Pharm 2 Exam #4 (Chpt. 49-54, 32-34) Flashcards
Explain potential health-promoting and detrimental effects of substances ingested during pregnancy
Chapter 49, objective #1
— EtOH, smoking, heavy caffeine use
— Rubella exposure: it is a live vaccination therefore cannot give to mom b/c at risk for miscarriages, stillbirths, and defects for fetus = lower birth weight for baby (intrauterine growth restrictions); will have to give after baby is born
— Folic acid deficiency = neural tube defects |start 1-month prior to conception and continued 2-3 months post conception; S/Eff: urine = dark yellow
— Iron = 2x the normal amount is needed for pregnant women (60mg elemental, given until twos postpartum) | best absorbed on empty stomach/OJ aids absorption; may inhibit the absorption of the other meds
— Teratogenic period = 2-12 weeks after conception
— Multivitamins = preventing congenital defects (not proven); take 2 children’s chewable MVIs w/ Fe
Non-pharmacological methods of treating constipation during pregnancy
pg. 647
— Increase fluids; increase fiber; increase exercise – best to walk p.c.
— Castor oil should be avoided during pregnancy as it can induce labor.
— Mineral oil should be avoided because it can reduce the absorption of fat soluble vitamins…moms and babies especially need vitamin K
— Aspirin causes irreversible antiplatelet action – meaning aspirin effects last until mom and baby make new platelets
— Tylenol safest – has weak prostaglandin inhibition activity (which is why it is not a strong anti-inflammatory!) Remember max 4 grams per day, manufacturer recommends 3 G/day
Drugs that Decrease Uterine Muscle Contractility
Tocolytic therapy (pre-term labor):
Beta2-adrenergic receptor agonists:
— Terbutaline
Calcium antagonists:
— MgSO4
— Nifedipine (Procardia)
Prostaglandin inhibitor:
— Indomethacin (Indocin) prostaglandin inhibitors
Oxytocic (labor + hemorrhage):
— Prostaglandin
— Oxytocin (Pitocin)
— Ergot (Methergie) = for DIRE situations —> Elsa guíñate to death
Preterm labor (PTL) is common in moms that are
<18 years old & >40 years old
What are the 2 drugs categories that alter uterine function? What are their purpose?
1) Oxytocic drugs — uterotonic drugs, stimulate contractions
2) Tocolytic drugs — stimulate uterine relaxation; used to treat PTL
Goals of treatment of preterm labor (PTL)
- Interrupt or inhibit uterine contractions to create more time for in utero fetal development
- Delay delivery by 48-72 hours so antenatal corticosteroids can be given
- Delay delivery to allow transport to appropriate facility if required
Effectiveness of tocolytic drug – less than 6 uterine contractions per hour
RN Interventions During Tocolytic Therapy
Perform maternal and fetal assessment and record daily weight
Monitor intake and output, breath/bowel sounds.
Assess deep tendon reflexes (DTR).
Assess pain and uterine contractions.
Monitor serum magnesium levels as ordered (therapeutic level is 4 to 7 mg/dL).
Have calcium gluconate (1 g given IV over 3 min) available as an antidote.
Observe newborn for 24 to 48 h for magnesium effects if drug is given to mother before delivery.
Describe the drugs that alter uterine muscle contractility
Chapter 49, objective #2
_Uterotropic (uterine stimulant/enhancer):
— Oxytocic, ergot alkaloids, some prostaglandins
For inducing labor
— Mechanical methods = Foley catheter in undulated cervix | extra-amniotic saline infusion | membrane “stripping” | amniotomy (“breaking water”)
— Dinoprostone cervical gel (Prepidil gel)
— Dinoprostone vaginal inserts (Cervidil)
Discuss drug therapy used during preterm labor to decrease the incidence or severity of neonatal respiratory dysfunction
Chapter 49, objective #3
**Given for PTL before the 32nd week of gestation **
Betamethasone (Celestone)
— given IM q 24 hours x 2 (48 hrs)
— inject into large muscle (avoid deltoid)
— watch for HYPERglycemia
Can also use Dexamethasone (babies seem to do better with Betamethasone
— given IM q 12 hours x 4 (48 hrs)
— used to treat pre-term labor
— stimulates uterine relaxation
— used when there is less than 6 uterine contractions per hour
Compare systemic and regional medications for pain control during labor
Chapter 49, objective #4
Describe the drugs used in gestational hypertension
Chapter 49, objective #5
Gestational HTN
— Most common serious complication of pregnancy
— Gestational HTN w/ proteinuria
— A severe sequela of preeclampsia is known as HELLP syndrome (defined by Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelet count)
KTR: Preeclampsia SBP >140 and/or DBP <90
— New-onset grand mal seizures in a patient with preeclampsia
Nonpharmacologic treatments for preeclampsia:
— Bedrest; lying on left side; increased dietary protein; psychosocial therapy; biofeedback
Pharmacological tx:
— Delivery of infant and POC (products of conception or placenta) is the only known cure for preeclampsia
— In the case of seizure delivery is postponed 1 to 3 hours if fetal status allows since mom can become acidotic from the hypoxia
— 1st line (mild) preeclampsia = Methyldopa, hydralazine, labetalol
— 2nd/Additional therapy : Prazosin, nifedipine, clonidine
— Severe preeclampsia: Magnesium sulfate
Adverse effects of preeclampsia:
Methyldopa: peripheral edema, anxiety, nightmares, fever | Drowsiness, headache, dry mouth, mental depression
Hydralazine: H/A/Di, nasal congestion, angina | Nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, hypotension, palpitations
Magnesium sulfate: lethargy, flushing, warmth, perspiration, thirst, sedation | Heavy eyelids, slurred speech, hypotension, DTR, decreased muscle tone
ACE-Is should NOT be used in pregnancy due to the risk of fetal renal toxicity
Describe the nursing process, including patient teaching, associated with the drugs used during pregnancy and preterm labor
Chapter 49, objective #6
1) Changes in liver metabolism – some drugs are cleared faster (ABOs, barbiturates) however during labor drugs may clear slower
2) Reduced GI motility and increased gastric pH – changes absorption; can add to heartburn
3) Increased glomerular filtration rate and increased renal perfusion – unless patient has diabetes or gestational hypertension
4) Expanded maternal circulating blood volume – results in dilution of drugs
5) Alteration in drug clearance in later pregnancy causing decrease in drug concentrations
— BRAT diet; crackers before getting OOB; avoiding high fat, spicy foods; small meals; liquids between meals instead of with meals; flat soda; ginger; high-protein hs snack; iron supplement at bedtime; ginger (up to 1,000 mg/day) – can increase bleeding risk
Pharmacological tx
— Antacids – first line therapy if nonpharm methods fail to prevent heartburn
— H2 receptor antagonists: cimetidine (Tagamet), ranitidine (Zantac), famotidine (Pepcid), nizatidine (Axid) – category B
Nonpharmacologic tx
— Avoid spicy, greasy foods; limit caffeine; discourage smoking and alcohol; limit size of meals; avoid gas-forming foods (cabbage, onions, etc); eat slow and chew well; avoid citrus juice; avoid drinking with meal; avoid reclining after eating
Nonpharmacological tx
— Increase fluids; increase fiber; increase exercise – best to walk p.c.
— Avoid castor oil should be avoided during pregnancy as it can induce labor.
— Mineral oil should be avoided because it can reduce the absorption of fat soluble vitamins…moms and babies especially need vitamin K
Pharmacological tx
— Aspirin causes irreversible antiplatelet action – meaning aspirin effects last until mom and baby make new platelets
— Tylenol safest – has weak prostaglandin inhibition activity (which is why it is not a strong anti-inflammatory!) Remember max 4 grams per day, manufacturer recommends 3 G/day
Critique systemic and regional medications for pain control during labor, their action, side effects, and nursing implications
Chapter 50, objective #1
(2 Types: local anesthetics and regional blocks)
— For local infiltrations e.g. episiotomy)
— Injected local anesthetic agents that temporarily block conduction of painful impulses along sensory nerve pathway to the brain | will feel numb
— When epinephrine is given = less bleeding during episiotomy
REGIONAL ANESTHESIA (spinal, epidural, pudenal, local infiltration)
(makes a specific part of the body numb to relieve pain or allow surgical procedures to be done (e.g. epidural, spinal))
— Goal: achieves pain relief during labor and delivery without loss of consciousness |Assess dehydration status prior
— Assess hydration status before regional anesthesia is given.
— Position and support patient on her left side or as instructed by anesthesia provider
— Monitor labor progress for any decrease in frequency or intensity of uterine contractions.
— Monitor maternal vital signs and FHR.
— Assess uterine contractions.
— Assess for bladder distention.
— Watch out for Systemic HoTN (most frequent) | positioned/supported on LEFT side; hydration status assessed before regional anesthetic given
— ER drugs readily available: ephedrine, antihistamines, O2, resuscitation equipment
Some of these drugs wear off relatively quickly…within a few hours; others can last; i.e. Duramorph lasts 18 to 24 hours…so continue to watch for hypotension and side effects the entire time
— given @ onset of uterine contractions b/c parenteral administration decreases neonatal drug exposure
— blood flow moves towards the fetus and uterus, causing increase pain, excitability, lethargy, and decreased BP
Describe the nursing process, including patient teaching, associated with the drugs used during labor and delivery
Chapter 50, objective #2
— Advise patient reason and purpose of IV drug administration
— Discuss expected side effects regarding mother and fetus with IV drug administration
— Most pain meds are not given PO d/t GI upset, tx f(x) slower during labor b/c absorption decreases
— Position accordingly with use of side rails
Compare and contrast drugs used to enhance uterine contractility during labor and following placental expulsion, their action, side effects, and nursing implications
Chapter 50, objective #3
Slide 12. Table 50.4
Side effects of pain control drugs during labor
Hypotension; decreased fetal heart rate (FHR); respiratory depression – mom and baby; decreased sucking response; euphoria; pruritus and nausea; constipation; lower Apgar scores for baby; confusion; orthostatic hypotension
RN Implications for Pain Control Drugs during Labor
Screen for prior analgesic use; monitor mom’s vitals and FHR; best not to administer opioids within 2 hours of delivery due to risk of neonatal respiratory depression; have narcan available; do not give opioids if respirations < 12/minute; safety precautions; can have narcotic withdrawal symptoms if mixed opioid agonist-antagonist given to narcotic dependent patient
Discuss the purpose, action, side effects, and nursing implications of the drugs commonly administered during the postpartum period
Chapter 50, objective #4
Lactation suppression = Slide #13
RhoGam = slide 16
Tx pain, hemorrhoids, constipation, wound care — table 50.4 (non pharm)
Describe the nursing process related to drugs used during the postpartum period immediately after delivery and include patient teaching
Chapters 50, objective #5
Nonpharmacologic agents
Pain relief for uterine contractions
Pain relief for perineal wounds and hemorrhoids
Topical and local agents
Witch hazel and dibucaine ointment
Discuss the purposes, actions, side effects, and nursing implications of the drugs administered to the newborn
Chapter 51, objective #1
Describe the nursing process, including parent teaching for medications and immunizations administered to the newborn
Chapters 51, objective #2
Recognize that successful contraception is essential to the health and well-being of women
Chapter 52, objective #1
Describe methods of contraception (hormonal and nonhormonal) commonly prescribed, patient selection, mechanisms of action, and possible side effects
Chapter 52, objective #2
Identify specific nursing actions that will enhance successful contraception for women and their partners
Chapter 52, objective #3
Describe the nursing process, including health teaching and risk-benefit–alternative education associated with medications used for contraception and family planning
Chapter 52, objective #4
Explain the pathophysiology of women’s health conditions, pharmacologic therapies, and expected outcomes of pharmacologic therapies
Chapter 52, objective #5
What are the 2 most common hormones involved in women’s health related to reproduction? What are their purposes?
1) Progestins (progesterones)
— after ovulation serum levels begin to rise and if ovum is impregnated and fertilized, progestin levels continue to fertilize; progestin will drop (weaning) resulting in menstrual cycle
— Absence of progesterone, one starting to rise and then withdraw, (once levels drop), that completes luminal phase —> having a period
— Acts to prepare the uterus for implantation of a fertilized ovum. There are many types of progestins – eight different forms in oral contraceptives.
2) Estrogens (estradiols)
— Estrogen = hormone that prepares female tract for pregnancy; RISES during follicular phase until ovulation and then will drop
Methods of Contraceptions
— Spermicides
— Barrier methods (condoms (17%), diaphragms)
— Intrauterine contraception (IUD)
— Sterilization
— EC (emergency contraception): medical or surgical abortion
Oral (account for 28%):
— CHC (combined hormonal contraceptives)
— POC (progestin only contraceptives)
What are the 3 most common methods of contraceptions?
1) Barriers methods: condoms, diaphragms
2) Oral: whether combined hormonal (CHC) or progestin only contraceptives (POC)
3) Sterilization = the most common
Understand pharmacologic interventions used in the treatment of female infertility
Chapter 52, objective #6
Describe the mechanism of action for ovulatory stimulation therapy
Chapter 52, objective #7
Identify drug therapies used for common gynecologic conditions, such as dysfunctional uterine bleeding endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, and premenstrual syndrome
Chapter 52, objective #8
Describe the nursing process, including teaching, related to drugs used in women’s health and infertility
Chapter 52, objective #9
Provide information for nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic interventions for women experiencing menopausal symptoms
Chapter 52, objective #10
Differentiate between the types of medications used for osteoporosis – bisphosphonates and SERMs
Chapter 52, objective #11
Describe the nursing process, including health teaching and risk-benefit–alternative education associated with medications used for menopausal symptoms
Chapter 52, objective #12
Describe the effects of gonadal hormone supplementation on the hypothalamic, anterior pituitary feedback loop
Chapter 53, objective #1
Describe the role of testosterone therapy in managing developmental problems related to primary and secondary male sex characteristics and in spermatogenesis
Chapter 53, objective #2
Differentiate common conditions for which androgen therapy and antiandrogen therapy are indicated
Chapter 53, objective #3
Describe patients for whom androgen therapy is particularly risky
Chapter 53, objective #4
Assess patients for therapeutic and adverse effects of androgen therapy
Chapter 53, objective #5
Categorize commonly prescribed medications that can impair male sexual function
Chapter 53, objective #6
Explain the nursing process, including patient teaching, related to drugs used to treat male reproductive disorders
Chapter 53, objective #7
Describe the pharmacologic intervention for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) caused by bacterial agents, viral agents, parasites, and other pathogens
Chapter 54, objective #1
Bacterial: vaginitis’s, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis
— Tx: ABOs
Viral pathogens: herpes simplex, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human papillomavirus (HPV) | Tx: antivirals (not curable, but tx by decreasing viral load and transmission)
Fungal: yeast (white, curd-like d/c) | Tx: antifungals
Trichomoniasis: protozoan infection (yellow greenish d/c)
Scabies: burrowing mite | Tx: topical
Lice: parasite “crabs” | Tx: topical
Describe the nursing process, including teaching, related to drugs used in women’s health, infertility and in the treatment of STIs
Chapter 54, objective #2
Discuss ways the nurse can avoid exposure to anticancer drugs
Chapter 32, objective #1
— Avoid skin contact
— Always wear TWO pairs of gloves
— Use non-absorbant gown + close front with fitted cuffs
Differentiate between cell cycle–specific and cell cycle–nonspecific anticancer drugs
Chapter 32, objective #2
Cell cycle – Major phases
G1 Cell prepares to make DNA
S DNA synthesis takes place
G2 Prepares for cell division
M Cell division takes place (mitosis)
After mitosis
Cells can enter G1 or G0
G0 – dormant
Alkylating agents
Antitumor antibiotics
Mitotic inhibitors
Vinca alkaloids
Compare the uses and considerations for alkylating compounds, antimetabolites, antitumor antibiotics, hormones, and biotherapy agents
Chapter 32, objective #3
Prioritize appropriate nursing interventions to use while patients receive anticancer drugs
Chapter 32, objective #4
Develop a focused teaching plan on the uses and side effects of anticancer drugs
Chapter 32, objective #5
Compare the mechanisms of action of targeted therapies (topoisomerase I and II inhibitors, small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors, multikinase inhibitors (MKIs), angiogenesis inhibitors, and monoclonal antibodies) for cancer with those of standard chemotherapy drugs
Chapter 33, objective #1
Explain the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics for the different types of targeted therapy
Chapter 33, objective #2
Incorporate the nursing process related to the needs of patients receiving targeted therapies for cancer
Chapter 33, objective #3
Evaluate a focused teaching plan for patients, family, and caregivers for the different types of targeted therapies for cancer
Chapter 33, objective #4
Compare the mechanisms of action of drugs classified as biologic response modifiers with those of standard chemotherapy drugs
Chapter 34, objective #1
Distinguish among the different types of biologic response modifiers with regard to indications, common side effects and adverse effects, route of administration, and nursing responsibilities
Chapters 34, objective #2
Discuss three common side effects of interferons, colony-stimulating factors, and interleukin-2
Chapters 34, objective #3
Incorporate the nursing process related to the needs of patients receiving biologic response modifiers
Chapters 34, objective #4
Different menstrual disorders
Menorrhagia: heavy periods
Metrorrhagia: irregular bleeding b/w periods, usually heavy
premenstrual syndrome (PMS):
NOTE: may benefit from continuous-cycle COC products because of their ability to suppress ovarian function and limit uterine bleeding
Combined Oral Contraceptive Products (COC)
Types: pills, rings, transdermal patches
— Estrogen (inhibits FSH from pitiuitary) & progestin (suppresses LH surge midcycle, which usually triggers ovulation)
— Most commonly used methods of reversible contraception in the world b/c of their ease of use, high degree of effectiveness, and relative safety
— Can be non-phasic, monophasic, biphasic, triphasic or quadphasic – all equally effective and none advantageous over the other.
Ortho-Evra Transdermal Patch Interventions
— Patch that is placed once a week for 3 weeks in a row
— Fourth week is patch-free to allow for withdrawal bleeding.
— Patch works in a similar manner to COC pills by inhibiting ovulation, thickening cervical mucus to prevent sperm penetration, and preventing a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus.
Instruction: Hold patches in place for about 10 seconds…the warmth of your hand will adhere it better to skin. Avoid placement near the breast area
Ortho-Evra Transdermal Patch MOA
MOA: inhibits ovulation, thickens cervical mucus to prevent sperm penetration, & prevents fertilized egg implantation in uterus
NuvaRing Transvaginal Contraception Administration
Initiating tx: ring is inserted during first five days of menstrual cycle; back-up contraception is recommended during first seven days after ring is placed
— It can be removed rinsed with lukewarm water and reinserted.
Progestin-ONLY Contraception
also known as POP, minipill
— Taken continuously, w/o break for w/drawal bleeding
— Alters cervical mucous and lining, inhibits ovulation
KTR: Must be taken at the same time every day| if >3hrs late, additional contraception is required for the next 48 HOURS
Pros + Cons for Progestin-Only Contraception Productions (POP)
PRO: of not using estrogen for women who have CV risks than combined products that contain estrogen; good for moms that are breastfeeding (does not interfere w/ milk production unlike the combined hormonal products)
CON: have higher incidences of other side effects that women (breakthrough bleeding, depression, mood changes, decreased libido, fatigue, weight gain)
Methods of administration of Progestin Products
Injected (IM) or implanted immediately postpartum
POPs can be started 4-6 weeks postpartum
Mirena can be placed 6 weeks postpartum
Who are the Progestin Contraceptive Products best for
Women who does not have the schedule to remember to take pill at the same time everyday
After having children
Don’t want to be pregnant with another child immediately postpartum
Problem with having an excess of estrogen
— Nausea, vomiting, dizziness
— Fluid retention, edema, bloating
— Breast enlargement, breast tenderness
— Chloasma (“mask of pregnancy”)
— Leg cramps
— Decreased tearing, corneal curvature alteration, visual changes
— Vascular headache
— Hypertension
What do we teach patients with regarding S/Sx for excessive estrogen levels
Excessive estrogen levels pose a threat to dangerous CV side effects = notify HCP if you have:
Abdonminal pain (severe)
Chest pain | SOB
Headaches (severe)| dizziness/weakness/numbness/speech difficulties
Eye disorders | blurring, loss of vision
Severe leg pain | swelling
What will we see if there is an estrogen deficiency?
Vaginal bleeding (breakthrough bleeding, especially in the first few cycles after starting therapy) that lasts several days (usually during days 1 to 14)
Oligomenorrhea (very scant periods) especially after long-term use
Dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse) secondary to atrophic vaginitis
When Progestin/Estrogen hormonal levels incline/decline, pregnancy will occur
Progestin, decline
Bacterial vaginosis S/Sx? Tx?
KTR: If person has contracted one bacterial pathogen, will test for ALL STIs
bacterial infection
— healthy bacteria replaced w/ anaerobic bacteria
S/Sx: thin white d/c w/ fishy odor
Tx: Metronidazole (Flagyl); Tinidazole; Clindamycin
Chlamydia S/Sx + Tx?
bacterial infection
most common STI in the US, RVA = the capital
S/Sx: usually asymptomatic, but can have bad complications (pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancies, infertility)
**Tx: Azithromycin, erythromycin, ethylsuccinate, levofloxacin, ofloxacin, doxycycline, amoxicillin| abstain from sex for 7 days after single-dose therapy or until 7-day regimen completed **
Gonhorrea S/Sx + Tx?
bacterial infection
2nd most common in US
— Males = greenish-yellow or white d/c from penis, burning upon urination, testicular pain
— Females = frequently asymptomatic or low belly pain
— Oral infections = sore throat, difficulty swallowing
Tx: Ceftriaxone, azithromycin (single dose), cefixime, gemifloxacin, gentamicin
Difference b/w primary, secondary, tertiary Syphilis + treatment
caused by bacterium Treponemia pallidum (spirochete)
will also test for HIV
— painless chancre (ulcer) at entrance site
— skin rash, mucocutaneous lesions, fever
— fatigue, sore throat, lymphadenopathy; latent stage = asymptomatic, lasts 1-20 years
— large sores on skin or inside body
— cardiovascular and ocular syphilis, neurosyphilis
Treatment —> Benzathine penicillin
Viral Pathogens
— Herpes = genital herpes is lifelong infection
— HSV-1 = “cold sores”
— HSV-2 = “genitals”
only way to Dx correctly is to test b/c can obtain either d/t oral sex
— lesions which crust over and scab, H/A
— fever
Tx: Acyclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir
— antiviral medications can reduce reocurrences by ~70-80%
— 30-50% of babies of pregnant women will obtain this pathogen therefore receive suppression therapy w/in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy
Chronic illness that progressively depletes CD4 T lymphocytes developing into AIDS (d/t complications)
— fever, fatigue, rash, pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy
Tx: antiretroviral therapy (ART) or highly-active (HART)
— Suppression therapy that can reduce viral load and increase CD4 T count
— Concern = transmission form mother to baby is ~45% so teach mother that medication can reduce transmission to <2%
Human papillomavirus
— asymptomatic, genital warts
— recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
Complications: cancer
— Vaccines for the prevention of viral infection (transmitted sexually)
— Males should receive vaccine to prevent other types of cancers
Tx: removal of genital warts and precancerous lesions
Other pathogens transmitted sexually
— Pediculosis pubis
— Scabies
— Trichomoniasis
— Vulvovaginal candidiasis
Other pathogens transmitted through sexual contact
— Pediculosis pubis
— Scabies
— Trichomoniasis
— Vulvovaginal candidiasis
Pediculosis virus
— extreme pruritos
— lice or nits on pubic hair
— permethrin, malathion, ivermectin
— pyrethrums w/ piperonyl butoxide
make sure to treat bed linen and clothes; HOT water; placing things in freezer for 24hrs to kill nits/lice
burrowing mite
— Not just a STD
— Close contact with children that have the mite; for adults = sexual
— Not limited to just the anus, but anywhere on the body
— Permethrin = drug of choice for pregnant women
— Ivermectin
— Lindane
— Topical ointment = keep on for 8-12 hours and then washed off
DO NOT use Lindane on pregnant women or girls <10 years-old
Scabies vs. Pinworms
(They are both mites, however)
Scabies: burrowing mite
Pinworms: worms found in the intestines and causes anal itching at night
most common curable STI in the US
— caused by Protozoan infection; may not know they have it
— males: urethritis, epididymitis, prostatitis
— females: yellow-green vaginal d/c, may have vulvar irritation
— Metronidazole (Flagyl)
— Tinidazole (Tindimax)
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
yeast infection
— vaginosis = overgrowth of fungus in vagina
Causes: ABOs, >sex partners, >sex activity
— pruritos, vaginal soreness, dyspareunia
— external dysuria, thick curly vaginal discharge
— vulvar edema, fissures, excoriations
— Clotrimazole, miconazole, triconazole
— Butoconazole, terconazole, fluconazole
— if on antibiotics, may give a couple more doses to ensure rid of infection
KTR: drugs similar in name to these are PPIs (-azole), so be careful when reading
Difference b/w vaginosis & vulvovaginal candidiasis
(both can result in disturbance in vaginal flora)
Vaginosis: overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria in the vagina
*Vulvovaginal candidiasis: overgrowth of fungus in the vagina
What is the major concern for women who have vulvovaginal candidiasis and are diabetic?
Increase risk of developing
What is the major concern for women who have vulvovaginal candidiasis and are diabetic?
There is an increase risk of developing these yeast infections (sometimes frequent); make sure to follow-up to ensure they do not have it
What are the changes in drug action during pregnancy? Why does this matter?
Hint: there’s 5
1) Effect of circulating steroid hormones on the liver’s metabolism of drugs
2) Reduced GI motility and increased gastric pH
3) increased glomerular filtration rate and increased renal perfusion —> >rapid renal excretion of drugs
4) expanded maternal circulating blood volume
5) alteration in the clearance of drugs in later pregnancy —> decrease in serum + tissue concentrations of drugs
This matters because because of alterations in the normal physiology of the body, drugs should not be ordered in lower doses with longer intervals between doses because of the possibility of subtherapeutic serum concentrations | late pregnancy/labor can alter the 1/2 lives of some drugs (labor = increase 1/2 life)
— It is also believed that drug clearance can decrease as a result of reduced blood flow associated with uterine contractions when a patient is in supine position
— DM, gestational HTN —> decreased renal perfusion, subsequent drug accumulation…PROBLEM
The most common indications for the use of drugs during pregnancy are…?
— To supplement nutrition with iron, vitamins, and minerals
— Treat N/V, gastric acidity, and mild discomforts
caution must be exerted always
Herbal medicines that should be avoided
- Feverfew and sage are emmenagogues that stimulate blood flow in the uterus.
- Kava decreases platelets.
- Dong-quai, garlic, and ginkgo biloba increase bleeding when used with anticoagulants.
- Ginseng may decrease the action of anticoagulants.
- St. John’s wort has mutagenic effects on the cells of the developing embryo and fetus.
- Pennyroyal taken by mouth or applied to skin can be abortifacient.
Name the (3) uterotropic drugs used to alter uterine muscle contractility
1) Prostaglandins
2) Oxytocin
3) Methergine (Ergot alkaloid)
Why would you induce labor?
— Appropriate when pregnancy has continued beyond term
— When early vaginal delivery is likely to decrease morbidity or mortality for the mother/infant
Purpose of Cytotec
— Increases prostaglandins in the body and causes uterine contractions; used in early pregnancy as part of a medical abortion
— Helps ripen the cervix (preparing it to open and dilate) @ any gestational age
— Can help prevent postpartum hemorrhage
— Used to prevent GI upset from NSAIDs (reduce prostaglandins by inhibiting the COX enzymes)
What are the 2 types of pain in childbirth? Examples?
1) Visceral = organs
— Example: uterus
2) Somatic pain
— Examples: skin, muscle, bone, joint, connective tissue
Difference b/w 2 primary types of anesthesia for labor and delivery
Chapter 50, objective #1
— Local anesthetics = for local infiltration (e.g. episiotomy)
— Regional blocks = makes a specific part of the body numb to relieve pain or allow surgical procedures to be done (e.g. epidural, spinal)
Commonly used vs. Not so commonly administration
— Common types of peridural anesthesia = spinal, epidural & combined spinal-epidural blocks
— Less commonly = caudal, paracervical, pudendal blocks