Pharyngeal Stage Flashcards
Bolus contact with area of anterior faucial pillars and posterior surface of the tongue
Other sensory inputs
Velopharyngeal seal
Closes system, creates more pressure, prevents nasal regurgitations
Levator veli palatini
Musculus uvulae helps
Displacement of hyoid and larynx
Digastric, mylohyoid, geniohyoid, hyoglossus
Hyoid moves out of the way so bolus can move through (anteriorly and superiority)
Pharyngeal elevation
And shortening by 1/3
Base of tongue
Retracts to posterior pharyngeal wall
Reflexive cessation of respiration
Sensory important for pharyngeal phase
Must detect elevation of palate and tongue base pressing on pharyx
Pharyngeal stripping wave
Stylopharyngeus and pharyngeal constrictors
Epiglottis tipped down
Bifrication down both sides of pharynx (protective mechanism)
Doesn’t completely close over laryngeal aditus
Contraction of intrinsic laryngeal muscles
Vocal folds adducting- thyroarytenoid, transverse arytenoid, lateral cricoarytenoid
False vocal folds close
Soft palate pulled down
Approximated to root of tongue by pharyngopalatine muscle and upper pharyngeal constrictors
Hypopharyngeal pressure differential
Closed system, with the vallecula, when the UES opens up, the bolus is displaced into a lower pressure area where is UES is
UES opening
Cricopharyngeus, sternohyoid, sternothyroid, omohyoid
Inferior constrictors are starting to put pressure the bolus
Bolus moves towards lower pressure