Chronic Renal Failure Pathophysiology (7.7) Flashcards
Understand the physiological adaptations that allow the kidneys to maintain homeostasis despite falling GFR in the context of CKD
Characteristics features, changes in individual ion levels, treatment
Characteristic features: Hypertension, proteinuria, glomerularsclerosis and progressive loss of renal function

Understand endocrine consequences of CKD
Treatment, main cause of CKD symptoms?

Understand mechnanisms of CKD progression and the rationale for interventions to slow this
- Control hypertension: CVD is the biggest cause of death amongst CKD patients. Controlling blood pressure will decreased end organ failure. Also, provision of lifestyle and dietary advice to decrease other cardiovascular complications
- Correct electrolyte disturbances:
Supplement calcium
Use of phosphate binders (decreasing PO4-) and HCO3- (to correct acidosis)
- Correct disturbances in endocrine function:
Supplement Vitamin D
Use of EPO stimulating agents or iron supplementation

Describe the KDOQI and KDIGO classification systems for CKD

State the key features of chronic renal failure
↓ Excretory function
↓ Capacity to concentrate urine
↓ Synthetic and endocrine function
Progressive renal damage