Phases Of Flight Flashcards
There is no optimum speed. SRS mode engaged or ground speed >90 knots
Speed profile for 2 engines =V2+10 1engine= V2 or AC SPD
At acceleration altitude or by engagement of another vertical mode
Speed profile is ECON CLB SPD/MACH
Reaching programmed cruise altitude
commanded Speed profile is ECON CRZ - MACH/SPD
<200 NM from DEST and any descent is initiated, or
> 200 NM from DEST and any descent is initiated with one of the following
-T/D reached
-FCU ALT set at or below:
‘FL 200 or
‘First altitude constraint (or lower) on the arrival
commanded Speed profile is ECON DES - MACH or SPD
-Overflying (DECEL) pseudo waypoint with NAV (or LOC*/LOC) mode engaged and altitude <9500 ft AGL or -manual activation of the approach
Speed profile is GDOT, S, F (depending on flap position) VAPP (when in final flap setting).
-Go around: when trust levers at TOGA detect and FLAPS lever not zero(if not in takeoff phase) or
-done: 30 seconds after landing or
-climb: when inserting a new CRZ FL
Go around
Speed profile is VAPP or current speed, whichever is greater. Green dot at acceleration altitude.
-Approach: Manual activation of the phase or
-when above the acceleration altitude, manually switch to climb/cruise phase by using one of the following methods:
/if diverting to the programmed alternate on INIT A
/if diverting to any other alternate
/if go around phase was inadvertent
(There is more)
No speed profile
To preflight when INIT or PERF key is pressed