Phenotypic variability Flashcards
What do we mean by environment?
External factors to the patient
What is multiple endocrine neoplasma type 1?
Disease increases carriers chance of developing adenomas in endocrine tissue
Autosomal dominant
What causes multiple endocrine neoplasma type 1?
Caused by a mutation in MEN1 gene- a tumour suppressor gene
Not all people develop the same type of adenoma or at the same time.
This is because a second event has to occur to promote tumour formation- clear environmental impact
What is the affect of an individual’s sex on a disease?
Females have a number of physiological differences to males- these differences can affect the phenotype displayed by individuals with the same mutation
May be due to absence of organs/ tissues
e.g. men with BRCA-1 and BRCA2 gene have increased risk of prostate cancer- in females theres an increased risk of ovarian cancer
How does hereditary haemochromatosis affect males and females differently?
In men symptoms begin to develop between 40- 60
In females symptoms begin after menopause
This is because females loose significant amount of blood during menstruation- prevents build up of excess iron
Men tend to have more sever phenotypes
What is congenital long-QT syndrome?
Rare cardiac disorder caused by mutation in KCNQ1 and KCNH2
Can result in ventricular arrhythmia and thus sudden death
How does congenital long-QT syndrome affect males and females differently?
Females more likely to be diagnosed with long QT syndrome possibly due to ascertainment bias- diagnostic criteria is based on females having longer QT on average
Studies show that females with long QT syndrome have higher risk of inheriting the mutation than males- may be due to positive selection of allele due to reproductive advantage
What effect do other genes have on a disease?
Life course of a disease and symptoms is commonly modified by the presence of other genes
These genes can improve condition or make it work
How is eye colour controlled by the effect of more than 1 gene?
You need both active HERC2 and active OCA-2 to have brown eyes
In addition to HERC2 theres over 16 genes that influence eye colour
What are cystic fibrosis modifiers?
Theres a number of gene variations that interact with CF mutations to alter the phenotype:
Patients with homozygous delF508 mutation can be classified as having severe or mild lung disease
TGF-beta-1 (transforming growth factor B-1) variants are associated with phenotype for severe lung disease
Risk of developing CF can be modified by large number of gene variations:
e.g. immunoglobin FC-gamma receptor II (FCGR2A) can increase chance of developing chronic pseudomonas aeruginosa infection by fold 4
What are von Hippel- Lindau syndrome modifiers?
VHL is a dominantly inherited cancer syndrome predisposing to a variety of malignant and benign neoplasms
Variation in cyclin D1 alters phenotype of VHL. number of individuals with retinal angiomas is higher in individuals with G allele compared to AA homozygotes
Possession of 1 or more G allele is associated with earlier diagnosis of CNS hemangioblastoma by almost 2 fold
What causes Duchenne and Becker muscle dystrophy?
Mutation in dystrophin gene; largest known human gene
How do Duchenne and Becker muscle dystrophy differ?
Becker muscular dystrophy is a more mild phenotype with age of onset around 12 years; some patients have no symptoms until later on in life
Loss of ambulation varies from adolescence onwards with death in 4th - 5th decade
Why do Duchenne and Becker muscle dystrophy differ?
Both mutations are a result of deletion of the dystrophin gene but in DMD the mutation is a frameshift deletion, therefor no active dystrophin is produced
In BMD the mutation doesn’t result in a frameshift so active dystrophin is produced
What are unstable mutations?
Theres a large group of diseases termed trinucleotide repeat disorders. Underlying cause is trinucleotide repeat expansion
Region where theres 3 repeated nucleotides expands during DNA replication
How many repeats must there be in trinucleotide repeat disorders to cause instability?
Fewer than 27 repeats = stable and normal protein function
27-35 repeats= intermediate phenotype with minor affects
36-39 repeats = characteristic phenotype, not all carriers will be affected by disease
40< = disease
As number of repeats increases it reaches a threshold where its no longer stable
Greater the number of repeats, the more severe the phenotype
What is an example of a trinucleotide repeat disorder?
Huntington disease
CAG repeat results in production of polyglutamine tract (poly Q tract)
What causes 2 individuals to show different symptoms when they have the same mutation (same environment) ?
A second gene is modifying the disease phenotype
Monozygotic twins will be affected the same
What is the likely cause of differences in severity of disease and age of onset in a family affected by a mitochondrial disease?
A variable number of mitochondria with the mutation are inherited
What is likely cause of a genetic mutation causing a variety of diseases?
Different mutation in the same gene resulting in different diseases
What is the likely cause of a genetic disease affecting no 2 people the same way?
Environmental factors modify the phenotype