imply that is the case
Who is a significant (politically) shareholder in cocacola?
The Gates Foundation (McGoey 2012)
How will inequality destroy capitalism?
- Economically through busness cycles
- Socially through alienation (Marx)
How does philanthrocapitalism expand markets?
Through gift-giving - it is immoral from this perspective (McGoey 2012)
What is the main problem with the underlying agenda of philanthrocapitalism and gift-giving?
Some people have little choice but to do a Faustian Bargain (McGoey 2012)
What could some argue about philanthrocapitalsm when it comes to moral arguments?
- So long as philanthropy does good in the world, even though donors profit out of it, what is the problem?
- Methodological issues show how that view is wrong!
Why are investments in Mastercard by philanthropy organisations/individuals concerning?
- Allows donors to make a profit
- Conflict of interest too (also with CocaCola…)
McGoey 2015
Why did the 1950s WHO campaign to eradicate malaria fail?
Did not focus on Africa, where the disease is most endemic (CDC 2021; McGoey 2015)
What implications could failed philanthropy have on development in general?
Could make people think that Development never works, so links to the politics of aid
(of course, state-led development had many other problems! - though more ideological than methodological)