Phase Separation in Biological Systems Flashcards
Compartmentalisation of Cells
- in eukaryotic cells have many compartments / organelles with specfic functions and provide spatiotemparal control over cell materials / metabolic pathways etc.
- most organelles have a membrane boundary but there are also many membraneless organelles
- these are supramolecular assemblies of proteins and RNA molecules and typically form liquid droplets or hydrogels
Biophysical Assays of Membraneless Compartments
-established liquid nature of some membraneless compartments
Protein Granule Model of Membraneless Compartments
- protein granules are a good model of liquid membraneless compartments
- molecules diffuse freely within protein granule
- two protein granules can fuse into one
- one protein granule can bud of from another
- spherical shape from surface tension
Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation
- entropy of mixing drives spontaneous mixing of components
- there is a predicted entropy increase with mixing and this drive to spontaneous mixing is always there
Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation
Volume Fractions
φ1 = volume fraction of component 1 φ2 = volume fraction of component 2
φ1 + φ2 = 1
Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation
φ = volume fraction υ = molecular volume c = concentration
c = φ/υ
Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation
-repulsion between components can lead to de-mixing
-two co-existing phases with volume fractions φ1=φs & φ1=φd
-there is no net-flux of molecules across the interface since:
μ1(φs) = μ1(φd)
Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation
Free Energy of Mixing
F = E - T Smix
Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation
Interaction Energy
E = χ12 V φ1 (1 - φ1)
-where χ12 is the FLory interaction parameter
Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation
Chemical Potential
μ1 = υ1 / V dF/dφ1
Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation Surface Tension
- entails coarsening of the disperse phase (droplets)
- owing to the Laplace pressure one large droplet is favourable over many small droplets
- droplets may coarsen by fusion or Ostwald ripening
Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation Surface Tension
Laplace Pressure
ΔP = Pin - Pout = 2γ/R
-where γ is the surface tension
Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation Surface Tension
Ostwald Ripening
-droplets leave smaller droplet in preference of larger one
2D Compartments
- compartmentalisation also occurs in 2D
- e.g. in lipid bilayer membranes and polymer brushes
2D Compartments
Lipid Bilayer Membranes
- microdomains within lipid membranes
- same driving mechanisms as 3D