Membrane Organisation and Energy Transfer Flashcards
How does energy get to the LH1-RC complex?
- once energy cycles around B850 in LH2 it can hop to adjacent LH2s
- over time energy migrates to the LH1-RC complexes
Purple Bacteria
LH1-RC Protein
- made up of 64 polypeptides, 80 transmembrane helices and 128 pigments
- 2 reaction centres wrapped in a broken figure of eight/S-shaped LH1
- around each RC in each half 28 B875 Chls for overlapping rings so 56 around each RC
- these B875s are sandwihed between inner and outer transmembrane polypeptides
- one carotnoid per BChl (so 56 per half) which have a spectral light harvesting role
- the S-shaped LH1 absorbs photons directly and accepts them from LH2
- rate of FRET in LH1 is typically faster than the rate of photochemistry in 1RC
- so if one RC is occupied an exciton can still access the second
Purple Bacteria
LH1-RC Protein
- remaining pigments are housed in the protein subunits that make up the RC
- energy has to be transferred to specialised Chls. the so called ‘special pair’
- an initial electron transfer process from the special pair creates a charge separated state or ‘ion pair’
- this photochemical reaction is the first point where electromagnetic energy has become chemical energy
Path of Energy in Bacterial Photosynthesis
- excited energy is transferred energetically downhill by internal conversion within the LH2 B800 (10^-15 s)
- then from LH2 B800 to LH2 B850 then to LH1 B875 by FRET(10^-12 s)
- it’s then slightly uphill from LH1 B875 to Rc BChls but at ambient temperatures this energy difference is insignificant
- thermal energy at 298K is enough to make the jump
Distance Between Chlorophylls
- for pairs of Chls and Chl-Car pairs Ro=3-8nm
- nearest neighbour distance between Chls within LH proteins ~0.5-2nm
- we may predict distance between proteins should be small, if this is the case energy transfer will proceed with high efficiency
Protein Structure of the Reaction Centre
- L & M subunits integrated into membrane with helical portion of H subunit
- L & M contain 5 transmembrane alpha helices each
- each alpha helix ~4nm long so sufficient to transverse the membrane
- much of subunit H is in contact with L & M at the cytoplasmic side for stailisation
- H subunit caps the structure on the cytoplasmic side
Reaction Centre
Arrangement of Cofactors
- symmetrically organised in 2 branches
- electrons transfer along the left branch only
Reaction Centre
Primary Photochemical Reaction
- electron with in the special pair, PlPm becomes excited (->PlPm*) and is expelled
- electron very rapidly transferred via accessory BChl_L to BPh_L forming ‘primary ion-pair state’ (PlPm+ + BPh_L-)
- this takes <5ps
Reaction Centre
Secondary Charge Transfers
- reduced BPh_L donates electron to adjacent Qa -> Qa- (200ps)
- Qa passes electron to nearby Qb (200μs) => Qb-
- this is electron tunnelling in biology
- cycle is repeate, the Qb can be used productively and electron from PlPm must be replaced
Non-Radiative Relaxation Process
Dred + Aox – ket –> Dox + Ared
Fermi’s Golden Rule
kif = 2π/ħ |Vif|² δ(Ei-Ef)
Electron Transfer Rate from Fermi’s Golden Rule
ket = 2π/ħ |V~|² FC
- where V~ is the electron coupling between initial and final states, depends on the distance between donor and acceptor and relative orientations
- FC is the Franck-Cordon factor, viberational overlap integral (includes effect of temperature)
|V~|²(r) = Vo~² e^(-βr)
Electron Transfer Rate as a Function of Distance
ket(r) = 2π/ħ Vo~² e^(-βr) FC
ket(r) ∝ e^(-βr)
Franck-Condon Factor
- reaction rate depends on free energy change of the reaction, ΔGo
- and reorganization energy, λ, the energy required to distort the geometry of the reactants into geometry of products without energy transfer taking place
- both these factors are incoorporated into the Franck-Condon factor
Thermally Activated Behaviour
- for electron transfers where: -ΔGo < λ or -ΔGo > λ
- there is ‘thermally activated behaviour’
Activationless Behaviour
- for electron transfers where:
- ΔGo = λ
- FC is maximised so ket is maximal (very fast electron transfer) and there is only weak temperature dependence
- can neglect the integral in the FC factor and just keep the fraction
- this is the case for the reaction centre
Relationship Between Time and Distance for Electron Transfer
-there is a positive linear correlation between ln(time) and distance time = 1/ket -and ket ∝ V~² ∝ e^(-βr) => time ∝ e^(βr) ln(time) ∝ βr ∝ r
Placement of Cofactors
- photosynthetic systems are highly constrained, charge separation has to occur well within the fluorescence lifetime of the BChls (50ps)
- initial electron transfer events in the RC have to be fast, from Marcus theory this can only be acheived by placing the primary electron acceptor close to the special pair
- PlPm to BCh_L is ~6Å
- BCh_L to BPh_L is ~5Å
- this gives an overall transfer time of ~4ps from PlPm* to BPh_L
- the 10Å distance between BPh and Qa is ~200ps, also quite fast
Photosynthetic Membranes in Purple Bacteria
- purple bacteria compartmemtalise their photosynthetic membranes into organelles, ‘intracytoplasmic membranes’ (vesicles)
- this creates an expansive system of photo-active membranes increasing the surface area for light absorption
Why is membrane organisation important for photosynthetic function?
- absorption requires an extensive network of 1000s of Chls within the membrane held in place by antenna proteins
- the network of LHPs and RC complexes need to be physically extensive on a nanoscale
- the number and membrane distribution of RC traps needs to be optimal for high quantum yield of charge separation
- number and distribution of cytochrome complexes is important to ensure migration of electron carriers is not hindered by crowding of protein complexes in the membrane near the membrane surface
What are the challenges of observing the organisation of proteins within native membranes?
- detailed structural information on complexes requires them to be removed from the membrane
- knowledge of original location in the native membrane is required for understanding
- methods of preparation for electron microscopy can alter/destroy native membrane organisation
Solution to the Challenges of Observing Protein Organisation in Native Membranes
- atomic force microscopy
- images single molecules in membranes under liquid at near-native temperature, pH and ionic strength
- this preserves native membrane organisation
How does AFM work?
- works by touch, sensitive to any vibration
- canitlever tip in contact with sample with laser point reflected off of canitlever onto detector
- as it bends to sample topology the canitlever moves and so does the laser spot
- feedback electronics adjust the cantilever to bring the laser spot back to the centre of the detector
- this vertical adjustment thus traces the surface topology of the model
AFM Dimensions and Resolution
- cantilever length ~200μm
- cantilever thickness ~0.8μm
- tip height 2.9μm
- tip radius 20nm
- in-situ topographs have vertical resolution of ~1Å, lateral resolution of ~10Å
Limitations of AFM
- some photosynthetic membrane proteins are not normally resolved by AFM because:
- -those proteins are present in lower numbers so harder to find
- -extraction process can remove them
- -they don’t protrude above the membrane as much so are harder to ‘see’ with AFM
First Application of High Resolution AFM on Photosynthetic Membranes
- light harvesting membrane fragments extracted from purple bacteria
- AFM allowed observation of these ‘soft’ samples under liquids at lateral resolution ~1nm
- this was the first time any biological membrane with multiple proteins was visualised in ‘native’ state
- observed organisation of 10s-100s of light harvesting proteins in these membranes
What would be required for modelling of solar energy cature across large biological membranes? (rather than single proteins)
- high res. 3D structueres of indiviudal light harvesting proteins (from x-ray)
- knowledge of ratio of one protein to another (from biochem. & spectoscopy)
- knowledge of spatial distances of proteins (AFM)
- knowledge of membrane superstructure (from EM)
- theoretical framework for excitation energy transfer (Forster theory)
- optimisation / verification of theory by comparison to experimental data from fluorescence spectroscopy
- computational power to render and simulate such a large model
How is a model of the entire membrane produced?
- in principle it’s possible to reconstruct a model of the original membrane using information from several membrane patches
- and by putting known structures for the complexes at positions in the membrane according to the AFM map
First Attempt at Modelling an Intracytoplasmic Membrane Vesicle
- AFM images used to identify pigment-protein complexes with a planar patch
- multiple planar patches are combined and mapped onto a sphere using established area-conserving algorithms for sensible molecular spacings
- the available structural information is used to generate an atomic level model of the intracytoplasmic membrane (ICM) vesicle structure in silico
First Attempt at Modelling an Intracytoplasmic Membrane Vesicle