Pharmacology Flashcards
Effects, clinical uses and adverse effects
Effects: Female sexual maturation and growth (breast/endometrium/uterus); increased coagulation; metabolic and CV effects; increased progesterone receptor synthesis
Clinical uses: Contraception; HRT; primary hygonadism: decreasing levels to decrease dysmenorrhoea, hirsutism and amenorrhoea
Adverse effects: Migraines; nausea; hyperpigmentation; endometrial/breast cancer; hyperpigmentation; breast tenderness; metabolic effects
Outline the M.O.A. of oestrogen/progesterone/androgens
Transported bound to a transport protein. Dissociation allows diffusion to target cell.
Bind to a cell surface receptor (ER/PR/AR)
Chaperone proteins (hsp) are displaced and the hormone:receptor is translocated to the nucleus
The hormone:receptor complex associates with the hormone responsive element
Co-regulator molecules are recruited
Gene transcription is altered
Effects, clinical uses and side effects
Effects: Breast and endometrial development; ↓ Na+ absorption; prompts decidualisation of endometrium in secretory phase; weak androgenic effects; inhibit gonadotropins; fat and carb. metabolism
Clinical uses: Contraception; HRT; conceiving difficulties; long term ovarian suppression; use in dysmenorrhoea, endometriosis and PMS when oestrogen is contraindicated
NOTE: May take a while for ovulatory function to return following cessation of the therapy
Side effects: May ↑ BP; ↓ HDL and increase risk of breast cancer
Effects, clinical uses and side effects
Effects: Foetal sexual differentiation; development of male sexual characteristics; spermatogensis; ↑ erythropoietin synthesis; stimulates/maintains sexual function and behaviour; metabolic actions (anabolic effects on muscle and bone, ↑ hepatic protein synthesis, ↓ HDL)
Clinical uses: Primary hypogonadism; delayed puberty; anabolic steroids
Side effects: Prostate cancer; gynaecomastia; ↑ Na+ retention (↑ BP); hirsutism, male baldness and acne; cholestatic jaundice; anxiety and depression
Gonadal hormone synthesis inhibitors: GnRH agonists and antagonists
Suppressive function indications: Endometriosis; uterine fibroids; precocious puberty; amenorrhoea and infertility (PCOS)
Adverse effects of suppression: Menopausal like symptoms; decreased bone density → osteoporosis
NOTE - may also be used for stimulatory functions: Female and male infertility.
Initial administration leads to a surge in FSH and LH - may require drug to counteract. Following this the increased levels cause negative feedback, creating suppression.
Pulsatile administration = stimulatory function
Continuous administration = suppressive function
Antagonists: Decrease FSH and LH levels. ‘Quicker’ inhibition and easier to withdraw
Indications: Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation; advanced prostate cancer
THINK OF ‘DOWNSTREAM’ HORMONES - Production stimulus is now removed

Gonadal hormone synthesis inhibitors: 5α-reductase inhibitors
M.O.A.: Blocks testosterone synthesis (conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone) through high affinity binding of the androgen receptor
Indications: Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH); androgenic alopecia
Gondal hormone synthesis inhibitors: Aromatase inhibitors
M.O.A.: Inhibit aromatase, preventing the conversion of testosterone to oestrogen
Indications: Metastatic breast cancer; preventing cancer reoccurence; precocious puberty; excessive aromatase production
CAUTION: Suppresion of protective oestrogen (osteoprotegerin) may lead to decreased bone density and osteoporosis
Receptor antagonists/modulators: SERM
M.O.A., examples (tamoxifen, raloxifen, clomiphene) and their indications/cautions
SERM: Selective oestrogen receptor modulators
M.O.A.: Display a mixed agonist/antagonist function, which is tissue dependent. Tissue specificity is acheived through the tissue specific oestrogen receptor and through interactions with ligand associated transcription factors (TFs).
- Antagonist in breast tissue
- Partial agonist in the endometrium and bone
Indications: Treatment/prevention of breast cancer
Cautions: Treatment > 5 years increases risk of endometrial cancer (due to partial agonist function)
- Antagonist in breast and endometrium
- Agonist bone
Indications: Breast cancer prevention; delays osteoporosis
- Antagonist in hypothalamus and antierior pituitary (competitive antagonist of ER, ↓ negative feedback inhibition, ↑ GnRH, FSH and LH release)
- Agonist in ovaries
Indications: Ovulation inducing agent
Cautions: Can increase ovary size
Receptor antagonists/modulators: SPRM
M.O.A., examples (Mifepristone and asoprisnil) and their indications/cautions
SPRM: Selective progesterone receptor modulators
Indications: Admistered alongside misoprostol/gemeprost for the stimulation of uterine contractions
Cautions: May induce first trimester abortion (with progesterone inhibited the decidua decay/die and the embryo has no nutritional support)
Asoprisnil: Inhibits the growth of endo- and myometrial derived tissues
Indications: Endometriosis; uterine fibroids
Receptor antagonists/modulators: Androgen receptor antagonists
M.O.A., indications and examples
M.O.A.: Block the action of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
Indications: Hirsutism; prostate cancer; ‘chemical castration’; hyperandrogenism in females
Flutamide and bicalutamide: Non-steroidal pure antagonist. Block gene transcription initiation
Cyproterone acetate: Anti-androgen at high doses
Drospirenone: Derived from spironolactone
Contraception: COCP
M.O.A., benefits, adverse effects
1. Prevent ovulation: The presence of oestrogen suppresses GnRH, and subsequently FSH and LH, release. This means the follicle does not mature (no FSH) and ovulation does not occur.
Oestrogen inhibits FSH secretion (via negative feedback), progesterone inhibits LH secretion (?decreases GnRH pulsatile release, this in turn favours FSH?)
2. Prevents pregnancy: Changes in uterine tube peristalsis, endometrial receptivity and cervical mucus secretions
Benefits: Decreased incidence of enodmetrial and ovarian cancer
Adverse effects: Increased risk of DVT, PE, gallbladder disease and breast cancer
Contraception: Progesterone only pill (POP)
1. Ovulation inhibition: The progesterone acts to decreasing the pulsatile release of GnRH (this favours secretion of FSH). It also causes decreased sensitivitiy of the anterior pituitary to GnRH.
2. Inhibits endometrial proliferation and endometrial secretions.
Contraception: Emergency contraception
A progesterone receptor modulator
Levonorgestrel - Upto 96 hours
Ulipristal - Upto 120 hours
Suppresses menopausal symptoms e.g. hot flushes, urogenital tissue atrophy
Oestrogen and progesterone can be used to prevent the induction of endometrial cancer.
*Use lowest possible dose for shortest amount of time*
Infertility and ovulation inducing agents
Examples, possible adverse effects
Clomiphene and gonadotropins: Enhance fertility through causing the maturation of multiple eggs per cycle
Possible ADR: Multiple pregnancies
Pulsatile GnRH: Less likely to cause multiple pregnancies or ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
State the effect of impaired kidney function on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic processes
- ↓ Absorption: Increased gastric pH, phosphate binding drugs, vomiting and diarrhoea, decreased intestinal CytP450 activty
- Distribution: Affected by changes in hydration status (Vd changed for water soluble drugs); less albumin (less binding of acidic drugs); urea displaces drugs from plasma proteins; tissue binding changed (e.g. digoxin)
- ↓ Metabolism: Hepatic metabolism also reduced. Reduced clearance of insulin → insulin resistance
Excretion: Filtration, secretion and reabsorption are all affected
- Filtration: ↓ GFR → decreased clearance and therefore more change of toxicity and ADRs
- Reabsorption: May be reduced
- Secretion: Increased levels of metabolites lead to saturation of transporters
- Reduced metabolism of medicines
- Impaired distribution of drugs due to the fluid retention associated with renal disease
- Increased sensitivity to CNS drugs
- Increased risk of GI bleeds (with GI irritant drugs)
- Increased risk of hyperkalaemia
- Increased toxicity and decreased efficacy
- Increased incidence of ADRs
Impaired kidney function: Effects on absorption
Reduced due to:
- Reduced gastric empyting
- Reduced gastric acidity
- Treatment with phosphate binding drugs - that are able to bind various medications
As a consequence of this the therapeutic level is not achieved.
Impaired kidney function: Effects on distribution
- The fluid retention associated with renal failure leads to reduced effective drug concentration for water soluble drugs with low protein binding
- Organic acids accumulate in kidney disease. These acids compete with medicines for binding to albumin and other plasma proteins. This decreased availabilty of proteins for binding leads to an increased proportion of free drug.
- Decreased albumin levels lead to an increased level of free drug
- Urea is able to displace drugs from plasma proteins subsequently increasing the concentration of free drug
- Tissue binding of digoxin is changed (due to altered cardiac muscle:plasma ratio) leading to increased displacement of digoxin. Dose must be reduced.
Impaired kidney function: Effects on metabolism
- Reduced renal metabolism
- Enzymatic reactions altered
- Decreased clearance of insulin
- Changes in mineral and bone metabolism
Impaired kidney function: Effects on excretion
- The reduction of renal clearance seen in kidney disease causes an increase in drug half-life. Resultantly, the dose interval must be widened. However, this means that the time taken for the drug to reach steady state is increased.
- Excretion of acidic drugs is increased by increased urinary pH
- The opposite is true for alkaline drugs
Describe 3 mechanisms responsible for drug excretion by the kidneys, how they can be altered and the implications of the alteration
Understand how to assess and identify patients with imapired kidney function (dose adjustment)
- Reduced GFR
- Increased serum creatinine or urea (BUN)
- Proteinuria
- Oedema
Describe how drugs reduce kidney function: Pre-renal, renal and post-renal
Give key examples of how specific drugs/drug classes cause nephrotoxicty