Phenomenology Flashcards
Marco theories (Marx and functionalist)
Assume structure of society determines behaviour of individuals
Everything an illusion?
No hard facts about the world, information passed on organising the word into phenomena
World only makes sense because we impose meaning on it
Giddens ‘theory of structuration’
Structure makes social action possible, social action creates the structure
Stems from the idea that some perception of reality is constructed
George Herbert mead
People change based off interaction
Development is a social process
Society considered a social construct of an individual basis, can’t be studied objectively
Symbolic interaction
Emphasise the ways in which society is actively shaped by individuals and meanings attached to ‘everyday’ things
Dramaturgical analogy
Goffman ‘the world is a stage, we are all actors in a play’
Dramaturgical analogy explained
Certain members of society adapt to certain roles and speak certain lines
Drama - analogy pt 2
Our society encounters have scenery that defy the situation for the actors and props used to enhance performance
The symbol
Charles Cooley referred to this as ‘looking glass self’
Looking glass self
Behaviour of others as a mirror, reflect on image of who we are
- interpret others in a way which confirms who we are
The interaction
Everything we know and understand about people is used in everyday interaction
- slope for errors, never know what is in someone else’s head
Small scale view on society, small perspective on interactions between symbols
- personal meanings for a symbol
- act based on meanings we are given
Social action theory examples
Symbolic interactions
Labelling theory