Hispathology Flashcards
What does a hispathologist do?
- A histopathologist deals with tissues.
- She/he will examine sections, noting the architecture of the tissue and asking what it tells us about a particular condition.
What does a cytopathologist do?
- A cytopathologist deals with cells.
- They are often are the individuals responsible for taking the cells from the patient, preparing them for examination and then delivering their expert diagnosis on the cell sample
- Cytopathologists work with cellswhich are collected and then smeared onto a microscope slide. The slide can then be stained and examined
What does a hispathologist deal with?
- Biopsies
- Resection specimens
- Frozen sections
- Post-mortems
- There are often taken by surgeons and examined by the pathologist in realtime, to inform the surgical process
What are biopsies?
- Biopsies are small sections of tissues that are removed from the patient and typically placed in a formalin solution which preserves the tissues by cross-linking proteins
- They are then embedded in paraffin wax to allow very thin sections (2-3μm thick) to be cut by an instrument known as a microtome
- These are mounted on a glass microscope slide for further preparation prior to analysis.
What can microscopic rumination of biopsy answer?
• Is the tissue normal?
• Is the tissue inflamed and, if it is, what is the likely cause? (Lecture 9)
• Is the tissue cancerous and, if it is, what type of cancer is it? (Lecture 13)
Biopsies are primarily used to make diagnoses e.g. is there a need for surgery?
Are chemical stains used? What are examples?
- Chemical stains are often employed with the tissue sections to aid the identification of cells within the biopsy section.
- For example, Haemotoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining can be used to identify the nuclei and cytoplasmic granules of leukocytes within tissues (Practical 2). Similarly, the Ziehl-Neelsen stain will stain acid-fast bacteria red, aiding in the diagnosis of tuberculosis infection (Practical 4).
When are resection specimens taken?
-Resection specimens are taken from tissue that has been removed as part of a surgical procedure and can be processed as for a biopsy.
What are resections specimens used to look at?
- Resections are used primarily to look at the stage the disease (Lecture 13). For example, it is known that the patient has a cancer, but how far is the disease progressing? For example has the cancer penetrated the bowel wall, spread to the lymph nodes or the liver? Has all the cancerous tissue been removed or is chemotherapy needed?
- Tissue from resection specimens can also be donated to biobanks and used to inform genomic studies of the disease process, with the input of other medical professionals such as immunologists and microbiologists.
When are frozen sections taken?
-Frozen sections are taken during surgical procedures are are examined by pathologistsin real time while the patient is being operatedupon.
How is a frozen section taken?
-The freshly taken tissue is frozen by a machine known as a cryostat, cut then mounted on glass slides and stained as for biopsies.
What can frozen sections give an answer for?
-The procedure can give a rapid diagnosis in minutes which can be relayed back to the surgeon to inform the surgery. For example:
• Is the tissue cancerous?
• Has all the cancerous tissue been removed?
Is there another pathological process going on
What are the timescales for a result form the histopathology lab to reach clinician?
Frozen section: 30 minutes
Biopsies: 2-3 days
Resection specimen: 5-7 days
What is fine needle aspirates?
- A fine needle can also used to get into a lesion and suck out (aspirate) the cells which can then be analysed as for a smear
- This is a very powerful technique as the needle can penetrate relatively inaccesable tissues e.g. a thyroid nodule and assess the suspect mass without the need for surgery.
What Is the downside of fine needle aspirates?
-the cytopathologist is only looking at cells and is unable to comment upon the likely architecture of the tissue
What is a powerful combo?
Histopathology and cytopathology
What is CD31?
- An antibody recognising the endothelical cell marker CD31, typical of endothelial cells allows us to definitely define this biopsy as being of an endothelial cell tumour (above figure).
- If these biopsies are then combined with analysis of a fine needle aspirate taken from the patient’s enlarged lymph nodes (shown below), then a diagnosis of reactive lymphadenopathy can be given due to the mixed cell population observed.
What can be seen in a Skin biopsy taken from an individual with Kaposi’s sarcoma?
Spindly looking cells can be seen to penetrate the collagen fibres. Immunohistochemistry can also be used to identify key molecules within the tissues.
How can antibodies help in diagnosis?
- Antibodies are extremely useful molecules which can aid in the diagnosis of disease.
- The immunology labs offer 86 different tests of which 53 are used to detect the levels of specific antibodies circulating in patients.
- For example, high levels of circulating antibodies recognising double stranded DNA are assoaciated with systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE), Sjögren’s syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis.
What are attachments?
- Manufactured antibodies can be used to specifically detect molecules in the process of immunohistochemistry.
- Attachments (also known as conjugations) to the Fc region of the antibody (PoM primer) can be made, permitting a wide variety of uses.
What are different attachments?
- Enzymes
- Fluorescent probes
- Magnetic beads
- Drugs
How can enzymes be an attachment?
- Enzymes: e.g. peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase.
2Used with a colourless substrate to give a coloured product, e.g. the CD31 staining we looked at on the previous page. - Also detection of oestrogen receptors on breast cancer tissue biopsies.
How can fluorescent probe be used as an attachment?
- These can allow the rapid measurement of the levels of molecules within a sample 2.Multiplexing (using several antibodies with different fluorescence) can allow the measurement of several molecules in a single precious clinical sample.
How can magnetic beads be used as an attachment?
- e.g. the purification of cell types. With the use of a magnet, cells can be depleted of contaminents e.g. anti-CD3 antibodies used to deplete bone marrow of T cells prior to use in bone marrow grafts.
How can drugs be used as an attachment?
- e.g. the biological Kadcyla, an anti-HER2 antibody linked to the cytotoxic chemical emtansine. HER2 isoverexpressed in around 30% of breast cancers andKadcyla has NICE (N ational Institute for Health and Care Excellence)approval for the treatment of advanced metastatic breast cancers.
How can antibodies be used as a diagnostic tool?
- The unique specificity of antibodiesfor their target antigens is the basis of many diagnostic tests.
- Antibodies are relatively easy to generate and can be used to detect not only proteins but other biological molecules such as carbohydrates and lipids. 3.This can either be direct detection of the antigen or via the detection of an unlabelled antibody by a second antibody conjugated with a fluorescent probe or enzyme.
What are different scenarios that antibodies can be manufactured?
- Blood group serology (ALS 4).
- Immunoassayse.g. detection of hormones, circulating antibodies/antigens.
3 .Immunodiagnosis e.g. infections diseases (presence of circulating anti-HIV antibodies suggests infection with HIV. Similarly, high circulating levels of antibody might be suggestive of a myeloma (Lecture 14) or, if the antibodies are of the IgE class, suggestive of an allergic phenotype (Tutorial 2, ALS 5).
What happens in Elsa?
- In an ELISA (Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay), clinical samples (typically serum samples) are allowed to adhere to a plastic plate, after which they are probed with an specific antibody raised against the molecule of interest
- The antibody is conjugated with an enzyme which can turn a colourless substrate a particular colour.
- With reference to a standard curve, the relative absorbance of the solution (Practical 1) can be used to determine precise levels of the molecule being studied.
What is flow cytometry?
The technique of flow cytometry allows the detection of specific cells, notably lymphocyte subpopulations, using fluorescently conjugated specific antibodies
What are these are typically molecules expressed on the cell surface and may include?
- anti-CD3+ T cells – pan T cell marker
- anti-CD4+ T cells – T helper/cells
- anti–CD8+ T cells – cytotoxic T cells
- anti–CD19+ B cells
- anti–CD56+ Natural Killer (NK) Cells
- This may be highly informative as to the nature of a particular inflammatory reaction (lecture 9).
How are the cells labelled?
- The cells are labelled with differently conjugated antibodies then run as a stream of single cells through a laser beam (s)
- The colour of the light emitted and the forward or side scatter of the laser beam can denote the identity of the cell surface molecules expressed and the size and granularity of the cells.