Phenotypic Variability Flashcards
What are genetic and environment interaction?
-Underlying causes of disease are genetic important role for environment (e.g. factors external to the patient) in progress and outcome of the disease for each patient
What is Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1)
-This is a disease which increases the carriers’ chance of developing adenomas in endocrine tissue
What causes MEN1?
-Caused by a mutation in the MEN1 gene, a tumour suppressor gene
How is MEN1 inherited? What is it impacted by?
- Condition inherited in an autosomally dominant
- Not all people with the mutation will develop the same types of adenoma or at the same time as a second event needs to happen to promote tumour formation so some develop many tumours at young age and others do not develop any tumours until v late in life
What is Hereditary haemochromatosis?
-This is an autosomally recessive gene
What is Hereditary haemochromatosis caused by?
-Caused by a mutation in the human homeostatic iron regulator protein (HFE)
What are the impacts of Hereditary haemochromatosis?
- This affects the way in which dietary iron is absorbed leading to excess iron absorption
- This can lead to a build up of iron in various organs and subsequent organ damage.
What are the different types of Hereditary haemochromatosis
- However only 10% of people with hereditary haemochromatosis have clinically relevant iron accumulation. Women are protected from iron accumulation due to menstrual bleeding. in men, the dietary load of iron can vary considerably and lower levels of intake are associated with improved disease prognosis.
- The natural history of many other diseases are affected by environmental factors for example cystic fibrosis and sickle cell disease can both be exacerbated by exposure to pollution
What are other genes and disease progression ?
- In addition to the presence of the disease gene the life course of a disease and the symptoms present are commonly modified by the presence of other genes
- These genes can either improve the condition or make the condition worse.
What are cystic fibrosis modifiers?
- number of gene variations that interact with the cystic fibrosis mutation to change the phenotype of the disease
- Variability of pulmonary phenotype and survival in cystic fibrosis, even among patients who are homozygous for the most prevalent mutation, delF508
- Variants of genes can modifiy cystic fibrosis
What are examples of cystic fibrosis modifiers?
- Patients withe the same homozygous delF508 mutation can be clasified as having either severe or mild lung disease.
- TGFB1, the gene encoding transforming growth factor beta-1, variants are associted with with the phenotype of severe lung disease.
What is FCGR2A?
- The risk of developing infections in cystic fibrosis can also be modified by a large number of gene variations
- Distinct from the Cystic fibrosis muation. One such gene is immunoglobulin Fc-gamma receptor II (FCGR2A) which if you have the variant can increase your change of developing a chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection by 4 fold.
What is Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome? ow is it inherited?
-Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (VHL) is a dominantly inherited familial cancer syndrome predisposing to a variety of malignant and benign neoplasms, most frequently retinal, cerebellar, and spinal hemangioblastoma, renal cell carcinoma (RCC), pheochromocytoma, and pancreatic tumors.
What does variation in CCND1 cause?
- Variation in cyclin D1 (CCND1) alters the phenotype of VHL
- The number of retinal angiomas is significantly higher in individuals harbouring the G allele compared with AA homozygotes. -Possession of 1 or more G alleles is associated with earlier diagnosis of CNS hemangioblastoma by almost 2-fold.
Are diseases just associated with a single gene?
- Some diseases are associated with only a single mutation for example sickle cell anemia
- Where as other disease can arise as the result of many mutations within the same gene.
What are Duchhenne and Becker muscular dystrophy caused by?
-mutations in the dystrophin gene; the largest known human gene. the diseases are similar in the distribution of muscle wasting and weakness, which is mainly proximal
What is difference between Duc and Beck muscular dystrophy?
- Becker muscular dystrophy is a more mild phenotype with age of onset around 12 years; some patients have no symptoms until much later in life
- Loss of ambulation also varies from adolescence onward, with death usually in the fourth or fifth decade
- Mean age at DMD diagnosis was 4.6 years; wheelchair dependency had a median age of 10 years; cardiac muscle failure developed in 15% of patients with a median age of 21.5 years; with death at a median age of 17 years.
What are the reasons for the difference between Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy?
- The reason for these differences in disease progression are the type of mutation in each.
1. Both are the result of deletions in the dystrophin gene
2. IDMD the mutation is a frame shift deletion and therefore no active dystrophin is produced.
3. In Becker Muscular dystophy the mutation does not result in a frame shift and so active dystophin is produced al be it a shorter form this protein retains some of the activity of the longer form. - This phenomenon is a common occurance with different gene phenotypes associated with different mutations.
What are trinucelotide repeat disorders? What causes them?
- There are a large group of diseases termed trinucleotide repeat disorder
- The underlying cause of all these diseases is a trinucleotide repeat expansion
- This is a mutation in which a region of three repeated nucleotides in the genome increases in number during DNA replication
What happens if there are fewer tan 27 repeats in the genome?
-If there are fewer than 27 repeats in the genome, these tend to be stable and the function of the protein remains normal
What happens as the number of repeats increases?
- reaches a thresehold above which they are no longer stable during DNA replication and the number of repeats increases during subsequent rounds of DNA replication
What is the effect of the increase in trinucleotide repeats?
- changes the protein function and a greater number of repeats results in a more severe phenotype
- These types of disease are characterised by an earlier onset of disease and the greater severity of symptoms in each succeding generation, as the number of repeats increases.
What is Huntington’s disease caused by?
-Huntington’s disease is caused by expansion of a region of cytosine-adenine-guanine (CAG)—repeats (i.e…. CAGCAGCAG…), in the huntington gene
What does the CAG codon do?
- CAG is the codon for glutamine
- a series of these repeats results in the production of a chain of glutamine known as a polyglutamine tract or Poly Q tract (Q being the single letter code for gltumatine - PoM primer).
What happens if there are fewer than 27 repeats in Huntington’s disease?
- If there are fewer than 27 repeats, this is a normal phenotype and the region is stable.
- If the number of repeats rises to 27–35, this results in an Intermediate phenotype with some minor effects, however the region of the DNA is not longer stable and the numbers of repeats can increase
- As the repeats increase further to 36–39, this results in the characteristic phenotype but not all carriers will be affected by the disease.
What happens once the number of repeats reaches 40 or more in Huntington’s disease?
-Once the number of repeats reaches 40 or more, this results in Huntington’s disease in all carriers.
What causes phenoytype associated with disease to vary?
- If individuals are genetically identical, the underlying cause of variation in the phenotype is likely to be environment
- In non-identical individuals with the same mutation, e..g family members, variation could be the result of environmental interactions or the existence of variation in other genes which interact with the disease-causing mutation
What happens in unrelated individuals?
-In unrelated individuals, different mutations or different disease-causing genes become an important source of phenotypic variation
What could variation in phenotype also result from?
unstable mutations in trinucleotide repeat disease, resulting in an increased severity of disease