Membrane Organisation and Energy Transfer Flashcards
How does energy get to the LH1-RC complex?
- once energy cycles around B850 in LH2 it can hop to adjacent LH2s
- over time energy migrates to the LH1-RC complexes
Purple Bacteria
LH1-RC Protein
- made up of 64 polypeptides, 80 transmembrane helices and 128 pigments
- 2 reaction centres wrapped in a broken figure of eight/S-shaped LH1
- around each RC in each half 28 B875 Chls for overlapping rings so 56 around each RC
- these B875s are sandwihed between inner and outer transmembrane polypeptides
- one carotnoid per BChl (so 56 per half) which have a spectral light harvesting role
- the S-shaped LH1 absorbs photons directly and accepts them from LH2
- rate of FRET in LH1 is typically faster than the rate of photochemistry in 1RC
- so if one RC is occupied an exciton can still access the second
Purple Bacteria
LH1-RC Protein
- remaining pigments are housed in the protein subunits that make up the RC
- energy has to be transferred to specialised Chls. the so called ‘special pair’
- an initial electron transfer process from the special pair creates a charge separated state or ‘ion pair’
- this photochemical reaction is the first point where electromagnetic energy has become chemical energy
Path of Energy in Bacterial Photosynthesis
- excited energy is transferred energetically downhill by internal conversion within the LH2 B800 (10^-15 s)
- then from LH2 B800 to LH2 B850 then to LH1 B875 by FRET(10^-12 s)
- it’s then slightly uphill from LH1 B875 to Rc BChls but at ambient temperatures this energy difference is insignificant
- thermal energy at 298K is enough to make the jump
Distance Between Chlorophylls
- for pairs of Chls and Chl-Car pairs Ro=3-8nm
- nearest neighbour distance between Chls within LH proteins ~0.5-2nm
- we may predict distance between proteins should be small, if this is the case energy transfer will proceed with high efficiency
Protein Structure of the Reaction Centre
- L & M subunits integrated into membrane with helical portion of H subunit
- L & M contain 5 transmembrane alpha helices each
- each alpha helix ~4nm long so sufficient to transverse the membrane
- much of subunit H is in contact with L & M at the cytoplasmic side for stailisation
- H subunit caps the structure on the cytoplasmic side
Reaction Centre
Arrangement of Cofactors
- symmetrically organised in 2 branches
- electrons transfer along the left branch only
Reaction Centre
Primary Photochemical Reaction
- electron with in the special pair, PlPm becomes excited (->PlPm*) and is expelled
- electron very rapidly transferred via accessory BChl_L to BPh_L forming ‘primary ion-pair state’ (PlPm+ + BPh_L-)
- this takes <5ps
Reaction Centre
Secondary Charge Transfers
- reduced BPh_L donates electron to adjacent Qa -> Qa- (200ps)
- Qa passes electron to nearby Qb (200μs) => Qb-
- this is electron tunnelling in biology
- cycle is repeate, the Qb can be used productively and electron from PlPm must be replaced
Non-Radiative Relaxation Process
Dred + Aox – ket –> Dox + Ared
Fermi’s Golden Rule
kif = 2π/ħ |Vif|² δ(Ei-Ef)
Electron Transfer Rate from Fermi’s Golden Rule
ket = 2π/ħ |V~|² FC
- where V~ is the electron coupling between initial and final states, depends on the distance between donor and acceptor and relative orientations
- FC is the Franck-Cordon factor, viberational overlap integral (includes effect of temperature)
|V~|²(r) = Vo~² e^(-βr)
Electron Transfer Rate as a Function of Distance
ket(r) = 2π/ħ Vo~² e^(-βr) FC
ket(r) ∝ e^(-βr)
Franck-Condon Factor
- reaction rate depends on free energy change of the reaction, ΔGo
- and reorganization energy, λ, the energy required to distort the geometry of the reactants into geometry of products without energy transfer taking place
- both these factors are incoorporated into the Franck-Condon factor