Pharmacist Requirements & Continuing Education Flashcards
Licensee (pharmacist) shall maintain the signed authorization on his or her person at all times when engaging in the practice of pharmacy until…
the initial license is issued
Upon issuance of a license to practice, the current biennial renewal license shall be conspicuously displayed in…
the pharmacist’s principal place of employment
A pharmacist who is employed by more than one pharmacy in the State shall maintain the…
wallet-sized license issued by the Board on his or her person when he or she is working at a location where his or her current biennial renewal license is not on display
If a pharmacist legally changes the name under which he or she engages in the practice of pharmacy OR his/ her address of record, the pharmacist shall notify the Board within…
30 days of such change
The biennial license or wallet-sized license issued by the Board to any pharmacist shall not…
be reprinted, photographed, photostated, duplicated or reproduced
A pharmacist shall renew his or her license for a period of…
2 years from the last expiration date
A pharmacist who fails to submit a renewal application within 30 days of license expiration shall…
have his or her license suspended without a hearing
The Board shall send a notice of renewal to each pharmacist at least…
60 days before the expiration of the license
A pharmacist who has had his or her license administratively suspended, may apply to the Board for reinstatement within…
5 years following the date of license expiration
A pharmacist applying for reinstatement shall submit evidence of having completed all delinquent CE credit consistent with…
the requirements with a max of 5 years (15 credit/yr), or 75 credits
If the license has been administratively suspended for a period of more than 5 years, a pharmacist applying for reinstatement shall…
satisfy all the requirements and shall pass the MPJE and NAPLEX
A pharmacist may, upon application to the Board, choose inactive status. A pharmacist electing inactive status shall not…
engage in the practice of pharmacy in NJ for the entire biennial registration period.
If license on inactive status may return to active if:
1) a license was practicing pharmacy in another state for at least 1,000 hours within the 2 years immediately before the date of application for return to active status
2) If a licensee was practicing pharmacy in another state, but practiced for less than 1,000 hours 2 years immediately before the date of application for return to active status, the licensee shall submit evidence of having completed 30 CE credits
3) If a licensee has not practiced pharmacy in another state shall submit evidence of having completed 15 CE credits/yr, to a max of 75 credits. At least 30 credits shall have been completed within the 2 years immediately before the date of application
Each applicant for biennial license renewal shall complete a minimum of 30 credits of CE during the preceding biennial period except:
the Board shall not require completion of CE credits for an applicant’s initial license renewal
At least 10 CE credits shall be obtained through didactic instruction. For purposes of this subsection, “didactic instruction” means…
in-person instruction and may include telephonic or electronic instruction that is interactive (shall not include videotaped instruction)
At least 3 CE credits shall be obtained in…
“pharmacy law” applicable to practice in NJ
10 credits may be carried over into a succeeding period only if such credits were earned…
in the last 6 months of the preceding biennial and were not previously recorded
Successful completion of graduate work related to the practice at an accredited college or university beyond that which is required for professional licensure shall be granted…
3 CE credits/course credit
Attendance at approved programs or courses shall be granted one credit/contact hour of attendance defined as…
50 minutes of actual attendance
One-half credit shall be granted for each…
30 minute segment of a program
Participation as a preceptor in an “externship” program, upon prior approval by a college of pharmacy, shall be granted…
3 CE credits/student (to a max of 6 credits)
Teaching and research appointments related to the practice shall be granted…
3 CE credits for each new program or course taught (up to a max of 6 credits)
Publication of an article related to the practice in a peer-reviewed professional journal shall be granted…
3 CE credits/article (to a max of 6 credits)
Participation as a preceptor in an internship program shall be granted…
3 CE credits per 160 hours of work performed by the intern(s) and supervised by the licensee (to a max of 6 credits)
A licensee shall maintain all documentation concerning the completion of CE requirements for a period of…
5 years from the completion of the credit hours and shall submit such documentation to the Board upon request
The Board may waive CE requirements…
on an individual basis for reasons of military service, hardship, illness or disability
The Board shall audit licensees on a random basis…
at the end of each biennial period to determine compliance
A “CE Sponsor” shall receive prior Board approval in writing. The program or course is offered in a subject matter relevant to the practice and is at least…
1 contact hour in length and is conducted by a qualified instructor who submits a CV and is:
i. a pharmacist with at least 5 years of experience
ii. a pharmacist with expertise in course subject area
iii. certified by a nationally recognized board or association
iv. a licensed health care professional who demonstrates special expertise in the subject area
Applications for pre-approval of CE programs or courses shall be submitted by the CE sponsor on a form provided by the Board at least…
45 days prior to the date of the program or course is to be offered
The CE sponsor shall monitor attendance at, or ensure completion of, each approved program or course and furnish to each enrollee a verification of attendance which shall include at least the following:
- The title, date and location of the program
- The name of the program presenter
- The name and certificate # of the program
- The # of CE credits awarded
- The name, address, telephone # and signature of the sponsor
The CE sponsor shall maintain a list of all…
attendees who completed each approved program or course for a period of 5 years from the date the program was offered