Pharynx And Esophagus Flashcards
Define Pharynx
It is a musculomembranous tube which lies behind the nose, mouth and larynx
Extent of the pharynx and length
extends from the base of the skull down to the 6th cervical vertebra
12-14 cm
Nasopharynx extent
extends from the base of the skull down to the level of the soft pala
Name two special features of Nasopharynx
At the junction of it’s roof and posterior wall the mucosa contains:
- nasopharyngeal tonsil
On each lateral wall of the nasopharynx, there are:
Pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube
The Pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube is situated where
1 cm behind the inferior nasal concha
The Pharyngeal opening site
its bounded above and behind by the tubal elevation
the tubal elevation is produced by
by the cartilage of the auditory tube
What is Around the pharyngeal opening
the mucosa contains a collection of lymphoid tissue called the tubal tonsil
The pharyngeal opening is between …… and ……
What’s it’s function
Between midlle ear and nasopharynx
Contains air and maintain pressure
The lower end of the tubal elevation is continuous with a vertical mucous fold called the
salpingopharyngeal fold
What structure is Behind the tubal elevation
pharyngeal recess of Rosenmuller
Oropharynx lateral wall presents
Sinus tonsillar
Also called: tonsillar bed or tonsillar fossa
Sinus tonsillar contains what
Palatine tonsil between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches
Define palatine tonsils and location
Two masses of lymphoid tissue located in tonsillar fossa between palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal
Each palatine tonsil is covered by what on its medial surface
Mucous membrane on its free medial surface that projects into the pharynx
Each palatine tonsil is covered by what on its lateral surface
By a fibrous capsule that is seperated from superior constrictor muscle by loose areolar tissue
the loose areolar tissue that seperates the fibrous capsule from superior constrictor muscle contains what?
External palatine vein
Also called: paratonsillar vein