Adv MS Test #3 Flashcards
scarring of the liver due to necrosis or chronic inflammation over time; liver tissue replaced by non-functional fibrotic tissue
condition often associated with another syndrome (ex-Down’s) in which head circumference is smaller than normal and will fail to grow
Nsg interventions for autonomic dysreflexia
Elevate HOB 45 degrees notify MD cath to empty bladder
best indicator of renal function
Hydrocephalus etiology
Congenital: CNS malformation (genetic, spina bifida/NTDs, tumors, intrauterine infection) Acquired: meningitis, brain tumors, aneurysm, trauma
pts with meningitis are put in
respiratory isolation
hepatitis dx
ELISA test for antibodies to id strain
homonymous hemianopsia
loss of half the visual field in both eyes
increased urea in blood
s/s of chronic pancreatitis
recurring attacks wt loss malabsrption-steatorrhea
Type of CP with poor coordination, wide gait, and difficulty with quick, precise movements
s/s cholecystitis
RUQ pain, full feeling, may radiate to back abd distention–these can worsen after fatty meal pruritis due to bile salts in skin n/v obstructive jaundice dark urine and clay-colored stool
sudden and reversible loss of kidney function
acute kidney failure/acute kidney injury
these two Hep viruses are fecal oral transmitted, acute onset and self-limiting, associated with poor sanitation
HepA and HepE
Chiari malformation
cerebellum protrudes into spinal canal
most common form of meningitis, self-limiting
Viral (aseptic) Mumps, measles, herpes
constant EKG monitoring with SCI because
SCI can cause bradycardia, asystole
IN a child with a Wilm’s tumor, DO NOT
palpate abdomen
cholecystitis patho
bile flow obstructed bile chemically irritates gb causing autolysis and edema cells die, destended gb presses on bvs and decreases blood flow can result in gangrene, infection, perforation
RFs for liver cancer
HepC cirrhosis toxin exposure smoking alcohol abuse
causes of nephrotic syndrome
Primary: Minimal Change (etiology unknown) or congenital Secondary: due to a systemic disease that damages glomeruli (drug toxicity, hypersensitivity rxn, infection…)
s/s Chiari malformation
occipital HA: worsened by coughing, straining vomiting difficulty swallowing
to dx enuresis, inappropriate urination must occur
at least 2x/week for at least 3 mos in a child 5 yrs or older
Hydrocephalus s/s in children
**Urinary incontinence **Change in personality, memory loss HA n/v sunsetting uncoordinated gait
consequence if VP/VA shunt placement decreases IICP too rapidly
subdural hematoma
seizure with a blank stare that ends suddenly, can have automatisms, hyperventilation or flushing; flashing lights can provoke
Absence seizure
chronic progressive degenerative autoimmune disease; antibodies attack myelin sheath in white matter (axons) of CNS, plaques form, slowing impulse transmission to muscles
Multiple Sclerosis
acute exacerbation of MG due to infection or medication underdose; emergency
Myasthenic crisis–improves with Tensilon
Muscle biopsy for tissue changes and loss of muscle fibers
s/s of AGN
Brown, tea-colored urine (d/t rbc’s in urine) HTN Circulatory congestion/Edema-periorbital, JVD, crackles, SOB decreased UO fever
HOB post of VA/VP shunt placement
initially flat (too avoid subdural hematoma formation) then 30
two types of gallstones
pigment stones–from unconjugated pigments; must be surgically removed cholesterol stones–d/t decreased bile acid synthesis or increased chol synthesis
These two blood-borne hepatitis viruses occur together
Hep B and Hep D
can result in permenant renal failure; often due to eating food contaminated with Ecoli, Shigella, Salmonella
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS)
meningitis with a chronically draining ear is associated with
Strep pneumoniae
mild concussion
unconscious 30 min or less
condition in which kidneys are unable to remove metabolites and wastes from blood, resulting in F&E and A/B imbalances
kidney failure
Spina bifida lesion at L2 or above
wheelchair bound L2-L5 chair or braces lower, may need braces
Epilepsy def
condition of 2 or more unprovoked seizures vs. acute seizures d/t acute issue
chronic hepatitis (B,C,D) increase r/f
liver cancer
s/s septic meningitis
high fever, chills severe HA, drowsiness Photophobia n/v red/ purple spotted rash late sign: nuchal rigidity….confusion, seizures +Brudzinski’s sign (flexion of knees and hips with neck flexion) +Kernig’s sign (resistance to leg extension from flexed position)
most common cause of ARF
Acute Tubular Necrosis due to decreased perfusion to tubular cells, necrosis and cell sloughing with obstruction of tubules results is reversible, cells can regenerate
Stage of CRF with normal BUN/Creat and no s/s
Reduced Renal Reserve lifestyle changes here can increase function
stroke secondary to ruptured artery or aneurysm
Hemorrhagic stroke
RFs for septic meningitis
bacterial URI immunosuppression penetrating injury to CSF Overcrowded living conditions
stroke caused by a blood clot that forms on an atherosclerotic plaque in a cerebral artery
Thrombotic stroke (Ischemic-type)
Meds that can cause drug-induced hepatitis
Tylenol some antidepressants anesthetics anticonvulsants
no loss of consciousness, pt knows what it happening and is responsive; motor (eyes turn away, facial tic, arrested speech) or sensory (tingling, change in vision or hearing), or psychic (Deja Vu, emotion) symptoms
Simple Partial Seizure
Ketogenic diet
seizure-suppressing Hi FAT, low PRO, low CHO
total loss of respiratory function in SCI above
acute benign facial paralysis due to compression of facial (7th cranial) nerve; usually unilateral
Bell’s Palsy
cirrhosis s/s
Edema (decreased albumin production) muscle wasting spider angiomas fetor hepaticus confusion, personality changes, asterixis-hand flap bruising ascites
can develop after SCI d/t loss of autonomic NS function below level of injury
Neurogenic shock
Complications of spinia bifida repair
CSF leak infection IICP, hydrocephalus hypothermia/dehdration (loss thru sac) tethered cord
pancreatitis patho
autodigestion of the pancreas from premature activation of digestive enzymes; can cause inflammation, necrosis, and hemorrhage
sudden transient mechanical injury to head with disruption of neural activity
CMs of Parkinson’s besides primary 4
Autonomic: flushing, hHoTN, urinary retention, constipation Emotional lability, cognitive changes, eventually dementia Dysphagia
Contagious form of meningitis with high mortality rate
Bacterial (septic) N. mengitides (meningococcal) S. pneumoniae (pneumococcal) also Hib, Ecoli
autoimmune disorder in which antibodies cause demyelination of nerves in the peripheral NS, resulting in ascending paralysis, often associated with an acute infection 10-14 d prior
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Osmotic diuretics (Mannitol) to decrease cerebral edema Hi dose barbituates or paralyzers to decrease metabolic demands Fluid restriction decompressive craniectomy if needed
ARF due to obstruction of urinary outflow & Causes
Postrenal Causes: kidney stones, tumors, BPH
ARF diet
low Na/K/Phos/Protein, high cal
Ischemic stroke can be reversed by
tPA within 4-6 hours of event
hemorrhagic stroke Tx
stop bleed, Sx evacuation if needed monitor for IICP, herniation avoid anticoagulants
wait this long to tell the extent of a spinal injury
72 h
CP developmental warning signs
Poor head control, absence of smiling in 3 month old Persistent primitive reflexes (Moro, tonic neck) Inability to sit without support by 8 mos stiff extremities, arching back; or limp, floppy body feeding difficulties use of only one side of body
seizure assessment
what happens before, after, and during how long does it last Fam Hx Hx of head trauma, birth complications, febrile seizures
Phase of AKI: original insult until s/s become apparent
Initiation Phase
Diuretic phase of AKI
gradual increase to high UO, lab values stabilize, renal function is still impaired–watch closely for dehydration as they can excrete but cannot concentrate urine
Nephroblastoma; rapidly growing solid tumor of kidney
Wilm’s tumor
s/s septic meningitis in infants
bulging fontanels irritablity high-pitched cry high fever without URI or OM vomiting
edrophonium (Tensilon) action
cholinesterase inhibitor; inhibits breakdown of ACh
CMs of microcephaly
*Mental retardation *seizures dwarfism decreased coordination other…
seizure with impaired consciousness (confused or unresponsive), amnesia of event; may have automatic movements, aura (sensory hallucinations, strong emotions); usually weak and sleepy after
Complex Partial seizure
often first sign of MG
Ptosis (eyelid drooping), blurred vision
Recovery phase of AKI
may take 3-12 mos return to normal lab values with slight decrease from baseline GFR
muscle cramps can occur after HD due to
change in electrolyte levels.
s/s VP/VA shunt malfunction
signs of IICP: HA, blurred vision n/v irritability, sleepiness
s/s MG
Ptosis, blurred vision masklike expression dysphagia head bobbing decreased vital capacity stress incontinence
primary causes of ATN
ischemia and nephrotoxins
Major CMs of ARF (3)
FVE—SOB, crackles, pulmonary edema Anemia Hyperkalemia
APSGN usually presents
10-21 days after strep infection
complications of prolonged bile flow obstruction
fat soluble vitamin deficiency decreased Vitamin K—increased r/f bleeding
No LP if ICP is increased because
the sudden change in pressure can result in brain herniation
Dx of NTDs
AFP at 15-20 weeks sono/amnio
seizure manifestations depend on
area of brain involved
Monitor after Whipple or pancreatectomy
monitor for peritonitis ng drainage should be serosanguinous; bloody or bile-tinged could signal problem
food high in folic acid
leafy greens, nuts, beans, citrus, cereal
early detection of CP
accurate growth charts and developmental milestone checks
s/s ALS
Early: weakness of face/tongue, fatigue while talking, dysphagia, dysarthria, facial tics; hand/arm weakness Later: Muscle weakness and atrophy leading to flaccid quadriplegia respiratory compromise Pt remain alert, trapped in body
most common tx for hydrocephalus
Shunt placement (VP or VA) flexible tube under skin with a one-way valve that brings CSF to peritoneal cavity or atrium, where it can be reabsorbed
walled off fibrous tissue cysts resulting from necrosis during pancreatitis attack; can ber very large and contain caustic fluid
pancreatic pseudocyst