Pharmacology in pregnancy and breastfeeding Flashcards
What are some problems with oral route meds in pregnancy?
May be difficult if there is morning sickness, nausea or vomiting
Potential decrease in gastric emptying and gut motility
What is a problem with IM route for meds during pregnancy?
Blood flow increased so absorption may increase via this route
Name a drawback of inhalation as a route for meds during pregnancy.
Increased cardiac output and decreased tidal volume may cause increased absorption via this route
How may pregnancy affect distribution of drugs?
Increased plasma volume and fat
Greater dilution of plasma will decrease relative amount of plasma proteins
What effect does oestrogen and progestogens have on metabolism?
Can induce or inhibit p450 enzymes, increasing or reducing metabolism
What is the effect of altered metabolism from oestrogen and progestogens on the body drugs?
Levels may be reduced if metabolism induced
Levels may increase if metabolism inhibited
How does pregnancy affect GFR?
Increased by 50%
What travels across the placenta from mother to fetus?
Oxygen Glucose Amino acids Lipids, FA's, Glycerol Alcohol Nicotine and other drugs Viruses Antibodies
What travels across the placenta from fetus to mother?
Name some factors affecting placental drug transfer?
Physiochemical properties (molecular weight, polarity, lipid solubility) Transfer rate Duration of exposure Distribution Stage of development Effect of drugs when used in combo
How are drugs excreted in the fetus?
Excreted into amniotic fluid which is then swallowed and recirculated
What are some important principles of prescribing in pregnancy?
Non-pharmacological treatment preferable
Use lowest effective dose
Use drug for shortest time possible
Avoid in first 10 weeks of pregnancy ideally
Consider stopping reducing dose before delivery
When does teratogenicity pose the greatest risk for fetal abnormality?
Weeks 3-8
What are folates for?
Essential for the synthesis of DNA, the modification of DNA and RNA, the synthesis of methionine from homocysteine, and various other chemical reactions involved in cellular metabolism
How do methotrexate and trimethoprim cause folate antagonism?
Block conversion of folate to THF by irreversibly binding to the enzyme
How do phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproate cause folate antagonism?
Block other enzymes in the folate pathway
What kind of defects could folate antagonism cause?
Neural tube, oro-facial or limb defects
What kind of drugs may cause neural crest disruption?
What are some problems which could arise from neural crest disruption?
Aortic arch abnormalities VSD's Craniofacial malformations Oesophageal atresia Pharyngeal gland abnormalities
Give an example of enzyme-mediated teratogenesis.
NSAIDs causing orofacial clefts and cardiac septal defects
What may cause fetotoxicity?
ACE inhibitors/ARBs could cause renal dysfunction and growth retardation
Can drugs a mother takes be present in breast milk?
Most will
List some drugs should be avoided in pregnancy?
Cytotoxics Immunosuppressants Anti-convulsants Amiodarone Lithium Radio-iodine
Can herbal medicines affect pregnancy?
Some common ones include fenugreek, ginseng, rhubarb, star anise