Pharm 2: Immune, Endocrine, Renal Flashcards
nebulized medication to treat and prevent PCP
pentamidine (NebuPent)
30-45 min/dose
Nsg intervention and things to monitor (4) for pt on pentamidine
Nsg-frequent movement for distribution
BP (severe HoTN)
BUN/creatinine (nephrotoxicity)
do not give this with pentamidine and why
r/f fatal dysrhythmias
Possible AE of metronidazole (6)
dark urine nvd/c - take with food oral/vaginal candidiasis decreased WBCs and plts disulfiram-like reaction with alcohol increased r/f bleeding with coumadin
inhibits reverse transcriptase before virus enters nucleus
nevirapine (Viramune)
kills good and bad cells
AE of nevirapine (Viramune)
flu-like s/s
abn LFTs
zidovudine (AZT)–inhibits reverse transcriptase in nucleus
treat and prevent maternal transmission of HIV
keep pt upright while administering and 30 min after giving
biggest AE of HIV treatment in general
biggest AE of AZT
macrocytic anemia
when using benadryl avoid
alcohol, will increase sedation effect
antihistamines aka
H1 blockers–block H1 receptors, which decreases histamine release and results in less mucus production
acyclovir (Zovirax) treats
Herpes viruses: HSV, herpes zoster, varicella
AIDS pts more likely to get HSV infection
doxorubicin (Adriamycin) is an antineoplastic that also treats
Kaposi’s Sarcoma
doxorubicin admin (2)
increase fluids 2000-3000/day
anti-emetic 45 min before dose
gown, gloves, and mask when handling med and urine
for pts on this med
this med can cause red urine, hair loss, cellulitis
antibiotic used to treat/prevent PCP
sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim (SMX-TMP) (Bactrim)
Bactrim admin
take with food and full glass of water
AE of Bactrim
r/f SJS and hypersensitivity reaction
nephrotoxicity- monitor BUN/creatinine
crystalluria and stones–increase fluids
cyclosporine (Sandimmune)
action and indications
inhibits T cell activation
prevention and treatment of organ transplant rejection (used with steroids)
severe RA
avoid grapefruit/juice with this med because it can increase absorption and lead to toxicity
this med causes increased r/f skin cancer due to decreased immunity and photosensitivity
azathioprine (Imuran)
action and indications
blocks T cell proliferation
prevent transplant rejection (in combo with cyclosporine and steroids)
severe RA unresponsive to other meds
watch for this with pt on Imuran
bleeding, causes thrombocytopenia
admin of Imuran
give with or after meals to decrease nausea
omit missed dose
drug interactions with steroids
NSAIDS/EtOH (increase r/f gastric bleeding)
K-depleting agents (increased K loss)
synthetic ACTH; stimulates release from adrenals of cortisol, aldosterone, androgens
AE of Cosynropin
can cause edema and HTN
meds that mimic GH; indications
somatropin and somatrem
hypopituitary dwarfism
AE of somatropin
fludrocortisone (Florinef) indications
adrenocortical insufficiency in Addison’s disease; corticosteroid but used for mineralocorticoid effects, which it also has (Na retention and K excretion)
Florinef AE
edema, HTN, HF, hypokalemia
med that inhibits GH release (synthetic somatostatin); indications
octreotide (Sandostatin)
treatment of carcinoid tumors/crisis and acromegaly
powerful vasoconstrictor that mimics ADH; used in emergency cardiac arrest